Why do you think that people who donate to the this project will have any advantage when cash shop will be changed again?
Only people who had advantage in this game are:
1. People who cash to bots users who had tons of zeni
2. People who hack and who already have +15 lvl 70 gears somewhere and mostly all others too
3. People who dupe +15 gears and sell them
Trust me, Daneos shouldn't be the guy who will do wipe again and leave everything as it was before with new client.
Unless he wants to kill this project and move on another one to earn money, and I understand that.
Soo we will asume that Daneos still didn't give up on this project soo he will do this things:
1. Multi client and all other 3rd party programs disabled ( less bots, and other programs that would bypass and enable multi client)
2. Game guard ( no channel crash by players, no hack or dupe of gear or lag other players in the game and many others)
3. Game rewards active players ( daily quests, daily rewards, each day some event active)
4. Party System changes ( Auto defined roles in party system, 1 class can't fill all the roles soo you will be forced to take characters in the party soo that each race/class can exp the game that is: tanker, buffer, CC, DPS, support , or solo everything since you are Rambo.)
5. Race/Class with 100% defined roles and balanced that way for PVP and PVE ( some races/classes are better in PVE and some in PVP, some are better in solo and some in party)
6. Balance of PVE content ( every class should be able to gear up and do PVE to gear up or to have fun and they should be able to do it with good gear and decent upgraded, does not need to be +15 gear and to be OP to do some dungeons but if you have low upgraded weapons expect to deal less dmg and spend more time in dungeon, meaning defense and HP of bosses, super mobs and mini bosses should be increased while attack of bosses and super mobs and mini bosses should be reduced soo every class can survive it with good gear that is good-decent upgraded)
7. Class Balance ( I understand that balance members and staff members are trying to do the best they can to balance the game but they really need hand and more people involved into this to make it even better, sure balance now is a bit better than it was in old DBO but still it is far from it)
8. Upgrade system changed and brown boxes removed for silver boxes ( Less RNG + Rewarded for hard work = Happy player)
9. All players banned since they charge back should be unbanned
10. Cash shop = pay to progress ( Monthly subscribe aka VIP system. People who have job and can't grind and play the game should be rewarded but still in way that they would progress in the game as normal players would do, such as, if f2p can get in 3-4 hours of grind 20-40 stones, that much per day cashers, donators could get via cash shop in VIP Daily rewards tab in cash shop while rest of tabs should be cosmetic, inventory binded to them)
Now with this changes and many others that would follow but I won't list them here, project will be revived, players will be happy, they won't support bots and hackers since they wouldn't be able to do that due good game guard.
Since players are happy, people will donate and cash again and people who charged back, with 2nd chance given to them, when they see that game is in better state, they will start to play and cash again.
VIP Daily reward in cash shop would be have amount of stones that would f2p player get, exp pots (since they need help to level up to catch up f2p nolife players who sleep at keyboard), zeni reward ( amount that would f2p player get by selling trash at NPC).
Still silver boxes should be limited in daily quests.
This changes would make happy all the players, f2p and donators.