Anime's: Detective Conan, Digimon, Dragon Ball in general what's left idk...
Manga: N/A
Anime's: Detective Conan, Digimon, Dragon Ball in general what's left idk...
Manga: N/A
Rules and restrictions will be severely enforced after wipe as that has been a contributor to why we are in such state right now. Players who should of been banned and removed from the game have been given second chances and this will no longer be a option after wipe,
Syren, so those who charged back will be back as well or not an option coz I dont want Sendobugg be back?
- Broken with no white = delete item
that option is no good then why the hell did you farmed 24/7 in world, TMQ or CCBD for your gears to get broken and bumm delete your item?
Revamp the token collection system (as in you have to actually be playing)
the current tokken collecting system is ok as it is if I can't stay afk when I'm sleeping and meantime collecting tokkens then RIP this game for me at nights...
What's your problem guys if I had installed DBOG I could easely farm with my 60 Fighter, with my Dende Priest's EP Support, if your with full CDR Gear and spam maxed Wolf Fang Fist with CDR RP and your Super Saiyan.
i just updated this thread and like i said before game need item wipe when new client come for fresh start, leave just empty characters with lvl.
That's a REALLY bad idea if I loose all the item on my chars and dogis that I bought with the refunded cash points from POB, and all the items I bought from Cash Shop that I can't donate anymore coz no more Paypal donation method then I will quit this game for good...
this comment is so wrong on everything lol
nevermind my post I didnt read quite all the titles
- Why can we still run launcher on the same computer multiple times?
Why do you really wanna remove multi clienting? I swer if Multi Clienting will be removed and I cant buff my main I wont play this game that much -_-'
- Why can we still run launcher on the same computer multiple times?
I swear if Dual Clienting will be disabled I wont play this game that much if I cant buff my Main...
Thats why I switched to turtle because Fighter is just too hard to hunt and level.
Not really if you have Final Effort Big Bang Attack Final Flash, Focus gloves and Eng Dmg % Sub Weapon your good to go to hunt or lvl
Guys, you should make apoll about changing the Tokken farming back to its old system aswell coz rn: RIP Tokken Farming whenever your sleeping, RIP now DB Hunt and so on...
I have a request, that is Male Naked Mod becoz if there is a Female Naked Mod why disrespect the Males? thnx...
Regards Diab...
i dont have any level 46 quests left and still have alot of xp to go
welcome to grind city... your a turtle so youll lvl up quickly grinding...
65-70 wayyyyyy more grind dont worry
For me the only problem I was having was the Dual Client not possibility, anything else i dont really care
Sorry man, but author made this thread for disscussing new client and reporting issues with new client...
But mannn the problem with Dual Client should be fixed by now no need to discuss anything anymore!!!!!
OMG these notificationsssssssss!!!!!!! Iceman youre OP by closing threads so please do your job
GM or Moderator can close the thread now I dont want notifications every few mins thnx...
I tested it out and you cant use Dual Client anymore
So if I cant use my Buffers to buff my alts then why should I continue to play this fuking game anymore? :O
If this system will stay in open Beta aswell, then you wont see me playing this game thats for sure
Cheers Diab
Well back then i didnt even had the chance to play DBO sadly coz i didnt had this OP PC and OP network connection
Celestial Titania I suggest that add in the tokken shop U60 weapons and armor and the advanced ones and the white stone U60 if there gonna be above U30 to U55 just them not 65 and 70, 60 should be the max... and for the prices idk the others can discuss it