Posts by Leo Morningstar

    Best answer ever , upvotede thanks dude

    dimension w
    Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu
    Mobile Suit Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans
    divine gate

    i have to search for genre of anime ... thank you anyways

    Bonjour je suis un ancien joueur de dbo et je voudrais reprendre es que quelqu'un pourrait m'envoyer un mp et m'expliquer quel pack de dois prendre et quel sont les démarche à suivre pour pouvoir jouer ? Merci beaucoup

    Bonsoir "pros" bienvenu chez DBOG , le jeu est accessible seulement aux fondateurs pour éviter les spam et pour mieux fixer les bug tu peux y accéder en faisait le minimum du don "Krillin founder" une fois c'est terminé envoie un message à Daneos.

    I have nothing to watch and i want an anime which include the following categories :

    Hentai ( if it has good story or animation ) like bible black and discipline

    meanwhile anime like Durarara or Hatarako maou sama.

    I know most text is english, but there is a huge amount that isnt or it could be my english patch not working. Besides that most of the helping guide is japenese for me and some things that I need to go to or learn what they are I cant tell where they're at or what to do sometimes. I know the Developer is working very hard, but this kinda dimishes the game for me.


    Bruh , it's over 216.000 LINES ! i bet DBOG will be 100% complet and translations still not done yet.
    I myself translate the game from english to french and it takes time and especialy i'm the only one left from the french translator team , i had a friend we used to translate together and race/chill but she is gone due to studies/work and now rarely when i translate and most of time i forget.

    WARNING !! all the text above is a complete joke don't take it serious especially the threats toward the user
    BAD $$. it's all jokes.
    B4.DA.$$ , The king of heroes knows how swagg you're .
    So The king of heroes (me) is offering you a couple of drinks tonight and teach you some facts about powerlevel. The drinks are on The king of heroes.

    But here's a stipulation, B4.DA.$$: the king of heroes says don't get drunk and pass out, or else you'll wake up with the unlimited swords in your mouth, and his golden foot up your a$$!

    iimin3rii , If you could check the power level of your beerus you would be disapointed , my noble fantasm is enough to kill such a weak dog , i mean god

    SaitoSenpai , you think you impress the king of heroes? Let me make something perfectly clear to you. You have never, and i mean never, impressed me. From the time you showed your crappy POWERLEVEL... Well, it's 9001! And every single fan stops, pauses, and takes a look, and they all say this: "I'm going to take a leak, this guy's powerlevel sucks!!!"

    hawx , really ?!! You forgot to mention god like high class warrior , these two stand no chance against me , especialy the guy with 9001 powerlevel.

    From English to French :

    Fichier: Updater.exe
    Téléchargement Terminé
    {0} de {1} Fichier(s)
    Téléchargement de fichier de traduction
    Fichier de traduction introuvable.
    Fichier de traduction est corrompu.
    Impossible de trouver {0}
    Le fichier {0} n'extsite pas
    Le lanceur a besoin de terminer la mise à jour d'abord
    Impossible de trouver Updater.exe
    Une nouvelle version de DBOGLauncher est disponible
    Prêt à jouer
    Correctifs de langue en cours