Posts by Fluffy

    I see your point but who actually gave a fuck about uprise? it was just a team full of players who exploited bugs and only accepted level 70 players who had cashed tons to have top tier gear.

    As far as i could tell anyone who played somewhat seriously or for fun everyone knew about them ad disliked them anyway. Your guild wasn't special and neither was mine :P

    I think you misread my post. My guild didn't hate them, THEY hated my guild lmao.

    I honestly never understood why they would take things so damn seriously. It's a fucking game, just chill and have fun with competition. Admittedly, my guild leader was rather easy to set off; sometimes he sounded like he was on his period or something xDD

    But yeah, mostly everyone else who knew Uprise really disliked them. Uprise had some pro players tho; gotta give credit where it is due =^-^=

    Wonder why no one ever heard of the guild then XD elitist players who shun anyone who does stuff differently ...

    Um, thats exactly what a guild is SUPPOSED to be. A group of ELITE players with top-tier gear who band together to take on other guilds in scramble, 1v1, 5v5, dojo wars, etc. (And, fyi, maybe you didn't hear of it, but I'll tell ya right now, Uprise CERTAINLY did lmao. They fucking hated my guild leader with a passion =^-^=

    1- That's a guild... so?2- They were good for leveling... Now you just supported my "I didn't use coupons because I wanted a challenge" thesis. Thanks :D
    3- Also, how would a guild exactly know you used Coupons? Would they hack your account and see your log?

    I don't get what you are saying with #2. Leveling with tickets is NOT something I did simply because the gift boxes were NOT IN THE GAME yet. I leveled up during the lvl 55 cap, boyo.

    They would see your weapon/ gear level and if it suddenly went from +15 - +0, bam you were out. We were extremely active and would basically be intimately familiar with each others gear.

    I have yet to see a person telling me "I didn't use coupons because I wanted a challenge" While also being a pro.
    You're given something great that you can utilize, use it however you like.

    Also, that's not EVEN a point in the conversation. IF you say "Coupons are for Noobs" and crap like that....THEY ARE STILL THERE. You can still use them and you can still get very powerful items instantly!

    The guild I was in, Emperor, would kick you if they found out you used tickets. :O

    Tickets have always been complete trash. Only thing they were decent for was leveling (the gift box tickets).

    How come so many damn games that use cel shading techniques, look like fucking ps3/ xbox 360 releases? I find it absolutely mind-boggling how Idolm@ster Platinum Stars has better Cel-shaded character models than ANY other game in existence! For comparison:

    (Remember to set all videos to 1080p, btw :P) And before you ask, yes, Platinum Stars runs in real time on PS4; it's not pre-rendered.

    I mean, the only other game I have seen in which the character models don't look completely half-assed is Ni No Kuni 2, but even there it's clearly a step down from Platinum Stars. Now, I'm sure many of you will claim "Oh well Idolm@ster focuses SOLELY on the character models and there isn't much else to render due to the way the game plays". Now, that is most assuredly a good point, but Cel-Shading is NOT a taxing graphical effect (as far as I am aware).

    If you would kindly take a brief look at the videos below:

    ^It is clear as day that the extra graphical prowess Uncharted 4 & Horizon Zero Dawn showcase is NOT on display with any of these cel-shaded games. So, since even a base Ps4 with a measely 1.8 TFLOPS of GPU power AND a CPU running at ONLY 1.6 Ghz can somehow handle games like this, why the hell can't ALL cel-shaded games have character models that look as good as Platinum Stars? Just chalk it up to the developers' laziness?

    Yeah, um, I'm not at my computer screen 24/7

    And I only talk from the heart. I never put on a facade merely to garner a specific reaction. The more people who show me their hatred the more I know I'm on the side of righteousness because 99% of all society (including those on the internet) are disgustingly, and inexcusably evil.

    When I speak/ type you see the REAL me; and I vow to never change myself just to suit what society deems acceptable.

    Wtf am I late to the party here!? O_O What in the bloody hell is going on? Or is this an April Fools joke?

    (i must say, it sure would be a hella elaborate of a prank on the animator's part...)

    One of the more recent updates changed the area restrictions for duels. You gotta walk really far away from towns to duel now. It's annoying, ik, but duels out in "the wild" make up some of my all time favorite memories playing Dragon Ball Online (in all it's incarnations ^^)

    Go find an awesome spot for dueling, and invite people to party and TP em with your pet :P Best way to duel imo~

    it is not a bug he wanted to do this to be honest i think that it is the same cuz in any ways you will use white only for kid budokai stuff ^^

    The hell are you talking about? No one in their right mind will use white stones on kid budo gear. Obviously, you would upgrade FIRST before boxing stats >.> So, in other words, you just farm T points and use those stones without white stone assurance.

    White stones should work like they did in KR/ TW. Hell, you people should be grateful that Daneos hasn't FIXED the breaking system yet when not using white stones. (You people DO realize that in original DBO when you got a "broken" card, without white stone, you would LOSE your gear, right?)