^ Was just complaining about DB drop rate. Lmao I hope this winter client is some good shit so people just stay quiet, this is getting ridiculous.
Posts by Xenogiri
"Pull a group of mobs, kill them, wait for respawn, repeat, that's how you farm DB".
I spent the whole hunt looking for dragon balls and dint find it on the screen. killing the mobs and wait for respawn thats stupid! Not even on the original game was like that. You mods and admin instead of changing whats bad you guys change whats good, but i dont even bother because I took a break from pre beta and now on open-beta im seeing this game going down hill like the original dragon ball.
"Even the original wasn't like that." Then you definitely didn't play DBO back then, cause it was the exact same way. People would pull and tank tons of mobs in an area, Kill, let them respawn if they respawned with a DB, then ight cool, sometimes it did sometimes it didnt. Then add to the fact you had someone trying to take your mob and grab it themselves. Now atleast when you kill mobs and they respawn as DB mobs, other players can't see it so they can't take it, thats a major improvement if you ask me. Yall are complaining, but as you can see there are people above you getting them easy peasy and I have friends who get them with no issue including myself. You guys just dont have the common sense to get them it seems.
talk about being Original..., default face looks like goku's.
Why're you surprised? There's players running around named "SSJ8Gogeta" and shiet. They'll never understand that the game itself is for you to be original.
why would you want to pvp with a poko? Why not just make a pvp character that are way better lile sk or karma?
The thing is everyone pvm not everyone pvp
No one wants to have to play another class in order to get shit done, you feel me? I play a Swordsman, so you're telling me I gotta play another class in order to do things PVE wise? That shouldn't be how a game works. Everyone has preferences, everyone has likes and dislikes, if we have to force ourselves to play things that we're not really into then you just begin to lose interest at that point.
Oh shit, in the beta version was 70 max. with swordman was easy to level up. then no need to make any more questions. Or finish more questions and when the max capped is removed you jump to level ... ?
So next carachter that i will try start at zero and bring to lev60. Majin
It will get brought back up to 70 eventually, just not now due to the new client thats gonna be released, so give it till December.
1. its easy to lvl up another character, you can basically lvl up in a month to 70 only playing weekends. i have 6 already working on my 7th
2. so people are going to change at will to other classes? what game allows you to do this?
3. so i have an ultimate, lets do ccbd and have both chef and ult buffs couse you can change classes at will...
4. evey class can get acc. stop with this that only certain classes can, the problem is you all wanna just do speed, get some friends end enjoy your dungeon runs with crit damage
Lmfaooooooo thank you, thank you for this comment. Cranes love to complain about "I dont get invited" Why? Because yall all wanna do the same basic shit all cause of certain people, stop trying to be a follower and make your own way.
Here are my thoughts on how to make this game a bit better as it is right now.
Before I start I would like to say that you shouldn't compare dbog to another game you like or love. DBO is a typical asian grinder mmorpg.
Yes we all would like to have a better fighting system, more content and so on but sadly because of the technical limitations we won't.
We need to balance THIS game and not an "ideal dream-like" dbo which does not exist. I know you guys will hate me for my suggestions but I think this is what the game needs.
So lets start with "MY" changes:
1. Bring back broken card
The problem with "no broken" is that you only need to farm your gear once and after that you are done with pve. So because your gear can never be destroyed / deleted after some time we will have more items on the market then we need. This will also break the economy ingame. Moreover this will make it harder to get +15. I personally think a game always needs space for improvement. We saw it back on POB and now in OB people get way to fast +15. Yes bots played an important role but they just speed things up. +15 should be something "holy" that's nearly impossible to get and when you get it it should stay something special. Also this game should be balanced based on +12 gear not on +15. The best players should have on average +12 gear and only a small number of people should have +15 but only with alot of hard work (not only with 1-2 months of farming 1h a day) and alot luck. +15 Should make you crazy strong.
2. Increase Upgrade reduce on broken card when using white stone
Right now if you are using a white stone and get broken you will lose 2 upgrades. Back on retail it was 4-6. We need that back. Upgrading should be really risky but at the same time high rewarding. +6 Should be the normal upgrade for average players. And only if you have alot of money then you should upgrade your gear higher then +6.
3. Reduce successrate of upgrade
Reduce the successrate of upgrades. Everyone who played the game in the last few month saw all the +15 upgrades. More than 5 items per day to +15 and that each day and that we so few players online. That is stupid. Good upgrades should be something special.
3. Reduce droprate of Upgrade Stones
Reduce the droprate of upgrade stones. It should be hard to get upgrade stones. Yes I know upgrading is frustrating but make upgrading something special. In all the asian grinder mmorpgs I played until now upgrading was the last thing you would do. It was something that only the rich people could efford. I really liked that idea because you are forced to gear up to a specific standard (+6) get all your accessoirs weapons and armors and only after that it made sense to focus on upgrading. +15 is the limit but that doesn't mean that it also should be the standard for all good players and before I forget it make the droprate of white stones way less than the drop rate of purple and green stones.
4. Reduce brown boxes extremly and increase the chance to drop good effects
Make the price of brown boxes in cc dungeon much higher and don't put to many brown boxes in events or cashshop. Gear should be dropped with the right effects not switched into the right one.
People should farm the right gear in open world, tmq, ud, bids. Farming should be worth doing not something you do only for "fun". But for that the chances to get a drop with good effects needs to be increaed. It shouldn't be to high, you should not get a good item in a few hours.
5. Make everything tradeable
Every item should be tradeable. Some people don't want to farm but then at least the guys that do the farming should be rewarded by the players that want to cash their items. This way the "farmer" and the "casher" would be happy.
**Edit 18.09.2018 here
6. Remove crafting
Crafting is way to fast and easy. You get nearly the best gear for doing literally nothing. You get much more craft items back if you break the crafted items than you used for them. Back on tw crafting was released much later with lvl 70 cap where it didn't really matter but back then it was much harder and more expensive and more time consuming to craft. I would say just remove crafting.
until here**
Now let's the hate begin.
Just because I'm curious I would like to have your opinions if you
a) agree
b) agree in many aspects but not all
c) disagree
d) disagree in many aspects but not all
with me. Thanks.
At first I wanted to make a post which contains all my ideas about dbog changes but while writing this I got pretty bored so I will probably seperate it into multiple parts and write the other parts someday later (only if I feel like doing it). I call this part the "GEAR" part.
Personally I dont think removing crafting is a good idea, what game have you ever played that you cant craft? We should still be able to craft but with a twist. Instead of making it so we have to farm mobs in order to break gear and get the materials needed, they should make it so we have to do dungeons and or TMQs for special items in order to craft, thus giving PVE further of a purpose and making things not as easy.
You're new, and im beginning to realize you new players will never really logically think about these things, but I'm not gonna flame or be a dickhead about it, highly impossible. That's all I'm saying.
look buddy, this is really nice and all, but it is not possible unfortunately. they cannot add new content to the game, at least not for now. any suggestions that are made on this forum by other players are about modifying/changing what already exists.
anything that was not in the original is not possible.
I understand ur new, good try though.
New Content is possible, which was said a long while ago, but none of it of course will get worked on or implemented until things are caught up.
That is beautiful, I approve.
Could be, not sure though. The game and it's client where made for Windows XP and maybe even Windows SP. One does not simply update a game to run better and more compatible with a whole new operating system. He has all of the game files, but in order to fully make the game compatible with the latest operating systems he would have to clean up the game at it's core, which is kinda impossible even for him. Still wish him the best of luck with whatever he can achieve.
Guess we'll only have to wait and find out. No more, no less.
A fix will be coming in December, Daneos is releasing a new client that will cooperate with Windows 8-10 better in order to prevent the lag spikes.
For the first time ever, I'm agreeing with you and you've made some valid arguments in the comments. There are people who complain about new changes and ideas cause they wanna see the game remain the same...but with that lies a problem, if we don't change up something sooner or later and bring in new things, this game will die like it did in 2013 and then everyone will just complain. We need to accept the idea of new changes, as long as they're logical and make sense to implement of course. If it's just random absurd idea like "Add super saiyan blue" then most definitely not. So I definitely support some of your ideas.
if there would be a lvl 80 cap then we gonna have 10 extra SPs to make classes more even powerful
That is true, but most definitely the mobs themselves will be stronger too, I'm sure they wouldn't be as easy to kill as lvl 50 mobs.
If the team really plans on introducing cap 80 where we will probably get an extra 10 skill points to allocate and walk around broken af then yes adding a new lvl80 transformation wish would would just be the cherry on top.
You do realize that if a lvl 80 cap occurs, there would obviously be a new set of skills to release in order to balance things out again, right?
Because we don't need new transformations, and it has been stated numerous times that no more transformations will be added.
You're wasting your time explaining it over and over to people. Just let them have their little fantasy dream, when the realization that it wont happen comes crashing down maybe they'll start coming up with realistic dreams.
That moment when people don't read the comments and just repeats the same thing one person said over and over. Lmao.
Lmao, your point being? I'll be completely honest I didn't bother reading other people's comment but instead talked about how I felt about it. Sometimes other people tend not to read all or skim over some comments so if you ask me it's a good helper for those who do so they can possibly see it and learn something they might've learned a fewer comments ago but didn't bother looking at.
Think of it as just a simple reminder over and over and over especially considering the fact this community is full of thick headed stubborn shmucks (some of them anyway.)
Other than that, if you have a problem with it, that severely sucks. -
You also have to think about the fact some people live in different time zones, so the channels capacity is gonna fluctuate, sometimes I feel them a bit more full in the afternoon, sometimes its not that full in the morning, depends on timing although im still sure the population isn't as large as it once was.
To be honest, making multi clients possible is what also kind of screws with this. Because people are capable of using multiple characters at once, they find it unnecessary to communicate with other people and even guilds. That truly deprives the game of it's natural teamwork gameplay and makes it difficult for others who find joy in teaming up and or can't multi client themselves. I do think this party search section on the forum could also be a huge help to those that don't have the luxury of multi client or are alone and can't do much by themselves.
P.S When you also think about it, being able to multi client takes away from people meeting each other, due to the lack of communication there's no need to make new friends in order to get things done. Which will just continue the cycle of solo players and people needing help from others. -
Looks like we'll never ever get passed this question no matter how many times it's been answered.
and which is de drop rate of Dragonballs? if mobs are marked as dragonball owner? cuz was killing around for 2 hours and no drops at all.
Except that only one drop me, but wasnt marked
and only 1.
I don't know the exact % for drop rate, but it is luck based. Also, what do you mean wasn't marked for you? did it drop from the mob and look blank? if that is the case, then it is suppose to look like that.