What if during the DB hunt and you want to control a certain area. How about you duel for that area and the winner controls that area.
Posts by Kentou321
Anyone having issues with the game keeps crashing and showing the ?????
No, get spirited roar in that case.
what else should I max out??
If I want a spd fighter don’t max might out???
I’m going with fighter a speed one
Can you use a American Express pre paid gift card?
What is the best ud to run solo and at what lvl?
This one dude was sm and he waited to the final boss to use it. I'm like when is he going to power up and smash those mobs lol.
I seen a couple of YouTube videos people doing those solo. Looks cool can't wait till we try it. Question would y'all go ssj the whole way thru?
I agree early morning and late night is the best time to play
Question guys (hopefully this isn't a dumb question) Are there any stats boost when you become a adult?
I'll go adult, master, and then tlq
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Can you buy the scouter with the dragon ball radar or do you have to find the parts for it?
That T3 sounds intense.
It started with me getting off topic. How many tiers of dragon balls are out there?
Turtle Hermit would have to be the best from what I tested (I played both Turtle and Crane). While Cranes have a buff to increase their ENG stat even further than Turtles, they also possess a lot of skills that cost a lot of EP and their DoT fighting style forces them to stay in combat longer, which in turn causes their EP to drop more due to the lower regen rate. MA classes (Fighters and Swordsman) are terrible for SSJ because they possess a low ENG stat, which in turn gives them low EP to work with. Even standing outside of combat the transformation drains EP faster than your regen. I believe I heard that Swordsman are the worst class to use SSJ with, but I'm not entirely sure whether that's accurate or not. Oh, and having the transformation turned off (either by force or choice) stuns you for 15 seconds.
Oh, and for those new to the game here's what SSJ (the skill and not that overpowered pot) grants you:
It doubles your total EP
Increases Attack Speed and Movement Speed
Boosts both your attack stats as well as Hit Rate and Dodge RateThanks for the info. I'm going for turtle hermit once the update. I looked on YouTube and I like the skills they have.
I can't till we can become super sayians. Question for the thread what is the best class to pair up ssj with and why?
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Hackers ruin the game wish we could block them