Posts by mattotk

    What did you guys expect if Daneos doesn't fix this stupid 1kkk private shop crap? AH is only at lvl 29, and there are no other zeni drains in this game - exept crafting. Zeni should have been wiped after the new Zeni bug. AH must be at lvl 1 and with 10% fee. Shop back to 1kk max. All items bought from AH should get a 24 hour non-sell bind to stop players from "playing the markets". Prices for repairing your armor after it gets damaged on plat should be raised too. But now it is to late anyways, money is in the server and it will only go up more and more, since there will be no more wipe. It goes the same way as in open alpha(or pob as some called it) and in TW - sad but true!

    Not to mention that the brown boxes should be bind like they were in original. But that would mean less money for Daneos because less players would "gamble"..

    Last but not least.. Community is greedy as hell.

    Another zeni bug? i started this open beta two weeks ago, didn't play since a almost a year, and the server got another zeni bug?

    1.Hola buenas tardes tengo un problema en el juego tengo una majin ultimate nvl 54 canjie chaqueta pantalon y botas todas del nvl 54 con monedas de CC pero no me puedo poner en el juego que color en rojo clase maravilloso ... cuando me lo quiero poner me sale clase no valido ... es un error del juego ... vi en clase poderosa y sale normal pero no necesito defensa energética que ya el últimate es fisico ... ayudenme porfavor se le agradece ...

    Ultimate majin comes from mighty majin, the jacket that you are trying to use is for wonder majin (karma, plasma) that's why you can't wear it.

    Yes, exactly that, drop seems to be much lower than before, at least in ud/tmq, in open areas is higher than before.

    If zeni obtained is increased, people would have more zeni, that would cause cashers to increase prices, everything would be increased, so there is no reason to do that.

    Naturally with the next cap, people will get more zeni, and that will continue and prices are going to keep increasing, adding zeni just would accelerate the process, that's my opinion anyway.

    If you compare both tanks dw is very underpowered, he has advantages at taking many mobs at the time, while dark warrior has a great pve skill called dragon punishment, sk has steal life that last 36 seconds.

    Now lets compare aggro between them, sk has dragon will an op aggro skill that last 2 minutes and deception that has a range of 35 meters, affect 14 mobs, decrease energy attack by 25% and last 16 seconds, in the other hand dark warrior has powerful roar, skill that cause aggro in a range of 14 meters and affect 10 mobs, isn't a big diference for a pvp tank? where is the reason to choose dw over sk when playing pve challenges?

    Both burns are really diferent, sk has a great damage, while dw burn can get a max of 4.3 k at 4 sp and just if you use rp on it, that add's the charge time and of course the skill cast time, and all that for 4k, try that against ud3 mobs with 20k health

    More zeni is equal to higher prices, maybe stone drop should be higher than outside, but i don't think that increasing the zeni would do any good.

    If you use RP power up it increases the burn damage by 615 at max lvl, but never the less, having the skill based on Claws would make it considerably stronger and much more useful in a DW's kit.

    Base damage is just too low, the skill is useless until you put 3 sp on it, and for that you must reach level 49.

    Total damage of the skill with 3 sp and using rp like 3.5k and this doesn't change even when level 70, with 4 sp you will hit 3.5 - 4k damage, without rp and less damage because of this burn defense or skill being defective, lets calculate a fixed damage of 349 and a burn damage between 120 - 185 in the best of cases you have 1274, that sucks for a level 70 character.

    If you just use dw for farming purpose i think is not that bad because mobs have between 7k-9k at level 70, but go and play ud and tmq against mobs with 20k-30k health, i'm not saying that dw should have powerful skils, but damage is just too low as it was in tw, and skill being bugged is just terrible.

    I did a long comment but coldhell is just complaining about the dot damage not scaling, and in my case i have exact damage with level 25 claws and level 50 claws both +8, and in both cases the damage is lower than the description, not fair eh?.

    What iceman is saying is correct, ill take the info from the skill calculator.

    Demon wave has only a fixed damage, there is no % energy damage component to it. Hence if you have upgrades claws or not the damage should always be 349 at level 4.


    We are referring to burn damage, if you use the skill then the blast will hit and cause a fixed damage, then the burn will start its effect but this burn that is supposed to be 133 with 2 sp and 157 with 3 sp, just causes 90 and sometimes even less.

    Indeed mobs have burn defense, but serious no matter the claw you use, and the upgrade that you have on it, it always cause less damage than the one in the description, never more.

    As of right now, Demon Wave is bugged, and therefore not as good as it could / should be! You can read more about this on ColdHell's thread on the matter.

    I also think that DW's are long overdue for some balancing, tweaks and buffs! For starters, it would be great if we got some more base hit rate and / or success rate!

    I got plenty more great ideas for DW's, but I doubt that the team will even consider to even think about looking at our class anytime soon.

    Because is not populated, and most of people just use it as a famer, sad but true

    Some mobs don't have burn def, they will get full burn DOT.

    Others with burn def, burn DOT will be reduced.

    You didn't get what i'm saying, demon wave damage is calculated by claws, and no matter which claws you use, the damage doesn't change, and that is wrong, mobs can have burn defense, but even then they should take more damage because your weapon is highly upgraded and they don't take it, in fact they take much less

    It isn't resistance it is burn defense.

    Some mobs have it, some don't.

    Then if that's correct, some mobs should also get more damage from skill, right? i'm asking this because it was never the case for me in open beta, mobs always got less damage, no matter the upgrade in my claws, and yeah from 133 to 96 as max, is a big difference.

    Well that is because it is fixed damage and it should have %energy damage part, as ultimates burns on horns.

    Right now it is alright to set burn DOT but ain't that great. xD

    But what about resistance? if i use the skill at level 2 it should cause 133 burn every 2 seconds, instead i got 66-93 with and without upgraded claws. if mobs are going to resist it, then your strengh should also count for the damage calculation.

    The burn is great but it's way too low without RP, it should be like 100/200/300/400 burn dmg without RP, then same bonus with RP as of right now, making it become about - 1100 maxed.

    I mean, SK's life drain is a - 1000 32 seconds dot after all.

    As you both stated, demon wave is great only if you use rp to cast it, but even with that addition it would only be reliable in 60- levels, in level 70 cap is better to use masenko or super beam cannon because of the raw damage, dark warrior was heavily nerfed in pro of sk, made in taiwan...

    That could be ok, using transformations every 20-25 minutes with proper gear.

    I mainly use dw and dende, great namek is great against bosses because of endurance, but the 10 min limit and the high cd makes it almost useless, i think that would be better to tweak it a bit, like much lower cd or even more limit if they actually want to put a limit to it, because right now it's very situational skill.