i can help you, play another class we have enough trash karma´s
Posts by shinjii
whats more disgusting the class karma or karma players?
crazy idea, delete the whole class out of the game.
Really easy solution for upgrade system is to add milestones:
1. Armor Milestones ( +6, +9, + 12)
2. Weapon milestones ( +9, + 12)
What are milestones, that is kinda downgrade cap you can reach, like you upgrade your jacket to +6 and as long you upgrade with white stones, it won't drop down than +6, or than +9 or than +12.
Another thing, upgrading without white stones would destroy gear, and with broken card with white stone, auto downgrade to milestone.
This system would be fair for everyone.
" milestone" at +12 would be way to strong everybody will make +15 with no problems
just dont change anything at the upgrades
this game got 99 problems but this aint one
Attack Speed Party Buff is only way for every race, class to clear dungeons fast and with low risk.
yeah thats the problem people dont want a challenge ,
prefer clear fast and easy with no risk.
i dont want easy games.
I agree with this, every party takes pokos and karmas because its really hard to do for example cc50+ without speed party, so other classes are literally useless expect u poko, karma, dende, or buffer (buffer with proper gear can tank so DWs and SKs useless asf -_- )
no its not really hard with no-speed partys, every random combo with a good healer and geared tank can clear ccbd just takes more time.
this whole speed problem is more a community issue anyway!
most people think like you " this is too hard without speed party"
i think most gamers these days just dont like to use their brains and test things,
they prefer copy paste item buildings, party setups and talents from better players and dont think about anything. ( not only in this game , in general)
with a better community this whole speed thing would not be a problem
but with players like that, speed need to be nerfed so people are forced to re-think their setups.
btw why yall mad for atk speed parties if
cause only 5 classes ( poko,karma,dende,ulti,turtle) can find party in pve.
specially for ccbd high floors like 90/100 every other class has to buy ticket and create his own party while speed classes enjoy free runs all day.
cause just using autoattacks and do nothing is just lame / most unskilled play-style of the game.
right click on the boss- go afk- enjoy loot
Might aswell delete poko, i think you can do much bette
so you say poko will be useless cause they lose 15% attackspeed?
or cause they cant buff the party?
no no man this is just adjustment for OP stuff
and they will be still good with 15% less speed and no party buff just not OP anymore.
what about nerf speed?
something like change kami´s and gogo mask to self buffs, or just not stackable
the synergy of those 2 abilities if definitly the reason for this speed party meta.
they take too much fees so daneos had to dig out the cheapest providers of the whole internet
Very fair system yall want to make it more difficult DD:
thx for this video, this is why i flamed dreamer´s thread.
you had 70+ advance stones in your video, farming that takes forever!
and some *** like dreamer68 want it harder...
maybe for cashers its easy to get 70 stones but for full free players its a really really huge amount and take weeks of farming.
and as you can see even with 70 stones theres no good result guaranteed ,
staff end up +9 !
high upgrades feel maybe a little bit to easy for full cashers,
but almost impossible for free players.
so just let it unchanged its a good mid way.
short sugesstion, subject says all i think.
give an Option to Disable Moving to your mouse cursor´s location with Leftclick,
really hate moving to the wrong location by missclick.
why everything is RNG? why make it easier for cashers??
you will find answers here!
you will become 300% smarter
( maybe this link is not available in your country, in that case just change the " de " at the end and use the shortcut of your country, season 18 episode 6)
im trolling a lot but this time im serious watch it !
Drop some arguments and say what you dont like, coz most of the guy suggestions are real stuff from real dbo so at the end he dont suggest anything crazy or special.
dislike almost everything he said,
reduce succes rate at grades 7,8,9 and 10 would be ok.
about crafting : dont need to be removed but nerfed or tmq/budo gear needs a buff.
lvl 60 craft shoes are better than lvl 70 budokai shoes lol.
other points bullshit need to be no life farm or full casher to hit high upgrades if thats to easy get a life.
there's no reason to choose a plasma, or a Swordsman, as their roles are better fulfilled by Karmas/Fighters.
Well, let's be serious.... I think the main flaw of this game is that it is too EASY to play. People complain about +15 and drop rate (etc) being hard. The thing they don't complain about is the fact that you can hit max level in less than 3 days... with max level there comes a huge of new things to do, but what's the problem with that? Simple, PEOPLE DON'T GET TO ENJOY AND ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME AS IT IS. They just skip all level 1-59 (1-69) features or whatever you can call that. Soon they have nothing to do because the game gets freaking stupid and monotonous. THERE'S NOT AN ACTUAL CHALLENGE AT ALL, and there's not actual cooperation either, people get help to plvl or pay for it, doing nothing but sit and wait. I bet lot of people don't even know how an actuall UD3 run looks like. So, again, what's the problem? As people say, you only begin to enjoy or play the game once you hit max level, because all other features aren't actually exploit as they should be. So, to make it simple: The game is too easy to play. The game needs to be harder in a way of making cooperation and strategy the way to play it (not mindless grind). And for that, I think the best way to make the game hard to play and enjoyable is to close the server so it will be mad hard to play.
yes game is easy and mindless.. CCBD is definitly the hardest content of the game.. and even there you dont even need to play your char. just rightclick and auto-attack only the dende has to use his abilities the others can right click the boss and stay afk
before shutdown the server give it to me i´ll show how to make a privat server
Daneos 80 IQ is not enough to balance a game
Hated pvp in tw, hate it now. Tried it maybe for fun now and to match infamous. 3 matches vs full +15 and like fighters using needles across whole map and stuns is just stupid. I hate it even more now. I recommend re-balance in a way that you delete pvp. It would fix all bugs
But seriously, its dumb. I can understand +15 but if i didnt see it with my own eyes i would not believe that you can needle somebody across whole map.
thats a graphic bug for you it looks like he do it with 30meter range
but its just visual bug which appears often when ppl use jump abilities like quick attack
i dont care if ur good at a other game... you talk alot, do i want you to do the walk too, in this game. If you cannot back it up, be more humble.
gonna be boring better duel me in a skill game
or make dbo skilled.
sad to have such ppl in the balance team you have the chance to do something but you do nothing,
play 1 fcking class and have the worst point of view ever ultimate with high gear is so tanky.. you can´t die in 1 stunchain
you play full tank with high resist, and what is your ideas? increase resistance rate? man so useless just quit.
if i would duel you in dbo you can´t kill me and i can´t kill you just boring -
lol dude any mmo game if happended to dc while ur in dungeon u can't refund or continue -_-
no thats not true.
before you talk about " every mmo" play WoW cause all other mmo´s are cheap trys to copy it.
whats ur ingame name, rank me or some friends of mine, then i’ll decide if u good player or not.
haha who the fack is you?:D if you want to judge my gameplay get on my level first
link achiev wow arenamaster or better or league diamond or better or youre not worth my time.
Ok im done for real now with this game. Bye everyone. First cc90 then x2 cc50 today. Just no. I dont have time for this...
bye wont miss ya