Posts by BasedJosh

    Any idea how long it's going to be down for, this isn't another 3 years or however long it was shut down time is it?

    I mean I doubt it but it's possible that something screws up and the server can't be rebooted for a long period of time while they fix some issues server side. But it was working these last few days I don't think it'll take too long to fix.

    So I'm getting the Authentication Failure error at login. After reading around the forums generally it was because people hadn't run through the launcher or updated it or something. But I had run the launcher when I first got the game a couple days ago, I even installed the latest English patch from the forums and have had the game working since I installed it a few days ago. But now me, and the people I play it with, all seem to be experiencing this "Authentication Failure" error. Are the server's down for maintenance or something? I've tried running everything as administrator, using the launcher again to see if I needed to update something, but nothing has worked. What's going on? Any help would be appreciated.