Posts by AppleTree.

    That sounds like a fair solution, that all cash shop players should have all cash shop items wiped and cp refunded, then machines fixed with U70 stones removed so everyone can spend their cp properly and we wont have to worry about lvl 70 cap being filled with hundreds of U70 stones.

    At the very least any item obtained from wagu machine should be wiped and all wagu coins should be refunded

    Sorry I don't get it. As i said 2 posts earlier what's the fk difference you obtained U70 stones right now or You ll obtain them later using wagu machine when Daneos set cap lv 70? I am confused and shocked what 're you talkin about. I can use wagu machine in 3 months np and i got U70 stones. Anyway stop cry about cash shoper's i guess You should Thank's them they exist and donate the server. If noone ll donate then this game ll die. Or if You re that cool, let to make Daneos any subscription and pay a fee per month to stay the server alive. Think for a second and don't talk a shit.

    This is about game balancing, the game will be unbalanced, the problem needs to be fixed from now. Original DBO was nothing like this. That died and had plenty of support of cashing from players. I don't think you should be scared about that. The game needs to be balanced not broken

    Whats done is done the only logical thing to do now is to change or remove the u70s from the machine this way no more can be obtained. changing the current u70s to u46 would start too much controversy and another 1000 page thread just accept the mistake and make sure no mistakes happen.

    No because its unfair for the players who abused it when innocent players did not. Then it would be impossible for the other players to catch up to the rich ones. Of course the players with hundreds stones will want it removed from the wagu, because then no one else can catch up to them. Players who abused wagu within the early days to save up their hundreds of U70's and be rich as hell with players who did the right thing not abusing the wagu but using it just normally.

    U46 is too low, I think U50 or U55 stones should replace the current stones, so those players who abused wagu don't feel as ripped off. Anyone having a cry should get used to the fact that they will still be rich.

    There was an announcement that all U70 stones would be transformed into lower stones in game. The update was then cancelled, but I believe this update should happen.

    I think all U70 stones should be changed to U50 or U55 stones. In original DBO there was no such thing of players achieving hundreds of U70 purple stones this easily in lower level caps. Level 70 items wasn't even released back then. I've heard of players already with 100+ U70 stones in their possession. Use your head as a community, thats going to ruin the game.

    The game should be making use of the lower stones, and allow the economy and gear to grow naturally. What's the point of the lower stones then? For anyone complaining, U50, U55 and U60 purples, green stones were all still really valuable in original DBO low level caps.

    Also, I don't think removing the stones from wagu machine will do much, it will help, but some players already gained an unfair advantage over new players. All stones need to be transformed, and this needs to be corrected from now.

    2 Questions

    Why would you implement this update before making bind coins drop? It would make more sense if the unbind coins were made available as drops in the same update, this just causes confusion.

    How frequent will the drops be? Wouldn’t want to be farming hours on end just to unbind my gear.