Posts by Rob

    I think you're a DBOR pawn who is trying to spread false facts and chaos, if unbind coin will be available through drops and dungeons it will be no longer pay2win and even if it wasn't the case how is this going to be pay2win? the only advantage you will have is make gear unbind once and sell it or transfer to another character binding system will split weak ningens from the strong ningens.

    Don't use p2w to justify your argument you're not making sense at all

    Yes, I'm a DBOR pawn.

    Dumke fanboy 24/7 YOLO swag 4/20.

    You fool, P2W is not what is being talked about here.

    This update seems as if it was declared just to undermine the opportunities of all DBO players, just so "Unbind Coins" can be curtailed towards heavy cashers and lazy people. If that weren't the case, we probably would have had a Poll regarding this new update.. Like we've had for countless others.

    You're telling me, you'll ask for our opinions regarding small matters, but when it comes to big game changing decisions, our contribution doesn't even matter?

    Get your middle school grammar out of here and provide something meaningful please.

    I think it's important to address the fact that this thread is most likely; only back because it was demanded so by the community.

    This thread was closed in a way that many member deemed "scummy and suspicious"

    This is a popular opinion, but is not a fact.

    I'm not aware of the reason for the "inaccessibility" of this thread. But here's what I was provided.
    1. Flaming.

    2. Drama.

    If needed, I will provide proofs of these being the reasons for this thread's deletion. (Through what I've been told by Moderators)

    Furthermore, I believe that making this thread inaccessible to all the viewers and authors of posts was an incorrect decision.

    The moderators often handle these situations differently. To counter flamers, moderators delete or remove posts. There's many instances of this. I can't seem to figure out why that same course of action wasn't applied here.

    (Examples will be provided if needed)

    But an entire thread (hot one especially) was deleted, when any previous course of action; such as deletion of posts or player mutes, could have easily been applied here.

    Out of a total 180 replies in this thread (as of now 10/21/2017), 4 have been removed for not following forum rules.

    I'm not sure how that warrants an entire thread shutdown to the public eye, however I'm confident the team will elaborate on that when they address the issues concerned in this thread.

    A lot of people are concerned with the integrity of this server and saw this update as quick-cash grab opportunity. Many voiced their opinions in forum-abiding manner, yet this thread was closed off. Leading many us to believe that our opinions/accusations/suspicions to be true. Which results in people such as myself, believing things such as this; which may bring forth repercussions for both parties.

    I believe the shutdown of this thread is an example unfair use of moderation power; and this is damaging to the integrity of the DBOG team. We don't want this to happen. We're not against you.

    I hope moderators find a better way of handling situations like this in the future. Perhaps a reallocation of moderators, or mod specifics... That's up to them, unless they ask for our suggestions which i'm sure a few members are willing to propose.

    We await an answer that fixes all this confusion, so we can enjoy our beloved DBO once more.

    I'm tired of writing stuff and it being deleted by mods.
    My opinion on this update simply put.

    White Stones have been removed for OB from Cash shop = Decrease in $$$ influx.

    Gameplay changed in order to monopolize "Bind Coins" to counter that loss of $$$ from White stones being removed.

    Had a whole new set-up change in my head.

    F#CK the upgrade system till they have a decent system working. Keep it for now but here's a couple of changes I suggest.

    1. Have instances drop upgraded gear. Usually at the end of a boss fight.

    2. The volume of the upgraded item depends on level, difficultly and perhaps party count ( # of members are in party)

    For example: TMQ4 drops lvl 47-52 gear which could reach the maximum of let's say; +7 in upgrades. The stats don't pertain to me, but a decent draw regardless. It can definitely be suitable for someone else.

    Personally, the highest upgraded gear that may drop should cap at +10. And that's through endgame, hardcore PvE/PvP.

    3. Actually gives people a reason to enter instances.

    4. You could do the same with Dogis. Rarity of Dogi depends on instance and difficulty level. Format resembles DBXV.

    5. Anything that is upgraded +6 should bind to a character. That's where the upgrading system becomes make it or break it.

    (it's your gear, you've worn it, you've upgraded it quite some bit, now it's binded.)

    Miss me with that 'I wear it once and it's forever binded to me' bs.

    This post was not created to belittle or undermine Tempest in anyway. I am speaking to the DBOG team as a whole.

    This just came to my head.

    "Let's find a replacement for white stones as they brought quite the influx"


    "I see, let's just make it so most items bind to players, and really push forward those 'Unbind Coins'.

    "Surely those cashers will laze out again, and buy equipment through AH/Trade. We'll take a monopoly over that.

    Honestly, if it's something other than that; you gotta explain it.
    This is what a lot of players are believing to be happening.

    No offence. But let's not give them a reason to close this thread.
    Good discussion is coming from this, I'd like to see a well written response from the team.

    This game at the end of the day; is a garbage MMO that is only played because DragonBall is written all over it.
    This is almost like an autopilot game. Go ahead, make it more tedious and downgrade it from retail DBO (which failed as well)

    just for the cash grab. Watch the population die after the game's been released for a while.

    Let's be real here. This is a very scummy update. We (majority) don't agree with it. The issues you seek to tackle can be addressed through other means. Very simply actually.

    But yeah try acting like it's not a cash grab. Even better, explain why it's not.

    There's a lot of quality replies here. I'll try getting my points across as straightforward as I can

    It's quite clear and evident that the majority of the player base is not happy with the update. For various updates and suggestions, a poll or some sort of post was created to gather feedback from the community.

    Why, where and when was this update announced or even suggested? It's like those polls regarding future updates were only constructed to distract the community from the reality of what this server is becoming. Quite honestly; ----- > A cash grab.

    (This is my opinion and I don't speak for others)

    There's how many moderators again? Quite a decent amount to say the least.
    Yet I only see 2-3 moderators actively inputting their feedback and defending their reasons for updates across most forum posts.

    (Some with questionable rebuttals)

    This was clearly a decision that took place within the management team. I'd personally like to hear the opinions of all moderators and why they believe these are the right steps in ensuring a successful private server.

    "Let's remove tickets because they ruin the game"
    How about we apply that same logic here and not ruin the game further??

    Using the "There's too many +15 running around + they dupe" as a defence to apply this update is thick and dumb af.

    There's many +15s because of a bug that was abused early on during P.O.B. (This doesn't affect OB)

    White stones being so easily accessible was also a big contributor to the storming of +15s

    That's the underlying issue. It's really that simple.

    I don't see how this updates prevents players from duping as well? How does the "binds to character" suppose to negate a duper?
    Duping items in MMO can be achieved in all sorts of ways.

    Besides, what happens if those hackers upgrade and dupe a non-binding item to +15. I don't see how this fixes the issue of dupes. So stop using it as a defence to tackle dupers


    I have more. But I'll save that for another post, I'm too tired right now.

    Couldn't find it, but I found something similar on this thread.

    Open beta

    Keep in mind, this post is over a year old.

    Keep it the same as retail, but increase the chances of it dropping in dungeons, instances etc. I suggest (if possible) increasing the drop rate when in a party. It could encourage players to party up and hunt mobs in various areas around the map, instead of lazing around and/or grinding TMQs and UD's all day.

    Also (if possible) have different regions provide higher drop rates for a specific stone. (Green, Purple etc...) and have it change up every now and then.

    DBO has a big map, we have the ability to fly for a reason, give us a reason to explore.

    Not all end game content has been released, so there will be more variety to collect loot in the future. Nowadays, players expect to level up to 70 in a few days, and then become OP thru upgrade stones.

    This game's a grind, you can't expect to hit level cap and just start stockpiling upgrade stones. It's a process and just simply luck.

    If you really want to get upgrade stones. Learn to use and manipulate the AH. That's how the pros have been doing it.

    ---- Since retail, and now here in DBOG.

    Upgrade system... Now that's a different story...

    Yo... NGL im not a big fan of Super.

    When I watched last night's episode stoned to the bone, for some reason this song came to my head.

    I did a quick audio swap with the soundtrack. Also not the biggest fan of the soundtrack, but it has its moments.

    DBZ funimation had a lot of rock BGM, and I miss that DBZ atmosphere.

    I felt like this was a cool nod to funi DBZ goku.

    If the team really wanted, they could easily find experienced individuals from retail DBO to help them develop the most balanced build.

    Then again..... now there's whole bunch of "OG DBO Big Shots" that provide their own critiques.