Hey guys! I Think a couple of you already know me from following other modder's threads and helping out with problems! But for those who don't know me yet, my name is Tsuneoshi, or Tsune for short! I'm a new DBO player and have yet to make my introduction so i will do so right here, o/ Hey everyone!
And now back on topic, i'm making this thread for 1 purpose and 1 purpose only, and that is to showcase the list of some mods i will be making for Dragon Ball Online Global, i WILL NOT upload my mods to here, i will only showcase them, because uploading to other pages will take a lot of time off my already short time, i need to play aight.
And back on topic again. My mods will be uploaded on my Discord Channel as specified on my signature, you can download Discord from this link *Right here*.
And i will also accept any and all request regarding mods, as long as it complies with the things you can edit, example, you CAN edit the dogis and re-color them, but you CAN'T change the models, i could probably add in some things that don't exist in the game like some designs over the dogis or replace the color of one to make it look like it has a t-shirt or something over other clothes, so go crazy guys!
Super Saiyan Re-Color + Majin Symbol (Currently only for female, i will re-edit male and upload image later).
(Version without the Majin Symbol has been added on my Discord Chat Server as requested by @BlazingBarrager)
Female Android 20 Dogi Re-Textured (Again currently only for female, in the process of making male today.)
Female Orange Star Academy Outfit A.K.A Videl Dogi [Punk-Style] (I Might or might not edit the male counterpart, undecided yet).
Oh and i've noticed a few other modders have made their versions of SSJB and whatnot, but i made my *own* version of them editing the originals, currently for female, i will re-edit them and make some screenshots for sharing, and while i'm at it, i will later on link to some other male counterpart of them. Since i MIGHT NOT(Undecided yet) make male SSJ hairs yet. (This is untrue for SSJ Majin Symbol if Modder @YamiStephen does not make his own version of male Majin Symbol SSJ).
Okay guys! This is it for my first ever thread on the forums, hope you have a great time and enjoy your DBO Experience with your guild and friends, hell alone even if you're a solo player. And remember, if your looking to make requests, do so here, or go into my Discord Channel and drop a request at the #requests_section. Good Bye All~! o/
[SPECIAL NOTE] I Have partnered up with fellow modder @killroy909, he is sort of my teacher and the one that got me into modding. Hit up his cool mods *Right Here* as well if you have time.
[How to add the mods]
Okay, for those of you who don't know how to add mods to the game, i will make a little quick how-to guide here.
Okay, to begin with, you need to download *This Tool* called DBOResource Tool, after that, open it and you get a screen like this:
Now, after that, click on the Folder Icon to open up a search location interface, and go inside your DBO installation folder, mine would be in C:\Program Files (x86)\DBO Global, after that, enter the pack folder and scroll to the textures file called tex.pak and open it up with the program.
Now, proceed to enter the folders texture, and then item.
Once in here, be EXTRA careful as to not touch anything else you risk screwing the graphics of objects and items in your game.
Look for the textures of the item that you want to edit, in this case i will proceed to change the look of my Videl dogi.
I Need to search for files: hls_cos_18_h_f_badge.dds / hls_cos_18_h_f_boots.dds / hls_cos_18_h_f_jacket.dds and hls_cos_18_h_f_pants.dds
Proceed to first right click and EXTRACT all of the things you will change. So that you can have a backup in-case you want to remove the mod, otherwise inb4peoplewillaskagain. After you're done with EXTRACTING every single .dds you're going to change, right click them and overwrite them with the ones i provide, you will have to look for them one by one when you overwrite one, it will get a bit tedious but after you're done, just open your game and start playing with your new mod.
[WARNING]I Will not, show you how to change a mod for another, since you can screw up your whole folder and essentially be forced to re-install the game, and i won't be held responsible for it either. Try it at your own leisure.
I Have taken the liberty of re-creating a Dogi Switchover Mod Thread *Right Here*, for those that wanted to change how they see their dogis instead of buying them, cheap af people (just like me). So GG to me and credit to the guys that made the original thread. Go there and have a look if you're interested.