The Wugu Coins will show up under the craft tab after buying them, I didn't know either, mod told me
Posts by erockman
I bought coins and didn't get any WTF!
I keep getting this when trying to launch from the launcher
Bla bla bla, lo pondra Cuando Se Pueda .... mañana .... pues mañana, pasao mañana..... Pre-beta ....jugad a otro juego mientras no acabe la beta si tanto molesta el que no haya dragon ball...
Sorry I'm English not Hispanic, what was that? Also why I said early is cause I live on EDT time, so it's like the hunt is 6-7 in the morning for me, not sure when it starts to me, but I did compare the time zones and I think it says 7, but last week the hunt ended at like I don't remember but earlier than it was suppose too : /
Un happy it didn't happen, but happy I didn't miss it cause it didn't happen XD
Well I miss last 2 events, I'm not complaining but I got up real early just for this, kinda disappointing it didn't happen is all, specially with how tired I still am
Will he start it when he gets on, to make up for the time or do we have to wait until the next hunt?
HTBs fixed yet?
The Dragonball drop rate and the Dragonball mob appearence rate has been boosted so i don't feel we need to ahve it go on for double the mount of times it already does. the reasons being :
I found 15 Dragonballs within the 2 hours so it doesn't need to be extended at all. Also it does conflict with my timezone (i'm in Europe also) as the second event starts at 21:00 and finishes at 23:00 so either i don't sleep enough for work (yes i work weekends) or i miss a huntAlso I'm US East Coast
where do i look for the most luck i only found one dragon ball in two hours
Got to make sure the mobs are 10 lvls in your lvl range example lvl 15 would be 10-20
The timer needs to be extended and maybe a weekend thing it was back then, twice on Saturday with the my time zone messes with my schedule, but no one in Europe complains
I'm on right now, the log in must be down
Nvm I got them now XD
How long for donations to go through for Cash Coins? Just donated and just wanted to know how long till I get coins
There might be some problems that affect this:
1) glitched item: destroy the quest item and try to do it again.
2) glitched quest: forfeit the quest and re-accept it (delete any other quest in your quest log and destroy all of the quest items).
3) inventory space: You need more inventory space in order to obtain the washed mask.I took the video down btw
Karma Majin Quest works when you cancel other Quests that you have
Thanks, actually did work after I did that
This is just to get the point of view of that Karma Majin Quest bug across, yes it's a little laggy and poopy quality, but it's just to show whats going on with the fountain okay
I seen them too but this is not the problem the problem is i can't do the mastery quest of kurma which is located on namekian map if any one have information about it then tell me please
No one understands that the fountain where/when you clean the mask is either glitch or bugged, like to say glitch cause some actually got it to work, also it like gives me a small freeze upon doing it, so gonna go with both in this case and yes I have been clicking on it and right clicking the mask like probably 30 times by now and still nothing
I think most are having log in problems, my screen goes black upon log in atm
Well actually 2 people that I know of, have actually did it and not get the bug with the fountain, so idk whats causing it, but it still won't work for me either