Posts by sorapis

    yeah I posted about this yesterday I am not sure why there is zero feedback I'm pretty sure that NO ONE can get in anymore do to the bug or whatever it is...

    This just in!!!! i woke up today and the npc is now letting me in... try to get in RPHQ again and let us know :)

    Wrong container type has been used.. this is what the npc that ports you inside says and then does not port you .. also its goe back to Chinese text and it wasn't before

    when I ran into this problem I had to disable my firewalls windows/virus and had to disable to active scanning then I ran the launcher and let it update and then ran the game ... then I logged out turned my firewalls and active scanning back on and was able to log back in the game normally without keeping the firewalls down

    Oh I forgot to clear this up... I went into display settings and switched text size from 125% to 100% that's a sure way to fix the problem .. or so it seems... probably anything less then 125% might work I have not tried going over 125% ew

    ok my bad i got confused when the game was calling food a scouter i always thought that a scouter was something you wear on your head not something you ate but thankyou anyways for clearing that up for me i wasnt looking for a crafting guide but i guess you didn't really understand what i was talking about its ok i forgive you BYE BYE IM OUT!

    Here it is Code of Conduct..

    The quest just wants you to buy a recipe and craft something. You should already have some mats to craft a Meat Dumpling (or whatever it's called) but you can only learn the recipe after lvl15. There are recipes that you can craft armor etc. that require you to be lvl1 and your Crafting skill also to be lvl1. You can Disassemble items at the upgrade merchant. Disassembling armor and weapons should reward you with crafting materials that can be used for crafting an item with your Crafting Skill being at lvl1.
    You can check your Crafting Skill Level at your Character Panel, at the Craft tab. Also, as I already mentioned, the experience you get from crafting will be given but not shown until you relog.

    Does the recipe show up on the scouter recipe merchant when your level 15? i don't see it there now and she sure didn't give it to me as part of the quest that was given... and i have no recipes on my recipe list o0 Also where do you get these level 1 armor recipes.. some people have been asking about more then just scouter recipes and there are none on the auction and recipe don't seem to drop from mobs

    to be honest I don't really hav the urge to craft but when I come across a quest or a system that i cant get past or do because its vague or in Chinese THAT is what makes me want to rip out my hair i found out that the mixing capsules quest that the npc next to the mixing machine gives you ties into crafting but because its in Chinese i have no freaking idea what to do.. its not easy like the Chinese quests that have you kill things and are makred on the map. people i have talked to in game just don't remember what they did exactly on this quest the only English words in the quest description are "mixed capsules" ring any bells anyone?

    NEVERMIND!! i think that this quest involves the npc giving you a recipe for capsules and they only give you the materials but not the recipe..

    How did you get your crafting from 0 to 1 I can't craft anything because either the steps to do this are in Chinese or. I dunno. I just would like to craft if possible please

    some anti viruses do not have a exceptions list .. like mcafee for example mcafee also manages the windows firewall through the antivirus settings.. first you need to google if your current antivirus software even has the exception feature you only need to turn off firewalls and possibly active scanning the first time you run the launcher.