You guys are missing the point though - DW is underpowered yeah, but DW was never meant to deal that much damage. That's why they were given a heal that makes you think they autopotted - you do know it's almost spammable with cooldown gear right?
Compare that to the SK's lifesteal and you can see why ours deals damage - it's healing potential is basically nothing compared to yours.
Demon wave could use a buff yea, I would actually like to see it become the DW's bold strike. It's a cool move with a cool effect, but it's harder to counter than bleed so the damage should be balanced with this taken into account.
I agree that the DW should have a better taunt. Since using a maxed SK taunt, i don't think I can stomach using the DW taunt. That's a problem.
At the moment, the DW is an incredible SOLO tank, whereas SK is an incredible auxiliary tank. While SK could use a few minor nerfs, it isn't anywhere near as overpowered as some people are making it out to be - and while DW can use a buff, I believe a better alternative to increasing damage would be increasing their defence even further, with a small increase to aggro generation. Why? This would make them chosen over SK in almost all situations which require a tank - and perhaps by increasing dungeon difficulty we may even start to see teams with 2 tanks (SK/DW) in order to deal with the huge amount of enemies. (Eg. SK tanks boss while DW tanks all the mobs so the team can kill them before switching the focus to the boss, which the DW can then proceed to tank more effectively than the SK while the SK switches to a minor DPS/support role, taking aggro when necessary)
Of course, this would only increase their PvE potential... but wait!
By increasing the DW's defence, they gain more PvP potential simply by being even harder to kill! As a DW, if you can tank long enough to knock someone out of the ring in the tournament, you can win a round. Remember that time that fighter bursted your HP down with 2 lucky crits? No need to be afraid! With a defence buff, not only can you tank in PvE, but you can actually survive a combo, giving you an opening to take advantage of!
With this, I believe the general playstyle of DW wouldn't change, but it WOULD be buffed in ways that allow them to be more useful in any situation.
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Dark warrior was never meant to deal great damage, and he is even far from dealing decent damage, we are talking about 2k-2.5k with level 70, that's just good for farming, most of the people here just argue thinking on farming, yeah those mobs have 10k at max and don't forget that you'll miss half of the used skills but that's fine, the thing changes if you reffer to pve challenges (ud, tmq, cc) where you can find mobs with 20k health and even more dw can't do that much.
Looking at the other side shadow knight has all the goodies, oh yes, he is not that good at farming, he has a bit less of defense, also a bit less of health, but he has a lot of damage, he is balanced to the top, i don't believe that he was meant to be like that, but then he got the 24 constitution passive, hellzone grenade and dw got 34 soul passive and sharp slice, both useless skills.
looks like they wanted sk to be complete.
You can actually spam dragon punishment but if you use the rp cd on the skill then consumes 1500 ep, and that's too much for a class that has 3k ep, yes we don't want it to be op, i don't think that a single dw user, at least the ones that play the class because like me didn't want to play op and overpopulated sk want dw to be op.
Dark warrior should be able to win a fight whitout depending on throwing the enemy outside of the arena, that's lame but of course is how is able to win.
So sk is able to kill without the need of throwing somene out of the arena because he has insane damage compared to dw, even for human he is powerful, he can tank, he is actually better at tanking bosses and he has much better aggro for it, he doesn't have dragon punishment, so he can't farm that good but again, if you have dende you won't need it.
Right now, dw is a money machine, that's his main purpose if you see compare both classes, i love the class and that's the only reason that i have to play it, that and farm.