Posts by Aknologia

    Yo deje el juego desde hace 1 mes cuando vi que se vendían service de budokai, no tiene sentido esforzarse. Eso me mato la motivación, lo que me gustaba era jugar pvp. Porque el pve solo es un proceso ridículamente tardado, tedioso y aburrido, mientras un p2w consigue todo en 1 día. ¿Donde queda la competencia? en ver quien le regala más dinero a daneos o quien es más astuto para usar Bots, hacks, etc.? La gente ignorante pidiendo que el juego sea más difícil, exijan contenido nuevo, no hacer más tardado y aburrido el poco contenido ridículo que trae.

    Sino no se hace Reinicio seria continuar construyendo sobre algo que está roto, en algún momento todo se caerá otra vez, hagan las cosas bien esta vez.

    Seria continuar construyendo sobre que, de que estas hablando si reinician sin cambiar nada es lo mismo que no hacerlo solo es molestar para que la gente consiga las cosas de nuevo... yo no quiero un reinicio si algo serviria seria borrar todo contenido lvl 70 ya que no deberia poder conseguirse, y arreglar los bugs del upgrade para que la gente no consiga mas 15 tan facilmente que es lo unico que molesta, ademas eso de que se vende budokai service siempre pasara da igual y ademas que tiene que ver contigo eso si quieres ser bueno convierte en alguien que pueda vencer a los demas no importa quien use que para conseguir ganar el budokai, hay mucha gente que consiguio aura por si misma.

    Iceman go to sleep man u dreaming awake... with nr 1 i already stopped reading cuz u know nothing about how hard is to find party for an instance in another mmorpgs

    Btw here we dont have something like automatic party search so yea without multiclient this will die for good cuz aint no shit famous game just a bunch of people play is and this wont change with a game created 10 years ago xD for real u all make me laugh...

    disable multiclient only make a thing: who has more than 1 pc like in some pics is not affected.

    another point is: i'm the master of my guild and when someone need buffs(to farm or to exp) i can give them to him (not only people of my guild), i understand that some players doesn't care about this but if they want to use only a character they can do it also now.

    And something else is also that plat will be boring people will not get buffs, scramble and dojo same even when you want to do cc if now we have no people when we can still go with 2 accounts each imagine after disabling multi client will be dead game personally i dont like the idea im playing this game since tw and if i like something right now is that... besides all those changes that they wanna make are just cuz they cant control the game properly due to less mods and so... I have 3 pcs at home and adding sandboxes i can log 6 accounts at least if u wanna disable that ok but lets see how it works just makes it more unfair for people who just want to enjoy the game, cuz the ones that will want to continue having advantage will continue having it... for example is really easy to set a bot to farm and have it somewhere where no one would come and check and if u use a char that is unknown and u created it with another ip and so the stuff will have no chanse to ban.. and if they do so will only ban a fake id and a useless char that u can get to lvl 60 or 70 in a couple of days and continue doing the same with other ip... people bugging the game wont dissapear and what is more important is that the ones that dont do it and play fair will have more problems... im seing a lot of people here trying to think that they are smart and when i see their chars in game they have not reached something at all... i have my gear plus 13 on my main accounts and im good at pvp and pve and didnt need to bug something or do something wich is not aloud in this game to get it...

    Seems like u ppl all dumb af... I would like to know whats your ingame char to see if u are this good as u say! and please just stop commenting if just to tell your life go tell someone who cares, thanks so much!

    Wow dumb comments everywhere... I was just relating to facts and facts are that the game was more populated even when was more bugged than now, and SumTingWong u probably the only noob here, why so many randoms think they know about dbo...

    Well if for you makes no sense that doesnt means for others wont.. btw I still think is dumb not to add lvl 70 and I can tell you that most of ppl playing think the same...

    Endgame content?... Please that was the end of the old dbo and they were planing to add new content and btw. I am aware of most bugs and s but even so solving em all before implementing 70 cap will take forever and people doesnt care about most of the bugs but playing to improve gear wich will endup being useless... Thats why people stops playing and the game is dead already and, with all bugs and stuff pob was still more active then now cuz of cap 70 they had stuff to d ingame so please... And please avoid sugesting when just to pretend something. Thanks.

    Here we go I know I'm not the only one to say this but yea... what would have been so hard to put lvl 70 already and open bids and rest I think would have been easier than all those things they doing now about changing so many things...

    I just say you people who say this game is easy are just no lifers cuz if you have work uni and also someone like a gf + your family you wouldnt say that this easy... just let it be much changes gotta be applied to the game but not to make much more difficult than it already is, my opinion is we have already hard times with the upgrade if we dont cash like 100 euros to get a lot of zeni and then to spen 90 only for one item... and even tho no one can say that you will 100% get a +15 maybe u have 30% chanse which is already low for the zeni you get. To remove thing like craft is already a stupid idea cuz this game is based on it bassically with the armor. The changes should be only on damage balance def ballance and so, and maybe getting less lag or nerfing some chars.