Posts by mattotk

    way better than the other build before :D but yeah maybe better to max glaring instead of might didnt try,

    Rank 1 Reduce attack and defense attributes by 16, Rank 6 =30

    you sure its worth to skill it up? +14 seems to be a bit low for 5 skillpoints.

    Might is worthy if you secure the critic, and 14 props are a lot, anyway at level 60 i would try to have both cd skills maybe the first one at 1sp + 30 from mayor speed up, and spam 2 skills, there isn't much room considering pasives and kd skills, but i would try something more like this…0021100401540514501540010

    it,s a boss box not hero ... the doji drops from hero enemies and tmq

    As far as i know a hero box count as any other hero enemy, the problem with the doji drop is that the update clearly says "in tmq" so outside of tmq shouldn't drop at all, according to the thread of course.

    This capsule contains a random NEW dogi/costume accessory. It can drop from TMQ Boss and Hero enemies.

    Well why are you so sure that the next cap is level 70 instead of 65? i honestly would prefer to have 65 if comes in a month and then 70 if comes a month later, but if that is not the case 2-3 month straight to 70 would be good for me.

    I have no intention of improving level 65 gear at all, and i won't stop playing even if 65 is the case but i just expect for 60-70 quest to properly work.

    I use 3 z32 + one z24, pick everything and start selling by using pet skill, then continue doing that until i have every slot with mistery items, usually get 1 stone, sometimes 2 or 3, so i don't see the point of removing them.

    Also are you sure that if you remove them, stones drops are going to be increased?

    Poko deveria ter um regeneração de ep e seu foco poderia ser atk speed, se bem que não entendo o porque da cajado do poko ser 1400 de atk speed e a luva ainda e melhor com 1100 de atk, justificar delay não tem nada a ver, o Poko deveria ser:

    -atk speed melhor que os demais.

    -sua skill de speed e de defesa deveria ser em area.

    -seus pet ter as skills que eles usam ( skill no slots ).

    -Sua passiva master com soul e focus.

    So you want to increase his speed ability, that's really bad and cheap, poko is a summoner, improve his pets so people starts using him as a summoner

    This is the lvl70 cap. It's not designed for anything below the lvl70 cap, so some classes gain useful skills/passive boosts much sooner than others.

    Anyone who thought this would be anything like retail's lvl55 cap has been forced to realize this the hard way by now. But hey, you won't hear SKs and Karmas complaining. "55 best cap, humans OP" 8o

    Yeah, if even in tw they were modyfing every character with new caps, and this game is totally diferent.. that's imposible

    I played swordsmen in pre beta i the class is great, at least for me is just pure fun, the bad thing is that is too expensive, and if you don't cash a lot then good luck until you farm your way with another class

    Think about 70lvl cap, 1k burn won't be much then.

    I'm talking 25-30 focus passive, nothing spectacular. I don't really care much for pvp so I might be put of touch, but so what that MAs have dificulties with DW, I guess every class should have a hard time against one or two other classes, fair match against others and should be able to annihilate one or two. But again, I'm not the one to talk about pvp

    And as much as I love the idea of mobs health decrease while provoked, that might be too OP

    That's right, instead of ep they could change soul passive, the reason for dw being underpowered is because they nerfed it before level 55 cap, and the class was never improved when level 70, so right now for example you can't kill a shadow knight by any mean, you can throw him off, and if you just have a straight fight you'll end without ep because dw skills consume too much ep he has low, also the need for rp, so 1k isn't much really because what matters is the total amount and not just per second damage.

    Demon wave: total damage without rp 1275, using rp almost 4.4k, if Daneos ever adds % base damage then he should fit a maximum damage including % and burn damage.

    The skill should have more damage without rp, lets say 3k and with rp close to 6k, at least i see safe pvp/pve that way, it's a huge increase and just because the actual damage is too low.

    Powerful roar with lp% decrease sounds too op, i don't know if would be actually op, it's just that i would choose to use attack decrease, so it focus on the tank part

    Dragon protection with less cd but more duration, 40-60 seconds maybe 40 would actually work if they change the cd rp.

    I't shouldn't be spammed but it also should be able to use with much more frecuency, right now its rare to use the skill.

    Aggree in the last two, in my opinion dark warrior main problem is focus, damage output in few skills and rp use for every skill that you want, yes you can rp boots as i did, but then you lose health and it lose one of the benefits of the class.

    You should mention that the skill last 10 seconds and causes damage every 2, if you get the max damage, then you get 3750+349 base damage, well i guess..., no one is asking to just buff the burn, but to rework the skill, this could be done in different ways, 1) changing the skill duration, 2) adding more base damage, 3) change fixed damage to %, augment burn base damage and decrease the rp one.

    You keep ignoring or just not talking about something vital, dw always needs to use rp, demon wave without rp cause 185 every 2 seconds + 349 base damage, a total 1275, try to use rp in pvp, the skill on its own already has cast time.

    Powerful roar considering what sk has, should be much better, sk has 2 op aggro skills, one with a effect of 25% energy attack decrease and 35m range, against powerful roar with 14 meters and 10 mobs, at least it should have 25-30m maxed, then augment mobs affected to 14 like sk skill, and the bonus? maybe 15% physical attack decrease.

    Dragon protection shouldn't have much less cd, maybe 3 but not 2, that would be too op.

    Dark warrior main problem is aggro, focus and extremely low damage, you have a few skills that just are useful in farm, skills that are underpowered against warrior skills.

    Dark warrior was never meant to deal great damage, and he is even far from dealing decent damage, we are talking about 2k-2.5k with level 70, that's just good for farming, most of the people here just argue thinking on farming, yeah those mobs have 10k at max and don't forget that you'll miss half of the used skills but that's fine, the thing changes if you reffer to pve challenges (ud, tmq, cc) where you can find mobs with 20k health and even more dw can't do that much.

    Looking at the other side shadow knight has all the goodies, oh yes, he is not that good at farming, he has a bit less of defense, also a bit less of health, but he has a lot of damage, he is balanced to the top, i don't believe that he was meant to be like that, but then he got the 24 constitution passive, hellzone grenade and dw got 34 soul passive and sharp slice, both useless skills.

    looks like they wanted sk to be complete.

    You can actually spam dragon punishment but if you use the rp cd on the skill then consumes 1500 ep, and that's too much for a class that has 3k ep, yes we don't want it to be op, i don't think that a single dw user, at least the ones that play the class because like me didn't want to play op and overpopulated sk want dw to be op.

    Dark warrior should be able to win a fight whitout depending on throwing the enemy outside of the arena, that's lame but of course is how is able to win.

    So sk is able to kill without the need of throwing somene out of the arena because he has insane damage compared to dw, even for human he is powerful, he can tank, he is actually better at tanking bosses and he has much better aggro for it, he doesn't have dragon punishment, so he can't farm that good but again, if you have dende you won't need it.

    Right now, dw is a money machine, that's his main purpose if you see compare both classes, i love the class and that's the only reason that i have to play it, that and farm.