Posts by ionel

    I don't have a video unfortunately ,and now If I am corect(I want to add to my tread ) only the extra time boosted with rp used to stay the same,for example if your stun lasts 7 sec and you increase the time with rp for additional 2 seconds you have in total of 9 sec but the next stun in going to be 8 sec with rp, until you only have 3 sec with rp charge, and 1 sec without (well if the duel lasts that long :D ),ill give it a search on youtube maybe I will find something related.
    I found this video of Kinswkk if you look closely at kidney shot(the stun you will se the decrease in time )

    I am pretty sure Quvades is just trying to help ,but maybe his duels weren't lasting long enough for him to notice the stun difference haha,no offence Quvades just a little joke here .

    I am pretty sure,because I have played as a dende and in combat my paralyse stun wasn't lasting twice the same amount of time against some one or mob without any accessories.

    heya,I don't know if anyone remembers but back in dbo tw,you used to get stun decreasing time from martial artist and paralyse ,this is not a bug just don't know if Daneos is aware of this,example if you get paralyse stun from dende that lasts 3.9 seconds ,next time when you get paralysed is 2.8 ,until the stun only lasts about 1 sec ,I don't remember the exact decreasing time but I just wanted to mention it.thanks

    the new one I guess is alright (if you have the money to buy white stones )the only concern I have is that in the first 3 months after open beta everyone is going to have + 15 ,done everything in the game and getting bored already the only way I see it is to remove the white stones or get to the old upgrade system when having +10 was an achievement

    salut eu mai intru cam 1-2 h în cursu săptămâni si mai mult în weekend,același nume ca si pe forum dacă vrei să mă adaugi

    i have 60 CD and giant kame used to be around 30 sec cool down ,now is bloody 40 witch is quite annoying when you have to wait nearly 1 min to use a skill ,to bad I don't have any information on what was the percentage per cool down point in old dbo but as it was before at 0.7 per CD point at 70% Max was good,anyway just my two cents.thanks

    Un alt lucru as vrea sa sugerez sa va alegeti o clasa care sa va facă placere sa jucati
    Nu sa vi se întâmple ca mie ajungeam la lvl 70 după aia ma razgandeam haha

    Asta era ai idea mea sa avem Gilda noastră ai sa ne ajutam ,ca în vechiul dbo stiam doar un singur roman,mai mult jucam cu polonezi

    Wow,super incantat sa vad ca începe sa se adune români pe aici ,cum Claudiu spunea cred ca ar fi calumea sa împărtășim experienta pe care o avem fiecare.
    Eu am jucat dbo tw timp de 3 ani de când sa deschis open beta ,si am avut 5 caractere lvl 70 ,prin asta vreau sa zic ca am un pic de experienta ,si dacă sunt jucători care sunt noi în dbo ,vă ajut cu cea mai mare placere ,dacă aveți întrebări despre clase care sunt cele mai jucate sau căutate clase sau alte lucruri în joc mulțumesc :thumbsup:

    Cel mai probabil când o sa deschidă open beta sunt putin îngrijorat de serverele pe care le folosesc dar sa speram ca totul va fi bine