Since it's P2W it will be removed.
Posts by Cosmo
Budokai is currently not ready. It would be unfair for Daneos to include it now as not every class has all skills working as they should. Please be patient as he already said it will be one of the last updates for PoB due to how it works.
Aww this is such a cool competition XD i'm not a fan of the "Chibi" thing but it looks fun, time to break out my pencils
That doesn't work. it happened to me too. it doesn't allow you to discard or put it in the rubbish bin.
Xicor Could you try going back into the quest with someone else and having them pick up the egg. And then you placing yours onto the stump for gohan.
Then i assume if you fail the quest the other person will have theirs removed upon exit?drag the item into the trash can (either inventory or quest log with the "j"-key)
It's worth mentioning that this happened because you died too many times.
Each time you die your armour, scouter, and weapons, lose durability and become less effective. once they hit 0 it acts as though you aren't wearing them at all.
Only characters that are level 30 and higher can send mail and use the auction house.
This was to prevent people who use script systems and bots from overloading players and the database from crashes and corruption.
If you want to invest in energy attacks you'll have to fully invest in them to make it worthwhile and damage efficient to Grind.
You'll be much better off following the usual maxing your Multiple Sword Slashes and max your physical buffs and weapons, Get some CON and DEX gear to boost crit and LP. Then go on a 1v1 mob killing spree.
Your other option would be to spam UD or TMQ with other people for faster EXP gains
Personally i really like the login screen as it is. Perhaps if new ones are added we could have the option to select one so that way we will have happy users no matter which are added?
I didn't like the new launcher design and still prefer the old one. So i'd like to keep the visuals how i like instead of being forced to have what other people like more.
In that case, why are you sharing account information with other users? that's also dangerous and partly against game policy.
You should write a ticket showing daneos it so he can fix it too.
it was me who logged no 3rd party programs.
i didn't know poko was online so logged and it was online !
same thing happened to my karma ,
2 SaiyanKnights in 2 different channels :O
This was already addressed by daneos and moderators after the attack speed updates and constant moaning from people in the forums and discord about how they can't cheese through CC with speed items yet.
It's going to be worked on but it's difficult to properly implement (hence the frequent damage and stat altercations we've been getting)
You can buy them in West City too
Is this book, you can get in Goods Merchant on Porunga Rocks South and Papaya Island maps.
When you use this book, you drain LP (In case of Male) and drain EP (In case of Female) you drain like when you use KaioKen, its similar.
You shouldn't be able to log onto the same account if it's already in use unless you are using some kind of 3rd party program to illegally bypass the server check for it.
Super weird BUG: I was using my poko in UD6 and after some problem with chat and that message of comminity server my bro logged my poko exactly the same poko i was playing in another channel and write me "hey bro" that surprised me and we discovered this bug that it is possible play 2 same characters in different channels but i dont know how it is happened
I suppose this brings up the point that it's a PvP zone. if you don't want to get hit don't walk onto it.
When you enter the PvP platform you are against any and everyone else. That's what you agree to when you walk on to it. If you wish to do specific 1 v 1 or 2 v 1 ect you can use duels or party ranked.
There is a post from staff members right at the top of the dashboard telling all users what is going on. please read it before posting
Wrong place and topic to ask this.
Yes, all characters, items, and zeni will be deleted. This has been public information for over 2 years as the server is currently in a testing phase. You can easily find this information here and on discord.
Character will be deleted?
The forums used to have a live chat but it caused problems due to the high amount of users who used it and kept crashing the website. I just asked Mod Kuromi to make a new one for you, discord link:
: -
He has a point about sendokus' videos. the tactics there won't work AS well now that accessories and other skill bonuses work.
However in DBOKR there were DW players who won the solo Budokai now and again. so they can be used for PvP.One more thing...I dont have to play the class to know its good at PvP....I've seem great pvp DWs I'm dbog amlnd fought them so it is possible.
I don't get what the whining is about. my DW is level 66 and wearing +5 level 50 weapons and still 1 - 2 shotting mobs in papaya island. Perhaps you need to explore and learn the class before complaints are made
Sie müssen mit der Plattform interagieren, auf der Sie stehen und nach wenigen Sekunden wird die Quest abgeschlossen sein
I know you wanted 26% and these are only +0 for 2kkk (bit much!) but take a look?