Posts by cyperon

    Look like your Firewall or Antivirus Programm block it maybee the Help Video from Moderator DBOKakarot could help you, because you need to Change the Settings their/deactivated them.

    that boss was a misunderstanding in my video. i thought he was the quest objective and clearly i was wrong. It was a click quest where i had to click a part of the ship that was right next to trying to understand your English best i can. From what im reading its sound like your saying i missed quests in red map and thats why im missing some quests in Porunga south? i didnt run into any bugged quests but i did run into a lack of xp while grinding quests and had to farm mobs...

    Yeah Sauce i seen that this Quest was an misunderstanding from you^^ Was the same with the Transport Receiver Quest where you 30min searching for <---than dont Prize your Video when you make it inside your Video wrong.

    Yeah look like you not did the Questline from Piccolo lvl 54/55 in Red Map so that you missing some other Quest than for Porunga Rock South. <-----like Pulse writing easy from 55-59

    I did all Porunga quest and haven't seen a bugged one yet... I even live streamed it on my youtube. Only problem is the quests don't give enough xp to advance you to your characters next level. for example.. you start level 55 and have a set amount of level 55 quests in a quest line. If you finish all the level 55 quests and are still level 55 after they are done, you'll be stuck farming a ud3 or mobs until you hit 56 to get the new set of quests. and its the same all the way up to level 59... im curious to what "bugged" quests your talking about.

    iam totally wondering too what you doing i did not use any xp scrolls from 1-60. In Porungarock South you can easy 55-60 / 61 lvl with Dragoncave Quest, without grinding. When you guys not doing the Starter Questline from piccolo in Red Map you missing than some Quest. Or when you guys missing too,to go again out of the dragoncave dungen when skipping in ther a quest and getting no follow Quest.

    Yeah Saucegod maybee you watching than my Broken Quest Video about that area you totally wrong with try to kiling the Frieza Army Boss their, maybee you look really on Minimap what is marked.

    i have the same problem :(

    Yeah Tummi i missing in your Post if you have Restart your Computer in this time than again but i seen in your Edit it works for you now.

    Ragc222, Restart your Computer when this not help you going to use a Cleaner Programm which delete Internet Files (Cache) from a day or you delete the Cache from DBO,could be that your DBo than not still starting than you need to Reinstall DBO.

    To tell short about that Problem thats happend when your DBO was overfloot with Ingame Messages, and it knockdown your Internet Cache.

    When any other Questions feel free to Join the Discord Channel of DBOKakarot under 1 of his Videos i think in the describtion you found the link. Their you can Contact him, or me as his Chat Moderator with the same Name their and we might be can help you so you needend write a Ticket. When you have some issues it is helpful for me when you send me than Screenshots.

    Iam not sure but this look like that his Anti Virus or Firewall block the Game, because it was infront of the Maintence.

    When he is a longer Player than Maybee a Restart of his Computer could help him too but what their have not load at this Point i cant say.

    <-----About this Point i cant say how he fix that so many differnt Anti Viruses and Firewalls, i think not thats the same like Mod DBO Kakarot showing in his Video, where Norton have a second Option like a Sonar which need to deactivated too. Yeah the Video is in English so i dont know if only watching the Picture help him.

    Hopefully Aru you can tell him that in his Language, i think its french.

    Is that serious? I just got lvl 55, when I went to Porunga Rocks South I just found 3 quests, one worked, two was bugged and there's nothing more in the map. To go to lvl60 I need to farm mobs? as a Fighter? impossible, I'll stop playing until fix this or open beta is released.

    That's true,it's not possible to hear,I have the same problem,i worked hard to 50 to 55 because only Jesus know but quest to 50-55 give u 6k exp....??? For real? Now i m lvl 55 i went to porunga rocks south and no quest???? Are you crazyyyy???before fixing and adding shit like martial art tornment fix these fuking quest add esperience to quest,add more quests,i Will no play more until you fix it and just to let you know,I played a lot of mmorpg and this is the most hard mmorpg to level up that i ever played.Fix this for first!

    You two go please into the Red Map to Fairy Village left of that City you found Piccolo with 2 Questlines 1 of them is for 55 when you do that more Quest appear in Porunga Rock South. In Porunga Rock south are not any Quest Broken only some issues with Quest but how you can do them you will see when watching my Broken Quest Video of that area.

    afma you mean killing enemeys with only auto attacking? for what need you than other skills than kaioken this change in the past was totaly right or each skill trees are no more need into the game. About the issuses on Dw i feel same lost fights agains lower enemies and allways missing my attacks so i cant use him as Tank for CC anymore.

    With the new

    - Buffs which increase LP/EP no longer heals when the target does not have full LP/EP.

    I dont know if their can anybody run than CC when not having the Ep Regeneration Buff from Dende, the only way than for this is Auto LP and Ep Regeneration Potts or the Potts out of the CC Dungen to run their because other items dont work their too.

    Maybee i missunderstanding that and it should means which Increase the Max LP and EP stats of your Charakter and not the Auto regeneration.

    Hi Guys, long time Ago i start this Thread and after a few Time and thinking i thinkt about whats better than only a describtion?

    So i startet to make a new Chrakter and show all that Quest now in Videos on Youtube.

    This Videos should help to find which Quest are broken or what you have to do to Compleate the other Quest.

    The Videos are in English i hope each can understand it with the old Scool English iam using or English Words from games.
    I know some of the other guys are not able to speak English so a Video where they can see it is better than reading or listen.

    Maybee someday an other one new snychro the Videos or make a own Video about them in other languages.

    Majin Area and Korin Forest:

    Westland and Yahoi East:

    Mushroom Rock North and South:

    Fearland and Porunga Rock South:

    Papaya Island Part 1

    Papaya Island Part 2

    Ich grüße euch, lange Zeit ist her wo ich den Beitrag erstellt und bearbeitet habe und immer im Hinterkopf hatte reicht die Beschreibung aus damit ihr die Quest die nicht gehen leicht findet und irgendwann aus langeweile und nach anraten das ein Video vielleicht besser wäre hab ich mich bei Yt mal ausprobiert ob mein Pc das mit macht und siehe da klappt.

    Die folgenden Videos sollen nicht Daneos oder die einen anderen Teamlers kritisieren sondern dienen als Hilfestellung für neue Spieler die nicht wissen welche Quest noch nicht behoben wurden oder auf was sie achten müssen bei den Quest.

    In diesen Sinne großes Lob an Daneos wie weit wir beim Kapitel Quest sind.

    Die Videos habe in Englisch gemacht mit mein crappy Schul Englisch aber wie heißt es so schön was man sieht ist besser als lesen.

    Da es einige gibt die leider nichtmal Englisch sprechen können könnten jemand gegebenenfals diese Videos dann neu Synchronisieren in andere Sprachen, sodass immer wenn einer im Discord oder Forum mit neuen Beitrag kommt: Quest Bugg,diese Quest geht nicht das man ihn dann auf die Videos verweisen kann was den Teamlern somit dann arbeit erspart.

    Majin Regoin und Korin Forest:

    Westland und Yahoi East:

    Mushroom Rock North and South:

    Fearland und Porunga Rock South:

    Papaya Island Part 1

    Papaya Island Part 2

    Go back to westland (cell ring) their you found next Questline to lvl up to 48-49 to get Quest for yellow map where you get Quest than for Aria Waterfall.

    MaisGold bitte besser lesen oben :

    - Defense Unit Register Lvl 49 Quest Meilias

    -Quest von Mai Mai bei Yura Valley, Magic Guard man soll weiter südlich 1 item abliefern der Npc Meilias dafür garnicht vorhanden.

    Zu Unit Paul ka, du bist mit deinen Infos zu den Quest immer zu knausrig musst mir da schon mehr Info zu geben

    Was geht bei dem camelaurs nicht? Normal musst du immer wenn er weiter läuft und redet die Peitsche auf ihn anwenden.

    Supply Vehicle kann das sein das das 1 Quest bei dem Wüstencamp unten rechts ist? Da müsste ein Fahrzeug spawnen welches du begleiten musst, fals das nicht diese Quest ist bräucht da mal ein Screenshit von dir.

    Bei beiden Quest kann es sein das vor dir einer die Quest gestartet hat und du warten musst bis dieser fertig eskortiert hat bis du deine machen kannst / der Saurus oder das Fahrzeug spawnt.

    Und noch was ich bin lvl55 und habe einfach keine Missionen was da los

    Ka wie du es fertig gebracht hast keine Missionen auf disen lvl zu haben Rausra mein alter lvl Kollege aber durch die Mission von Piccolo in Mushroom Rock South kommt man ja rüber zu Porunga Rock South und dort starten die Quest dann ab 55 und gehen auch alle !!!

    Zur Hauptfrage ja Rausra wäre alles so leicht zu managen würden wir unsere Reallive Zeit nicht mehr richtig nutzen.

    Daneos und das Team arbeiten ergiebig an der Vervollständigung aber wie du sehen kannst jedes Update, triggert alte Fehler und die unfeinen Sachen die die Bugguser Comunity jedesmal nutzen und finden muss auch bekämpft werden.

    ja hab auch paar videos im netz gesehen das da normal ein t rex kommt wo man chi chi davon retten soll aber ich habbs mehr mals log out oder chenel gewexelt und ging nicht hab bis heute die quest nicht zu ende machen können muste die quest überspringen leider habe ich keine Ki aufladung jezt dadurch gibt es kein online GM der da helfen kann ?

    Es gibt zwar mitlerweile ein paar GM / Mods aber deren Aufgaben Gebiet befindet sich größtenteils im Forum, für Ingame Probleme ist nachwievor Daneos zu ständig. Da du die Quest aber nun übersprungen hast und weiter gemacht hast also in Timerift 3 warst für den Dash Skill kannst du das mit den Ki aufladen nun vergessen weil damit hast den Hauptbugg getriggert.

    Da wir außerdem noch in der Beta sind wird dir kein GM / Daneos diesen Skill einfach zu schieben sondern eher sagen pass bei deinen anderen Charakteren dann besser auf und geh Timerift für Timerift und im Full Release läufts dann.

    Ich hoffe du hast die Time machine Quest in der richtigen Reihenfolge gemacht also 1,2,3 und nicht einfach mal die 3 vorgezogen weil dann hast du den Ultimativen bugg ausgelöst und darfst neu anfangen.

    Irgendwie stehst du da auf der Map auch falsch ich seh garnicht das Haus/wald von wo die T-Rex normal kommen, noch in diesem Screenshot den aktuellen Questfortschritt.

    Desweiteren fällt mir auf das du viele Quest abgeschlossen aber nicht abgegeben hast wäre ein Maßnahme diese vorher mal abzugeben.

    spopaj you have to do adult master quest too and from this i didnt read something that you done it.

    The amout for the flyquest token has change 3month ago when you active reading the Update news you know that.

    Next time a Problem search for guide, their exist a flyquest guide too.

    I Need help. i did lvl 15 and 25's Quest but When i talk to darryl he has no quest. Help?

    Whats your lvl? And have you done Master and Adult Quest before, only than the Fly Quest Appear.

    Sometime it is usefull to make other Quest inside the Areas tooo to trigger an other Quest, sometimes when i was helping someone which lvl a buffer without Quest and he try to get Adult,master,fly he missed some Quest before the MainQuest appear.