I would love to join your guild as long as the community is cooperative with each other that’s all that matters ingame name is PrincePiccolo
Posts by PrincePiccolo
why facebook its soo dead with getting the news of update... just have your eyes open on the News tab or something even discord is better then fb with fast information
I haven’t played in about a year or so and I’m glad to hear that open beta is almost here I can’t wait I sure will be on guarantee
ok I purchased lvl 70 pants from auction with 20 con and 2% lp from damage taken I didn't receive no new mail and it took my zeni is this a bug or what?
ps. it took 10 minutes for me to receive it but I got it nevermind
Great idea Cell Arena would be perfect low lvls can pvp in korin and the elites would be at cell tournament it would sure have a lot more space p.s daneo your lvl 100 with 3400 lp lol
If anyone seen this little anime super Mario and sonic dragonball z sketch let me know what you think lol
alright finally someone with an successful answer that satisfies my needs tnx for the info well said
I never said I had connection problems or I was unable to get online I never said I couldn't login or anything everything is fine I'm trying to get you to understand when channels goes down it's not my fault it's not my connection it's not my provider like you said maybe the channel crashes but I just hate that when I'm in a mob fight channel crashes or whatever and I have to relog to a different channel with a brand new mob of npcs raping me while I'm trying to load in after I'm fully loaded I'm dead then and there is a bug where you die twice after respawning and lose rp gain so I was wondering if I couldn't get a 15 seconds disconnection warning tab on the screen so I can float in the air until I have to relog so I won't have to worry about mobs killing me while I'm trying to load in
cosmo if your online 2 days straight without disconnecting your a liar and rayne is a liar because I know server goes down atleast once a day and my internet connection is good you can try to play that card with someone else
yeah I know it sucks because I get raped when game is loading after logging in a different channel then I have to pay zeni to repair my gear lol
your irrelevant don't assume it's my internet connection because it's not I have fiber optic internet connection and the server goes down everyday lucky you don't get disconnected and everyone else does
I'm not talking about the big red text I'm talking about the majority of the time channels and servers gets shut down without the big red text can't believe you guys actually thought the big red text was it
i'm getting pissed off because whenever I'm in the middle of a fight either the server or channel gets shut down then when I log back in I'm dead or either in the middle of a mob and I get raped then I have to respawn sometimes twice because I die again at popo stone then on top of that I have to relog because rp bug please fix and giving a 30 sec warning or something before shutting down server or channel
They do have 1 skill that does crits
Show a screenshot or video of your kid with masterclass
Sm crit rates works 100% for sure I'm lvl 43 my crit rate is 41 for physical attacks I can tell when I use sword attack it comes out around 1600 damage with crit it does 2500 to 3200 damage also with normal auto attack hits I usually do 600 damage but with crit its 900 to 1000 damage normal attack no skills also it says crit damage on the battle chat log