it starts at 13 CEST time zone
the clock you see on the top left of the website
it starts at 13 CEST time zone
the clock you see on the top left of the website
my time zone is gmt+1
Different Time zones?
They start at the times written there. Please make sure you check that you have the correct time zone conversions written down in comparison to those said in the thread.
because the time zone is gmt+1
Here are the official times:
so why don't they start at that time
they start 1 hour early. why is that?
hey prodige why you so nice to ppl 0u0 jk
because in our country
there are very nice ppl and completely annoying ppl
there is no grey
too bad i got kicked out because i was inactive
ramadan karim
I cant drop stones anymore.
you should grind in ud and tmq
they have higher drop rate
I'm looking for an English speaking guild because i have to friends
thank you
thank you very much ! and you can help me 1 question ? how i can scan equipment other people ?
buy a scouter with that effect
you'll find a Scan equipment in the scouter's description
first rule in playing this game
Never skip quests
ahhh good old days
never heard of it before
somebody explain
A lot of players don't cash, me included.Cashing makes the process of earning money much quicker, so it's up to you to decide what you want.
i want to donate
i would never in my life pay money for an in game currency lol
define "free" player... Do u mean you dont cash????
do ppl even those 100 and 50 million stuff
do you fools have any idea how it's like to be a free player
way better XD
he doesnt mean cash points from the donations, he is BUYING cash from another player (hence why he thinks it's a scam)
If you really wanted to buy the CP from another person, I recommend you either:
1- Don't do it, cuz most people scam.
2- KNOW THE PERSON VERY WELL. I wouldn't buy cash points anyways.
3- If you have a specific item in mind, then they should buy it for you and directly trade it. IF THE ITEM IS NOT TRADABLE, tell them to gift it to you and you'll pay them once you receive the items. (be the honest one)
total scam