bro my laptop
core i5 2450m, 2.4Ghz
Nvdia GeForce GT 540M
memory 8gb
my connection 20Mbps
i try to set low grapich in game but it so lag how to set no lag in game please
Posts by zafixghazali
dbo now so lag not like in pre obt and CBT
ada guild Indonesia lagi gak selain Guild GARUDA ??
Hadir. Ada guild aktif? kalo gk ada yuk bikin Guild
Kemaren kemaren sih ada gan kyk Garuda Warrior sama Red White tapi sekarang uda gak aktif lagi soalnya semua nungguin open beta, pas OBT semua diapus kan jadi percuma menurut mereka,,
eh kalo mau bikin guild ikut dong
id : Zafix08
kalo tiap hari kyknya gak cuma seminggu bisa 3-4 hari bukak ni game gan
Right Click on mouse and the item will move on your bag, and you cant remove that item
You fixed the ep double buff on ssj, but when you go ssj your ep goes down as it is doubled, making the transformation go off as soon as it is used.
Only way I can use ssj is if I spam ep pills/food/etc to get it up before it turns off.
Please fixxx
Yes bro, i have same problem here T_T
Always faild transformation
Any idea when this might be fixed? Is it low on priority?
everyone cant do that skills, hahaha
sklian nanya.. dbo yg ini butuh d patch english lagi g y?
Gak perlu gan langsung maen aja, tapi masih kebanyakan hurufnya chines atau korea atau apa lah