Posts by XeoLee

    Maybe changing these 4 skills 3208-5-jpg

    to individual explosion damage. For example spirit wave deals poison explosion damage instead of that weak 619 poison damage. And it will remove the dot from opponent like thousand slashes.

    I think this change will make them more useful especially with thousand slashes nerf.

    Maybe they will bring turtle book share like in old dbo thats make you use books on other characters.

    This thread has enough proof on why some of the top players that main their class should NOT be in charge of balancing their respective classes. They don't state out anything that might be wrong with their class. Its those players that do not play the class, that have to fight AGAINST them that knows what is to be nerfed. The only thing these people that main the class do is just stating buffs. "HEY! I want this to be stronger so I can feel better about myself. HEY! How about buff that, and that, and THAT! But..don't nerf a single thing, as my class is the WEAKEST." I won't give any feedback about any balancing as I don't believe my Ideas of either nerfing or buffing will actually benefit. Its better to leave it to the PROS that actually know whats up, those people that spend their time pvping 24/7.

    Let people post what they want that's what dbog staff wants. But you're right about everyone wants their class to be better.

    Achieving max level class mastery, gives you a cool title for each class. For example crane max level mastery gives you a title "Searing crane". Also you get a special dogi for only that class.

    Also make achievements that gives skill points, special effects, special aura.. etc.

    Collecting achievements like if you collected certain dogis , set of armor and weapons.. etc. You get rewards.

    Killing monsters. Especially bosses around the maps or inside dungeons.

    Winning ranked/budokai certain times or participate in them. Dojo scramble too.

    Unlocking maps let's you have titles and rewards.

    For rewards i suggest give tokens plus adding new items regularly in token shop.

    Like dogis, vehicles, pets, ccbd tickets. etc.

    I really like how you balance classes step by step, first fighter and swordsman now turtle and crane.

    I also like how you take suggestions from the community that's the important step to make the game better.

    As for crane, i suggest making changes to the following skills :

    *Agile armor 294.png

    • Increase anti bleed or burn.
    • Increases RP regen as it's important to charge RP in pvp while enemy is sleeping.

    *Crane Discharge293.png

    • Con and Eng as it is
    • Increase DoT skills by 10%
    • Make it a party/AoE buff but doesn't stack with any Con buff.

    *Increase Agility280.png

    • Dex as it is.
    • Decrease cooldown or cast speed.

    *Fan out, Master fan out and tri-beam cannon 303.png 306.png 297.png

    • Give them attack from behind x 1.5 as it would make people go different builds with crane, this skills will get along well with hypnosis as a combo. *Hypnosis then debuff then from behind.
    • Or critical damage increases but it would be effortless, i see that x1. 5 better.
    • Nerf the move speed decrease if you do above.

    *Put out flames380.png

    • Invincible during skill animation.

    *Solid burn and Poison bleed229.png 231.png

    • Reduce SP cost for these skills as it takes alot.
    • Remove poison bleed cast speed but increase its cooldown by 2-3 sec.

    Lastly i wish best luck to all.

    Acheivments should give stats to the player. Like an acheivment when done increases max LP by small amount and it stays as passive forever.

    It's up to you if you want to make it be shared to all characters in one account. I think if it's shared it would affect kid budokai alot.

    I think adding stats like LP, dodge, EP, Physical attack. Etc.. Is recommended because stats like dex, con, Focus would be OP if stacked but it's up to you.

    This maybe off-topic but i gonna say it, add daily login gifts.