I don't agree with any kind of wipe, since there's nothing currently, that would warrant a wipe.
Just like in the last thread about this, people love to use unverifiable, cherry-picked and/or straight-up false information to justify the wipe.
Argument 1: Dead Server, Player Numbers & Economy.
This is what happens, when you don't release any sort of content for 9+ months. New or even Filler Content is one of the most important things an MMO needs to keep players interested in the game.
Remember the Christmas Event on the 9th of December 2018? Remember how many people came back to the game just to check this new Event out? Yes, exactly. New Content incentivised people to log back in. Granted, it was a poorly organized Event, but it still brought back people. Some for good, some others just for the event because of FOMO.
The people that are now complaining about a "dead server", are the same people that proclaimed that DBOG would not die, when people predicted that DBOG would die because of the lack of content.
New Content is VITAL to the survivial of any MMO.
Also, on the topic of numbers: People, like Supreme, that want to use Pre-Open-Betas cherrypicked "liveliness" as proof that the Game is now dead, willfully ignore that the Player Capacity for Channels was doubled, from 500 to 1000. It's just natural for the Activity Bars to be different.
This was POB on a Dragon Ball Hunt Day in Fall/Winter 2017. Now just half the length all the Activity Bars and you can see for yourself, that the Game now isn't any more dead than it was 2 years ago. We didn't even have an announcement of the Open Beta back then.
But they don't mention any of that, because it doesn't fit their narrative.
Botters and Cheaters make up a small percentage of the actual Player Base and don't affect the game too much. This wild idea that bots somehow messed up your precious economy is bologna. Let me tell you about a simple concept: Supply and demand.
DBOG doesn't really attract a lot of new players. That means, that there aren't a lot of new players that level up and need Gear/Items/Upgrade Stones.
Then we have the veterans. Even the slowest of the slow were done with their equipment 2 or 3 months into the 60 cap.
Conclusion: Almost no one currently needs equipment, Upgrade Stones or any other sort of Item. Supply is there, demand is not. That's what's messing with your economy.
Argument 2: Equipment Levels & Duped Items.
I find it incredibly ludicrous that you people are having a problem with players having +10 or higher Equipment Levels after ~9 months on a Level Cap with no content whatsoever. You berate people for not farming enough, tell them to stop being lazy, but when they do farm and upgrade their gear to high levels it's also bad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
On the topic of duped Items. This weird notion that only a wipe could miraculously fix the issue with duped items is ridiculous. To summarize what I've said in another thread: All you'd have to do is introduce new sets of Equipment/Accesoires for the new Level Cap, new Upgrade Items that only work with the new Upgrade System, that's planned anyway, and you'd be good to go.
New and better Equipment would incentivise players to go out and farm the new stuff. You could even combine this with a new difficulty for UDs and TMQs, that would also fix the problem of the rather stale BID/CCBD End Game.
A wipe isn't the "one and only" solution for this problem, despite what they want you to believe.
A post-launch wipe is a terrible idea and there's a reason it's frowned upon in the industry. It's a death sentence to any MMO.
The MMO that actually did do an post-launch wipe in recent history was Tree of Life. Do you want to know how it turned out for them? They went from 2,759 players to 147 players in a year, and now only have 52 players left. That's how demonstrably devastating a post-launch wipe is for an MMO. And please, by all means, if you have verifiable data that says otherwise, post it.
I know, people are going to accuse of the same things they did before: "You just don't want to lose your character!", "You don't know what you're talking about!" or even better, full-on No True Scotsman Fallacy Mode, "Only People that like the Game want the wipe!".
Fact of the matter is, I couldn't care less about my virtual Characters and their virtual Items. If there was something that would warrant a wipe, I'd be all for it. A temporary dip in Player Activity and easily fixable problems ain't it, though.
I care about the game and want it to survive, even trump OG DBO and show that it's possible for this awesome franchise to have a good MMO experience. You can't get to that, though, if you go back to square one everytime something goes slightly awry. That's demonstrably the wrong way to do things.
Tackle the Problems head-on and fix them.
Also, just a a little side note: I find it kind of funny, that people are using the results of a rigged poll to proclaim that the "majority" is for the wipe. Both sides used sock accounts to rig the poll in their favor. Use a better Survey Service if you want accurate data.