It might be that the countdown timer can't distinguish between AM/PM.
Posts by Dood
I did have a few issues with Mobiamo or whatever that was called, but there were other convenient methods. I'm not that upset 'cause I'm just a casual donator, but I still don't like it when we're not given explanations as to why such a decision has been made.
The one you have to click the tree for the bees to spawn. When you click the tree, it doesn't register anything. Is the quest bugged?
When you speak with the quest-giver NPC the Bees spawn. You can just re-take the quest for the bees to spawn again.
I changed my password and problem solved. IDK if that'll work for you or anyone else, though
It was zeni obtained effortlessly being freely injected into the economy. This was causing extreme inflation. This is HUGE. Witout loads of (inflated) zeni flooding the economy, absurd prices won't exist (or at least not as soon... hopefully) because all zeni will be generated through some sort of effort, not pulled out of someone's popo.
I approve. -
It may take a few hours because of the different providers, I suppose. I can remember at least 5, and they all must have different ways of handling their data
Change that mob for Daneos and that's how things have been on Discord since like yesterday lmao
The answer is Soon™
Why did people let this thread die :<
where info about lvl cap ?
It will be announced after today's update.
Didn't expect thaaat many turtles, but it's understandable. Although I'm sure most people will still choose fighter because they'll all want to be goku. It's always been like that, right?
Unbind coin. It is used to unbind binded gear.
Didn't know those were drops too. Thanks, kind sir!
A friend of mine got this weird coin/token thing in UD1 as a boss drop and we don't now what it is or what is does (since it's written in Chinese). Weird, especially since it says it's a cash shop item. Anyone got it as well? Is it a bugged item?
Alolan Raichu. Definitely :p
Hmmmm. I'd say Lucario.
everyone's hugging so I guess I'll go for the kill
Ace Attorney. Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou (Daily Lives of High School Boys) and Pokémon Generations
F for Frieza
You skipped me. Not cool :^( You are now a Palossand
The pink made me think of Flaaffy :3