Hm, for those of you that don't know, the rate of the DB dropping was explained by @Daneos himself, Dragonball Hunt Event: Fully working! When Event activated then some monster randomly receive the possibility to drop a dragonball. Drop Chances: Normal: 5%, Super: 10%, Ultra: 15%, Boss: 20%, Hero 25%.
And for those of you that will say that 5% is to low, mind i remind you that 1.4k dragonballs we're dropped in Channel 2 during the event, and a LOT of people manage to make their wish, and some even got 2 sets if not 3 sets, who knows. But the rates ARE good, as explained by @Vegetto.
The DBHunt is almost here and only @Daneos knows what will be good to do, and for the ones asking for good spots for farming, know that it is a BAD idea to farm at high level areas, get some new characters and farm low level areas, you will not get an honest answer about someone telling you farm X level to get them fast, if you get them from X level and X level is the current level of the one helping you, where will he farm then? Trial and Error, that's how a noob like myself can become a pro like the rest, and you don't necessarily have to had played old dbo to be a good player. I Didn't play in old dbo and i am full of information regarding it, how do i know so much? Forums, your best source of information. And after this long ass post, Tsune is out. Good day everyone.