Alright, for the sake of continuing a productive conversation on this thread, can you name one/several scenario(s) where Ultimate Majin wouldn't overpower the other person?(Ex: Ulti vs SK, DW, etc). And I mean this with utmost respect, my goal isn't to antagonize you. I truly wanna hear why YOU don't believe Ultimate Majin is very powerful, especially in comparison to other classes. Regardless if you know why/why not Ultimate Majin is/isn't overpowered, you've gotta explain your point so it can argued. We're not going to sit around and just assume that what you tell us is the complete truth; a majority of what you do say is heavily biased and skewed in a way to lowball Ultimate Majin(from what I've seen at the very least).
Every class, with the exception of Martial artist, have ways to fight ultima effectively, and abuse their flaws.
Ultima has nothing that cannot be countered.
Ofcourse, i'm not going to teach you how to fight ultima's, theres nothing for me to gain from it, except harder pvp matches.
Look at box, he isnt experienced when it comes to battling ultima's, but atleast hes trying
There are a few ppl who know it though, me included, but im not going to become your sensei.
Also im not saying ulti is weak, but they arent nearly as unbeatable as some scrubs try to make them look like.