Posts by Tsune

    Hey guys! I Think a couple of you already know me from following other modder's threads and helping out with problems! But for those who don't know me yet, my name is Tsuneoshi, or Tsune for short! I'm a new DBO player and have yet to make my introduction so i will do so right here, o/ Hey everyone!
    And now back on topic, i'm making this thread for 1 purpose and 1 purpose only, and that is to showcase the list of some mods i will be making for Dragon Ball Online Global, i WILL NOT upload my mods to here, i will only showcase them, because uploading to other pages will take a lot of time off my already short time, i need to play aight. :P
    And back on topic again. My mods will be uploaded on my Discord Channel as specified on my signature, you can download Discord from this link *Right here*.
    And i will also accept any and all request regarding mods, as long as it complies with the things you can edit, example, you CAN edit the dogis and re-color them, but you CAN'T change the models, i could probably add in some things that don't exist in the game like some designs over the dogis or replace the color of one to make it look like it has a t-shirt or something over other clothes, so go crazy guys!

    Super Saiyan Re-Color + Majin Symbol (Currently only for female, i will re-edit male and upload image later).
    (Version without the Majin Symbol has been added on my Discord Chat Server as requested by @BlazingBarrager)


    Female Android 20 Dogi Re-Textured (Again currently only for female, in the process of making male today.)

    Female Orange Star Academy Outfit A.K.A Videl Dogi [Punk-Style] (I Might or might not edit the male counterpart, undecided yet).

    Oh and i've noticed a few other modders have made their versions of SSJB and whatnot, but i made my *own* version of them editing the originals, currently for female, i will re-edit them and make some screenshots for sharing, and while i'm at it, i will later on link to some other male counterpart of them. Since i MIGHT NOT(Undecided yet) make male SSJ hairs yet. (This is untrue for SSJ Majin Symbol if Modder @YamiStephen does not make his own version of male Majin Symbol SSJ).

    Okay guys! This is it for my first ever thread on the forums, hope you have a great time and enjoy your DBO Experience with your guild and friends, hell alone even if you're a solo player. And remember, if your looking to make requests, do so here, or go into my Discord Channel and drop a request at the #requests_section. Good Bye All~! o/

    [SPECIAL NOTE] I Have partnered up with fellow modder @killroy909, he is sort of my teacher and the one that got me into modding. Hit up his cool mods *Right Here* as well if you have time.

    [How to add the mods]

    I Will not, show you how to change a mod for another, since you can screw up your whole folder and essentially be forced to re-install the game, and i won't be held responsible for it either. Try it at your own leisure.

    I Have taken the liberty of re-creating a Dogi Switchover Mod Thread *Right Here*, for those that wanted to change how they see their dogis instead of buying them, cheap af people (just like me). So GG to me and credit to the guys that made the original thread. Go there and have a look if you're interested.


    want a texture to the dojo clothes, someone gives me one please texture !!thank you so much.

    Well, I'm sorting through the forums trying to help everyone, but my mods are based on Discord since it's more organized. If you want a custom dogi made, tell me how you want it and I could probably try my hand at it and get back at you. I Make no promises, I'm still learning. Hit me up when you have time.

    i wish my Dabura dogi / Android 16 had that cool shine xd Dabura dogi colour is a bit dull wish there was a mod with a better shade/ darker blue

    Well, isn't appreciated much, if you have it, install a few add ons and you can have some very nice shades and chrome colors, with a lil bit of contrast the chrome colors look legit nice in dbog.

    The Invisible mod isn't doind exactly what says in the instructions

    "This time everything should work as long as you follow the instructions."
    Probably should have read instructions before posting. Clearly you didn't.

    I'll do you the favor:

    Copy and replace "prop0.pak" file in pack folder in your game directory (default is C:\Program Files\DBO Global - The Server Revival\pack).
    After that, open your DBOG Launcher, click the little gear icon on the top right corner and click 'Save'. Wait until it downloads,
    then exit the launcher.
    Now go to this thread: Translation Update Thread (English)
    and install the latest translation update, because after you patch the game with launcher, translations become outdated.
    After you're done with all of that, each time you run the game, you need to run DBOG.exe by admin.



    Author: Czarpos

    Guys! For those having problems with crafting, download the latest english patch by GokUsama, it has a few if not all crafting recepies translated, it will help you alot. Translation Update Thread (English)
    And remember, once you patch the game, DO NOT run the game's launcher, go inside the game folder and make a shortcut on your desktop of the dbog.exe and always enter the game via said application, otherwise the patch WILL NOT work, and it's not GokUsama's fault, it's a problem with the launcher that has been around for awhile. Peace out. :thumbup:

    Those files are Namekian dogis, the thing he was referring to was probably using another dogis gloves for the one he is editing, which IS possible but only the looks as in the colors and the way the lines are drawn, but the model can't be changed unless a mesh editing software is either found or made. :thumbup:

    Heya! How ya doin'? My name is Cody but you can call me Deca. I'm 17 years old and i'm a bodybuilder, I started 4 months ago and whenever I felt like I couldn't do it, I get my inspiration from Dragonball Z and now I'm 6"1' @ 170 pounds, 4 months ago I was only 6"0 @ 156 pounds. I'm into graphic design, i'm a beginner but I make great T-shirt designs. I use to play Dragon Ball Online a couple of years ago but i'm so glad this project has been revived, looking forward to making hella' donations! <3 Seeking in-game friends! I got facebook and skype!

    Hey Cody! Call me Tsune ^^ it's great to know you still have love for the game! Looking forward to meeting you in-game. Any questions or doubts, you can ask em here in the forums or join the DBOG Discord Channel: And again welcome to both the forum and game. :thumbsup: Bye.

    Hi all ! Im new member to this beloved community, big fan of DB (duh), and here we go. I have years of xp in mmorpg (well mostly "WoW") as high rated pvp player, i dont find that much chalenge in pve but sometimes can be fun. Anyways, im here, im loving it, and im gonna stick around for some time. You can find me in game by the name of "Vestrox". Id apriciate friendly and helpfull friend requests :D .Uh, thats about it, glad to be here, cheers all and sorry for my bad grammar. Looking forward to see you guyz in game!

    Hey~!! Welcome to Dragon Ball Online! Just like you I'm also new to the game :D Well I've been here for almost a full month now but I wasn't at any other DBO server before this, It's nice of you to join us and introduce yourself in the forums, anything or any help you need in-game, don't hesitate to whisper any of us, and you can join the DBOG Discord Channel by going to this link: In Discord you can find a TON of helpful and cheerful people, and me too of course, I go by Tsuneoshi there too, or just call me Tsune. Nice meeting you. ^^ :thumbsup:


    Working on little bit on the pants tomrrow but uhh credits goes to "Tsune" for the Aura and SSB reskin.

    End result looks nice, but we're going to have to work on the Aura a bit more, idk why mine looks green lol, can't manage to make it look blue, but anyway, for those wondering, this new spiky aura looks transparent in the pictures, but having it in the game you can see it clearly, and as I previously said, it's extra spiky. I'm glad you liked it Killroy. :thumbsup:

    I Would like to make my awesome appearance here, to say Thank You Fooni, for this, i completed my MCs without problems, but this will help all those that don't bother to check the forums. Bookmarked for future reference. And i will redirect everyone who asks me about how to fix bugged MC quest to your guide. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

    Ave Maria, no pude haberlo descrito mejor. Gracias por clarificar todo amigo. o/