literally title "A system problem has occurred." is all i get i dont lose the pet nothing evolves does the pet system work usually or is it just me? did i make a mistake? i watched 3 yt videos about it already and dont see a difference
Posts by kingpimpy
but thats a bit too much i think
not a big bug but pretty confusing
hatte da zwar schonmal nen account kann mich aber nicht einloggen
oder neu registrieren da hotmail adressen nicht akzeptiert werden (anscheinend)
gibt es eine andere möglichkeit an den patch zu kommen?
am level 69 and i can farm up to 12-15 dbs each event
im happy i never leveled to 70 otherwise i wouldnt have any chance of getting all 7
it would be great aswell when people in lower level wouldnt farm where only high leveler could farm
means if you are level 65 go farm at level 60 mobs not 65 or 64
so there is this guy
question can this dude be relevant for me or is this stuff that is not implemented yet?
same problem here atm i have no idea what to do... sadly no one responded yet
it would be actually really fucking awesome if people at level 60-65 would not farm on manhole or at level 65 mobs
try to orientate on level 60/61 if you are level 65 there are a lot of people level 68-70 and there are far less mobs to farm for us you would help us a lot actually
the problem is that you have to pay a LOT of money to test stuff out
a reset costs a lot of $$$ and if you want to test 4-5 things you need the money for 5 of these shitty books
where did you have the pet skills from?
my ingame name is the same as here
why not skill reset as a wish? or does this already exist?
i mean too many points sounds really imbalaced and reset scrolls cost $$$
there is an english language pack somewhere in this forum just search for it and you should find it
im fine with an english or german guild
im a pretty active level 67 turtle
i got 9 balls from the event and this with 2 relogs and a guy that wished for 3 minutes
the droprate seems higher than 3 years ago
where does the NPC spawn?
ok thanks do i need to kill mobs on the called place in the boss notification or is this not important?
thats the new quest i just got my question is now where do i complete it? there is no mark on the map. is it a TMQ or UD?