So here are my ideas to upgrade the system away from the game except the white ones. You get stones by crafting as materials are up to you. The upgrade system itself would be so that there are no cards more special a view that one sees the success rate. For example +1 had 100% success rate + 2- +4 or +5 still 100% but from +14 to +15 only 5% the white stones no longer protect against the destruction of the item instead there is success rate on it. You could make another 2 set of stones that have darker colors so you can then divide the light set lvl 1-40 the dark set 41-70. So that you can fix the problem with the bottern that you then need crafting materials for stones that are all easy for everyone to get for +15 itmes you need what luck for 5%.
Posts by Bakura
In 3 Hours and 47 min
Passt schon habe eine gefunden
Hallo such eine Gilde die mich auf nimmt bin Dragon Clan Lvl 22
Happiness for all of you
I go dor dende
now we have finally a reason to lvl them up
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Ingame Name :KoHAkai -
Ich suche ne Gilde die PvE also auch PvP macht