Posts by ethanvolcano21

    Just about to hit level 52 as a turtle hermit, and its hell. Evidently even with the awful quests, because you get so many and grinding is a minor part of them, it doens't really matter which route you take: grinding or questing, it takes about 4 hours to level up and its annoying.

    Removing stuns is silly. Making it possible to counter them would be more interesting. Why can't stuns be blocked or countered easily? Being able to press a button and "BOOM" Stun takes no skill. There should be some risk versus reward component to it. Make stuns work X% of the time, for instance, that way it requires a risk. Maybe make it so you can guard, but at the same time make it possible for the stun to bypass the guard under certain conditions, that way you can play mind-games with your opponent ie:

    Player 1: Will player 2 block or attack?

    Player 1 thinks he's gonna attack, so he stuns

    But player 2 predicted this, and blocks the stun and counters.

    in addition make it so that getting stunned doesn't result in a 1HKO. Making it: whoever stuns first wins, takes no skill, as most of the time it becomes a matter of whoever has the most expensive router. Dragon ball online isn't a Realtime RPG. You press a button and wait for something to happen, so speed/reflexes are never a factor, its a matter of being able to outplay your opponent through prediction and reaction.

    Allowing a feature which lets you literally get a kill because you pressed a button is ridiculous, especially if there's no legitimate counter to that skill. Games require systems of checks and balances, and risk versus reward. Rewarding a skill that takes no risk and reaps 100% benefit is the literal definition of overpowered.

    Stuns and other status conditions are a natural component of combat in most games, but that's usually because they're well balanced (some classes are immune to it but deal less damage, others have counters for it, etc.)

    My Giant Kame does significantly less damage than my super Kame, despite my wand and my gloves having effectively the same attack stat. However, my gloves are +5 and my wand is +3. Why would this create such a huge difference in damage? Which is more important: The stats themselves, or the level of upgrade? Will +5 gloves always be superior to +4 wand, even if the wand surpasses it in sheer attack power?

    Where do you get good jewelry? I've really only ever used the earrings/necklace you get from the giftbox at level 30. Is Jewelry that important? What happens if you have maxxed everything but don have the right jewelry?

    I've heard so much about Shadow Knights being OP and whatnot. Is there any truth to this? If Im gonna go back to the game, I wanna play a namek since I never have before. I'm sick of playing turtles/Fighters/Swordsman, Im sick of Dying over and over again, having to buy the best gear and still die, etc. Apparently they say SK can solo any dungeon or something? Isn't that broken? Why not make other classes capable of the same feat? If playing a SK is so amazing, why doesn't everyone do it? Are they gonna nerf them? Am I gonna get used to the game only to realize down the line that I've wasted my time?


    Edit: When I say die, I mean in PVE. Grinding with turtles, and fighters is hell. Turtles, even with PVE capability, are very fragile. They can die easily, and I get barely more kills per minute than my fighter. No matter what I do or where I go I 3 shot mobs. This isn't fun to me, I just want a brand new experience that's exciting and rewarding to play.

    Can we not blame the entire community? There are some flaws yes, but it isn't caused by everyone as a whole.

    Oops.... meant to say development community. my bad.

    I think it's Daquan fault

    I agree completely :D

    They completely watered down the lore and story in Xenoverse.

    What lore and story? Xenoverse doesn't have a lore. Its just some non-canon mesh of stuff. Calling it lore doesn't even make sense considering its just a fanfiction of the players creation. Nobody plays Xenoverse for the lore, they play it to mess around with their own characters.

    I'm not saying that it was wrong to use the content, I'm just saying that it wasn't used better.

    That wasn't their goal. The goal was to have a fun gaming experience, the literal gameplay was the core selling point. You can't fault a game for not doing something well that it was never trying to do at all. An analogy would be like saying Dragon Ball as a whole sucks, because there aren't enough puns or something. If you watch dragon ball for the sake of puns, you're gonna be dis-a-pun-ted. (If I'm banned for that its worth it)

    Mind that when I mentioned Xenoverse earlier I mean that the game doesn't provide what the fanbase is actually looking for

    What do you mean? It sold well. I mean... I'm pretty sure most of us here have played xenoverse lol, so saying its "not what the fans wanted".... kinda a mute point.

    Got to love how defensive xenoverse fans get when this is brought up, lol.

    Whoever called me a fan? I hate xenoverse now lol. I only brought it up as an example of how a Dragon ball game will outlast this one in terms of... well... everything. The fact that I can compare DBO, a game I want to be good, to Xenoverse, a boring game after you've beaten it, and still find that Xenoverse did more right, that's just disappointing. I'm using Xenoverse in my arguments precisely because I want to play devil's advocate.

    Steal was the wrong word to use but you get what I was sying. My point was that they used a lot of good content from this game, watered it down, and added to a game with a totally different style.

    So I can say that Dragon Ball Raging blast 2 "stole" team attacks from other dragon ball games and "watered them down". Fact of the matter is that this isn't "stealing" or "watering it down". They wanted to implement a feature into their game, a mechanic that was introduced from another entry into the long running anthology of dragon ball games, in an attempt to offer a more fulfilling experience. Fact of the matter is that it worked! No one's ever heard of this niche experience, and when gamers look back in history, 99% of them will remember the success of xenoverse instead of this broken mmo. And that's because of the difference in marketing.

    Furthermore, you can't fault a game for lacking a feature it wasn't trying to offer. You can't fault a 2D fighter game for lacking an open world, any more than you can fault an open world game for lacking 2D fights as a feature- Xenoverse wasn't trying to offer that type of experience, so what sense does it make to say it "watered" down anything? The game was good at what it offered, and was successful because of it.

    The funny thing is that this is an 8 year old game is in open beta with one guy developing it, yet people still complain about how bad it is.

    What do you expect when you have only a single developer? It sounds as though you're trying to imply some flaw in people's reasoning. Its not our fault that the experience being presented to us is abysmal, who's to blame but the development team themselves? Is there something wrong about that? Does argument suddenly become "invalid" just because the size of the crew is small? No! Of course not! If anything, its one of the main problems with this game, the poorly run development staff. It only compounds, not justifies, these issues! LOL

    All I ask from the staff is to acknowledge user feedback

    The fact that you should have to ask that is an open admission that they don't already, yet another flaw in the community.

    I love Xenoverse, but I actually prefer an open world game like this to XV, which stole pretty much all its ideas from this game.

    Stole? How did it "steal" anything? its the same franchise? That's like saying Xenoverse "stole" dragonball characters from other games because Goku was in it. You see how silly that is?

    Now I agree, the game has gotten boring for me as well and I don't play nearly as much as I used to, but I'm always going to make time for it because it gives me an open world DB experience that no other game has right now.

    That's literally the conclusion I made. That the only reason this game is played is because there are literally no alternatives.

    Despite the major development flaws, a Dragonball RPG game like this was always what fans called for, an open world Dragonball game they could immerse themselves into and directly become part of. To this date the franchise management has failed to come with anything better, not even Xenoverse can beat this game.

    Then why is it that Xenoverse 1 and 2 have outside this game a dozen times over? Why is it that the market for Xenoverse games is still popular? With DLC packs still being released, and content updates being dished out over a longer period? While you may not like Xenoverse, you can't deny that it's success outshone DBO by lightyears, you can't dispute that one game is a dead KRMMO, while the other was a massive success internationally. And do you know why? Its not because the features offered were necessarily superior, but they were accessible. The designers for Xenoverse knew how to make a popular game: They made it fun and rewarding to play, and offered longevity in the form of DLC releases. Furthermore; Xenoverse is NOT an MMO, it was never meant to be. Its a game that you can beat and move on from, and its precisely because it doesn't have an endless, pointless grind that it became a success.

    Because when you think of successful games in the long run, its about appealing to the majority and making sure everyone had a fun experience. I wouldn't go back to Xenoverse now, but I can't deny I've had a great experience with both games, leveling up my characters with my friends and all.

    So don't compare the success of Xenoverse with the Failures of DBO and call the latter a good contestant lol.

    Am I saying DBO doesn't do things well? No. AM I saying it doesn't offer its own share of good experiences? No. I'm only saying that the flaws of this game are so numerous and overbearing, that they make it a it a pain in the ass to play and effectively kill any chance of longevity it could ever have. The entire point of my comment was to ask players why they bother with such a clunky experience. So far, the most popular reasons are "nostalgia and being a fan of DBO" instead of just saying "I like this MMO because its a well balanced/fun experience.". Its an admission that only fans of the series can forgive the innumerable flaws because, as you say, its really the only mmo experience offered in dragon ball You're playing this because you have literally no alternative as a fan. And that's disappointing for everyone, because this experience is so lackluster.

    The acquisition of usable gear is also another argument as to why the game has terrible performance: Getting new gear rarely makes a difference until you also grind out the stones necessary to upgrade the gear to a significant degree. I remember reaching level 60 and buying a new set and seeing barely any difference in playtime. Sure I did more damage, but mobs had more HP, so it still took the same amount of time to kill the same mobs, and having to go through the same 6 damaging moves I had,in the same order, to the same groups of enemies, 800 times until I level up only to get a single skill point that I can't even use. There's no progression!

    Also there's the lack of survivability- Dying means having to fly back to the original area, having to wait 2 hours to reapply dragon buffs otherwise you'll be put at an unfair disadvantage, its absurd!! Even super saiyan takes a god damn hour to charge, probably because they wanted to hype ssj potions.

    There's literally no incentive to level up, considering grinding is the only effective means and its cancerous. Why don't quests give out more exp? Why should it take an absurdly long amount of time to level up once, and only acquiring a single skill point?

    Let me use a demonstration: At level 63, it takes 1,200,000 xp to level up. Assuming its the weekend and you get a 50% xp boost, you get about 800xp per enemy. 1,200,000/800 = 1500 mobs needing to be killed. That's horrendous. My fighter was weak because i couldn't afford good gear, but I still had a +6 stick and +5 armor: I would have to kill about 5 enemies, then sit down to heal. In essence, I killed, on average, about 4 mobs per minute. (note: I would kill more, but I would have to take into account siting down to heal, and waiting the 60 seconds for the healing items to work again. This means it would take 1500/4 minutes = 375 minutes to level up once (Or about 6 hours). That's ASSUMING we're working with a 50% xp boost. So I grind doing NOTHING for 6 hours and what do I get? An SP that I can't even use because my moves are already maxed at this point. Why level up further? Why play this mind-numbing game?

    At this point its just a nightmare revisiting that. Its just so boring. Multiply that by 6 more times, and it means: 36 more hours to get to level 70 from 64. Wow. In that time I could actually play an enjoyable game.

    Honestly that's the most straightforward and honest answer. Really explains everything tbh, yeah when I started playing this game back in 2016-2017 it was out of nostalgia. Really nothing else. When I try to get my friends to play, they can't fathom why I like it so much. Thing is: I discovered Dragon ball online when I was 12. I literally was this little enamored kid living his DREAM MMO. Back then I couldn't see flaws with the game, it was anything a 12 year old fan of the series would want. I didnt even care about the english patch, I was so hyped i ignored the language barrier.

    50 years have past, the Aku still remains. Times are a changing :P