Posts by Tsune

    Hey there, I'm Sandra. New into this game and actually loved it. Reminds my child days <3 Hope to make some contact with you there as like in-game. Love RP, shout out if you're intrested ^.^ Take care guys, xx

    Hi Sandra! Welcome to the Online universe of Dragon Ball! Hope you have fun in-game! If you want, you can check out the official chat for the server (Discord) on my signature, and the Updated English Patch too. If you need anything you can hit me up here or Discord and i'll be willing to answer your questions and help you. :D

    Hi everyone, it's a pleasure to be able to play DBO once again.
    I have been playing since the KR server before I moved to TW server.
    I'm really excited to get into this game again and especially do PvE oriented stuff. And since you need a party to do UD and CC i look foward to meeting new people.

    Hi FellowGamer! Welcome back to DBO! Hope you have a great time, and above all, have fun!

    Your avatar is mine :(

    Well, idk much about the rules, but the avatar you both have are from Ayame's free avatars thread, she made it so everyone could use those avatars, why not request an exclusive avatar for yourself from her?

    I Am not trying to sound rude, just trying to avoid there being any fighting in here. Good luck and have a Nice Day. :saint:

    My IGN is xKuroyukihime! :comcom2:
    How are you there? ^_^ I'm not that new on Dragon Ball Online, but I love that it is back! Hope meet you guys ingame! Short introduction? Ouch, it does! But I hope to have fun with all of you! :dloveliness::dloveliness::dloveliness:

    Hi KuroyukiHime! Welcome back to DBO! Hope you have a good time and make some GREAT Friends!

    Here you go~ If you use one, make sure to credit me as making it, thanks~! Hopefully you like one of them if not let me know.

    *Internally screaming* No i don't like one, i love both! They both look amazing! Was undecided which to use first actually! Went with the one on the right for now. Shishishishi~ Arigato Ayame!
    ~Avatar added and credit given~ ;)

    the quest that takes you to whirlwind hill to get a red dragon egg doesn't update after I pick up the egg I don't know the name of the quest or remember where I got it from

    If it's the one from Kokara, then all you have to do is go back to the npc which is a dragon standing guard in front of Kokara village. If you aren't able to complete it for some reason report back here for help, or if i'm mistaken about the quest then let me know. *ThumbsUp*

    Anyone else start experiencing a lot of lag recently. Just started a couple days ago and its getting pretty bad.

    Well, don't know if it's related, but there are a LOT of bugs currently in the game, the Dev is fixing them one by one, but we have to be patient since he does his work alone, and another cause could be your own internet, since myself haven't experienced any crashes or server lags in the last few days. Hope it helped.

    Alrighty will work on this here in a few minutes when I come back to the computer ~Going to eat lol~
    Do you also want "Tsune" on it?
    (Can't wait to see that mod btw!!)

    Hai~ Would be cool to have Tsune on it if you can. ^_^ Thanks Aya~ And i hope you have a great time and Bon Appetite!

    Okay Aya, i *think* i made up my mind.:

    I Want an avatar.
    Size 192x192
    Character or person you want on it :: Aqua (From Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)
    Link to picture you want used if you have one (If not I will find one myself) :: Picture, i couldn't find a HQ image that i was satisfied with :*( Will leave the selection up to you, i love surprises. :D (Which reminds me i forgot to finish that Mod i promised, but it's still coming just a day or 2 later than planned ;) )
    Text you want if any? :: "An unbreakable connection." That or "Pure hearts... filled with light..." Which are both aqua's quotes. :)
    Anything extra on it? ::Mm Not really, my favorite colors are Green, Orange and Sky Blue, and Aqua uses Blue for her hair and clothes so it's a match. ^^

    Mother Fooni! I Finally came up with what i wanted:

    Buying: Forum Signature
    In-game name: Snickers
    When are you available?: For the time, hmm, at the moment i made this post, it was 7:13pm on my country, i will stay online till either 12 at night or 2am. So message me if you see me online. :)
    Signature designs: Tell me how you want it to look like. Explain and give details. Well, i love Forests, Oceans, and the Sky, a lot, i'm a Star Gazer. So, i'd say, try to do it in a dark place.
    What is your favorite color?: Green, Sky Blue, and Orange
    Do you like holding your weapon in-game? Yes or No?: No :'( (it's a wand...)
    Do you like your character when they close their eyes? Yes or No?: Yes, very much. :) (I Have a mod to maintain her eyes closed actually)
    Do you like your Signature background to be Flashy, Shiny, or Plain?: As flashy as can be x) (I'm very spontaneous.)
    Would you like the DBOG Logo in the Signature? Yes or No?: Sure (Cause why not)
    Would you like your in-game name in the Signature? Yes or No?: Yessu Purisu (Snickers, who would't want one right now)
    Would you like your Guild name in the Signature? Yes or No?: Ignore if don't have one. No (Because i'm part of Kaioshins but i would like my KawaiiStrawberry Guild Name since i find it more Kawaii) :'(

    Cuando terminé de descargar el DBO, lo ejecuté y sale un mensaje que dice ''Que hay una nueva versión'' clickeo en aceptar y me aparece este error2nspchy.png,
    ¿Alguien tiene idea del por qué de este error?

    Cuando instalaste el juego, estabas segura que tenias el antivirus apagado? Si fue a causa de la nueva versión, estas seguro que tenias al dragon ball como excepción en el antivirus? También tienes que tener el dbog.exe abriendo como administrador para evitar otros problemas.
    Cualquier cosa solo manda otro mensaje acá que yo o otra persona te ayudara. Y lo siento por la tardanza.

    Hm, for those of you that don't know, the rate of the DB dropping was explained by @Daneos himself, Dragonball Hunt Event: Fully working! When Event activated then some monster randomly receive the possibility to drop a dragonball. Drop Chances: Normal: 5%, Super: 10%, Ultra: 15%, Boss: 20%, Hero 25%.
    And for those of you that will say that 5% is to low, mind i remind you that 1.4k dragonballs we're dropped in Channel 2 during the event, and a LOT of people manage to make their wish, and some even got 2 sets if not 3 sets, who knows. But the rates ARE good, as explained by @Vegetto.
    The DBHunt is almost here and only @Daneos knows what will be good to do, and for the ones asking for good spots for farming, know that it is a BAD idea to farm at high level areas, get some new characters and farm low level areas, you will not get an honest answer about someone telling you farm X level to get them fast, if you get them from X level and X level is the current level of the one helping you, where will he farm then? Trial and Error, that's how a noob like myself can become a pro like the rest, and you don't necessarily have to had played old dbo to be a good player. I Didn't play in old dbo and i am full of information regarding it, how do i know so much? Forums, your best source of information. And after this long ass post, Tsune is out. Good day everyone.

    Buenas tardes, escribo aquí porque me a salido el mensaje que escriba en el foro, no se porque me sale este mensaje y me e borrado la partida que tenia al nivel 40 y e vuelto a empezar y me sale igual, yo no e usado ningún truco, lo podríais solucionar por favor?
    Gracias por adelantado.


    Si aún no a pasado el tiempo que requiere de esperar para borrar el personaje, cancelarlo, porque a tus personajes no les pasa nada amigo! No vayas a perder el personaje por miedo a que te baneen que no lo harán!

    Estaría bastante bien si pudieses re subir la imagen debido a que no está disponible

    Podías ver la imagen si dabas click derecho, abrir en nueva pestaña y luego en descargar, pero aqui tienes. aec057f086294a53b08153495f2f8c35.jpeg
    y Josep, no tienes que preocuparte, eso es un aviso a todos los jugadores.
    No te van a banear de la nada. :thumbsup: