Ok, sorry if I didn't explain myself very well, as English is not my first language. I don't know if you played original DBO Taiwan, but there, there was times when the Tori-bot appeared giving some messages like "The server will restart" or "Dragon Ball event will start" or whatever. Actually I can't remember what exactly those messages used to say. So my idea was to show a message like that, appearing during 5 seconds or so, every time you log in, and then it dissappear. Just to let the players notice it and don't leave them to miss it if only appears when you are playing for the very first time. Sorry again for my English.
Posts by Phonon
Yeah, whatever would be nice, but just SOMETHING. Please. Please...
En cuanto tenga un rato me pongo con ello
As soon as I have a moment, I will translate it
Ok, I think we all know what things should be said to new players:
-Read the BUG list tread in the forum.
-There are no Time Rifts.
-No Dragon Balls event.
-No adult quest.
-No subclass quest.
-No UD and TMQ.
-Some quest are bugged.
-THIS IS A PRE-BETA.I think it would be really great if a system email is sent to every new character created. Or maybe just a notification alert in the middle of the screen asking for reading the Bug list tread in the forum whenever you log in. Always, not only the first time.
Si es necesario, yo me ofrezco a traducirla al inglés.
PD: En la pregunta 3, hay una errata al principio de la respuestaI can translate this interview to English if neccessary.
This is not only a good idea, it is also a must in every MMORPG. I never understood why it wasn't like this in the beginning. Really, I am trying to do it, but right now I can't remember any other MMORPG that doesn't has this.
The thing about the visual effects is a good idea, as it is something that would improve the immersion and get everything feel "more Dragon Ball Z". This has some problems: You have to do two extra models and two extra textures for both damaged states for ALL the pieces of equipment in the game. That is not just a lot of work, it is a titanic task even for post-full release state. Furthermore: Would dogis work with this system also? What about weapons?
The other problematic that I see here is about the blood thing. Wounds and blood is something that we see all the time in DBZ. But this is not DBZ. This feels way more... childish. Look those little cute monkeys, squirrels, even those Red Pants Army and Saibamans. That is something that I never liked very much about the game: The mob designs that makes everything a lot more childish. I feel like, those wounded and bleeding bodies, wouldn't match very well with the general aestetics.
I don't like very much the idea about the statitics decresing and all. But I don't see really a problem there, just a matter of taste, I could get used to it tho.
I'm just going to leave it here...
Image taken from DBOR forum from 2 years ago. It was a suggestion of some forum user...
This idea is really really great. But there are some points that would need to be defined, like for example, what pieces you can use. Would Humans, for example, be able to use namek-only equipment for creating a dogi? If they are, that would take a lot of work to fit those clothes on the models of each race. Furthermore, the races may loose their iconic identity. On the other hand, it would give us A LOT more options for customizing our character, something that is is always good.
Yea I understand and it really sounds like a great idea, it really do, besides u got a strong point on ur thought about unique characters.Now, may be some other ways to accomplished that, for example.
There are a lot of sets on game, from lvl 1 armor sets to lvl 70, CC, tmq5 etc.
What we can do is, to make a new dogi for every armor set on the game, this way the amount of dogis will be increased, and the amount of looks will be huge, this way also enable the option to use spiritist looks on a martial artist and vice versa for every class.
No matter how will be done, it’s a great idea and I will like to be implemented.
Thumbs up
The wrong thing with that is that dogis are a single piece of equipment. Think about this: Right now, my "going around" set is the orange suit with black shirt for the chest, blue pants for legs, and the orange "trunks-like" boots. You can't make a look like that with a Dogi. Dogis only limits the way you can customize your character. But, if you have both things, say the transmogrification system, and dogis of the different sets on game, that would be just the best thing.
Well, the thing with this system is that you wouldn't need a dogi of that, you could give that appearance to any high level equipment that you would want.
Ok, I know what you think, this is not a priority, there is no need for this, bla bla bla. But really, read my post before rushing an answer. So yeah, priorities about the server development are clear right now, but here it is my suggestion for the far future, because this is what this sub-forum is for I think.
The "dogi thing" is a really big part of this game. A lot of things are made just trying to get that very wished dogi that you like and people spend LOTS of zenies on them. But the best thing about dogis is also the worst thing about them: They are based on Dragon Ball characters. So yeah, it is pretty cool going around looking like Vegetto. Except when, like me, you don't like to look like already existing characters. Yeah, this is something that I find the people has a hard time trying to understand it, but really, there are a lot of Dragon Ball videogames out there, and I can play as Vegetto. Here I want my character to be my very own character. So dogis are not my thing at all. Apart from that, dogis are not that numerous, so everybody, in the end, is dressing with the same clothes again and again. There is no place for creativity.
So, if you don't use dogis, you have the look that your gear gives you. Some times, the gear look is ok, some other times it isn't. I usually have two sets of clothes: The combat one with good stats, and the "going around" one with good looks. It is even harder when, like me, the clothes that you think that has more fidelity with the series are the "low-level" ones. It is really a pain in the ass.
Enough talking. Making things short, during all the time I played DBO in the Taiwan server and right now, I felt a real lack of customization in the game. For me there is a very clear solution: A Transmogrification system like there is in all the MMO games. And yeah, if there is in all of them, it is for a reason.
- It is quite simple: You go to an NPC, you select your "good stats item", then select the "good looking item", you press ok and maybe pay some zenies, and there it is, a good looking item with good stats.
- Or maybe the complex system like the one used in DC Universe Online, the new one in WoW Legion or Diablo III. Each time you wear an equipment or weapon, you collect that item style. Then, you can go to your "Styles collection" window and select how you want to look in chest, legs, boots, weapon and sub-weapon.
Again, I know this is not going to happen RIGHT NOW. But maybe, when the game is officially launched at its full state, hopefully, dreamfully, we can have something like this.
Definitely useful skill. Some bosses and mobs have those "casting" attacks that are able to stun you, or wound you in some way, whatever, you know what I mean, so Guard is useful in those moments. It is not something that you are going to be spamming like crazy, but if you master it, it makes a difference. For example: As a Martial Artist, after you use a skill, there is a blank moment before the character starts auto-attacking, so it is a good thing to use Guard meanwhile.
But yeah, above all, Guard can be not used at all at the beginning. It must be used in some TMQ and situations if you don't want to die tho. I can remember wipes because people not using Guard.
About SP 3. No idea, never tryed it myself.
First of all: Sorry for my english.
Ok. Here is the thing: Right now, there are a lot of things wrong with crafting. It is basically broken.
-There are not food recipes at all. Except the recipe you have to buy for the tutorial quest.
-You receive materials for food recipes as quest rewards anyway, but you just can't use them, because yeah, no recipes.
-Even if recipes for food are implemented, you can't have enough materials for use them, because mobs doesn't drop them.
-Would be as easy as adding the materials to the mobs drops and the recipes for food to the sellers.
-Right now you can craft a Lvl21 armor: Chest, pants and boots, 14000 each recipe, 42000 in total, plus 7000 each recipe when you craft it, 21000 total. The thing is that the armor is really useless. With the wish to the dragon you and ALL THE PLAYERS in the game will receive a level 20 armor that doubles the stats to this one.
-Possible solution to this would be make this armor lvl16, as the previous craftable one is lvl11.This ones are the crafting system problems that I've found as far as I've gone into it, I will add more as I progress, or you can just tell what problems you have with the crafting system.
This would add more options for customization, something that DBO has always lack of. Everything is focused on dogis. Whenever you mention something about looks, style and customization, there will be always somebody that will start saying "But you have dogis".
So adding more customization options is really a good idea.
Do we know if it'll stay that way in the official product or will it revert back to the old system where you can use chips?
Going back to the old system would be awesome, I personally loved the thing about scouter. The bad thing here is that I think it is just not possible, but there is always the hope.
This was happening to me also. I just let it opened and left the computer. When I was back 30min later the Start button was higlighted.
It has happened to me also. I am not able to enter the game right now. I thought that maybe there was some mistake with the database, so I tryed to not touch a thing just in case those hundreds of characters belonged to any other person. I hope that my two characters are still ok, but well, this is pre-beta, we are going to loose them sooner or later, so it is ok tho XD
Update: Ok, while I was writing this, everything went back to normal. My chars seems totally ok. I can see the character hub, but I can't enter any channel under "Connection failed" Error.