Posts by Cosmo

    This usually happens every day between this hour and usually lasts for an hour - an hour and a half.

    Just leave the character select screen on with the channel list open, when people start being able to log and stay in (the bar starts to go yellow) we'll be able to get back in.

    If you watch it for a few minutes you'll see the channels go offline and back to not busy frequently. This shows that they won't let us on.

    The same goes for the Pet skill summons such as the Guild and Party summons. These should be fixed eventually and i suspect that the Dende skill "instantaneous Movement" also has the same bug.

    There are chests that you can find that require the key you can buy from the token shop or rarer ones that require the onse from the cash shop.

    There are also hidden "Popo Chest" hidden around the world. From what i understand there is one in every map but i've only stumbled across the ones in Westland and Porunga Rocks South. They can give out popo coin type things that you can sell for about 5k or regular drops that you'd get from the same level mobs around it. These are the one you shouldn't show or tell people the locations of.

    The general rule of the popo chests is that the ones who are lucky enough to find one. Do not tell anyone no matter who they are, where the chests are.

    The reasons being are that people love to camp out at them as they chuck out money and other rare items. They were hidden very well for a reason.

    I'd love to help you in other aspects of the game but i'm honoring what i was told when i came across one and there was someone there who told me about them a few years ago.

    I don't think we should get anything special at all. We are beta testing. As with the vast majority of beta testers, getting to play the game before the final or better release is reward enough. I'm simply happy to be playing the game again :)

    I don't see how you can have been waiting "multiple days" and not been able to get onto it as i only started playing 4 days ago (all of which you could have come on at any time) and this is the first time i've ever encountered this 'event' the channels have been open for the entire 24 hour stretches except from then the new update was added in and the other minor bug fixes that lasted no longer than 40 minutes at most.

    I do hope you will be able to get onto the game but i do suggest not lying about what you have been up to when trying to get on. It doesn't help the bug fixing team if they try to fix something that doesn't happen and may do more damage than good.

    There are currently 4 channels, 2 of which have just been closed for what i presume to be maintenance so that the game runs better for users. i'm guessing 2 were left open while 2 are being sorted to allow people to keep playing.

    I'm sure the other 2 will close and the currently closed 2 will open right back up when done and then all 4 will be open once again for us all to fill up :)

    Would you be able to be more specific? i'm finding it hard to understand which quest or item you are having trouble with and whether or not it's bugged or if you need to do something you have not yet, could you run us through what you have done so far for the MC quests and then what part you have gotten to please?