you can sell Glove for BOX ? if you sell can PM me price inbox ! Thank
Posts by taphoalongan
I need Sell Glove +15 33% Eng Crit for Box . Mailf or me ingame : Chocopo or Inbox forum
Thank !
Glove SOLD . Close Topic !
i want trade : my Glove +15 Eng Crit 33% 1100 for Glove +15 26% Speed Eng attack .
if anybody can trade , Inbox for me please ! Thank
thank you topic , useful for all people
Yes i put DBOlaucher in DBOG folder , i am using Net Framework 4.5.1 version in Win 7
. i trying but idk i can't play
i test Run As Administrator but still have that error
anybody can help me repair this error
. I dowdload new version laucher from website but when i run DBOlaucher i see this error
My PC no have software antivirus but still see icon
my PC not have software antivirus , i has just dowdload file in ver 1.69 but still have error
yesterday when update new laucher i can't go with sever
. When i start i see i error , i don't know repair
anybody can help me please !
thank you very much ! and you can help me 1 question ? how i can scan equipment other people ?
Who's can help me abount option craft item lv 70 ? I don't know max option for craft item . Example : CON , FOC , Recover LP , Attack speed
Thank you if anybody can help me !
thank you very much . i train lv use Dende party
can guide for me build Karma PVE please
i am too want build PVE for Karma Majin
where i can find NPC exchange Coin ?
Admin can help me ! please teleport help me my chacracter go town
. I can Teleport with bug map !
I can't use skill F12 and move
Admin or Mod can help me please bring my chacracter go town ! My character is BUG i can't move and use F12 teleport town
OMG if admin online please help me . My account has been lag in map 47-49 . When i fly go to gate i lag i can't move . I try use PoPo and return but not usefull
Sorry my English is BAD .