Token Shop: Actually, it will. People are rewarded for playing, so having prices reduced (to less than half imo) would balance things out. Adding more items to it will make the game even more f2p-friendly. It's a win-win. There's no point in rewarding someone afk, that makes zero sense. This way, we kill two major issues that the old token system was causing + people get rewarded more. The only problem was indeed the one I stated about not having all of it done at the same time. However, the issues caused by mass farmers were getting very out of hand, so it was more of an emergency to prevent permanent damage to the economy and the game, if you think about it. This aftermath issue, however, is merely temporary.
Sorry if im wrong, but the token system change was to help the economy? i don't know if this works, i stopped playing since the change and yesterday i log in and everything important was much more expensive.
also, i dont understand why you change this but you allow multi clients, that's a bit backwards to me.
if you want to only help the f2p players and stop the token farmers first don't allow multi clients and second if an item on the token shop is causing problems, just remove it.
"There's no point in rewarding someone afk"
my problem with that is that thats what make me want to play the game more, knowing that will if i was accumulating tokes, that way i would have the game open and when i have the time, play, now i have no reason to have the game already open so i play way less.
and finnally, the economy is doomed, there is no way to have an actually good economy in this game in my oppinion without doing some drastic changes, in this kind of game the economy just keeps inflating until something that worth 5kk on the start, ends with a ridiculous price like 800 kk+
PS: Sorry for my bad english.