Okay, I was just making sure since I hadn't had a DB drop or radar ping since getting the duplicate DB. Thank you for letting me know I don't have to start over and I just have bad luck.
Posts by altia_san
I found 6 of 7 real DBs (not the quest DBs) and stored them in bank for safe keeping. I found what I thought was my last DB, but it was a duplicate 3 star ball.
Since I found that duplicate ball, I have not had a single DB drop, nor any appearing on my scouter radar. I have even gone to higher level areas but no luck.
I ended up dropping the duplicate ball in hopes it would fix the bug, as well as carrying the other 6 balls with me, and no luck.
Not sure if I need to drop all the balls and start over or what.
Not a new player by any stretch. Before server wipe I got up to level 60.
Looking for casual English guild that is okay with me only being online in the evenings and weekends due to my job.
IGN is Oncom1ngStorm, lvl 29, soon to be swordsman.
Hey, all,
I used to play this game about 4 or so years ago and I'm coming back now.
Looking for an English Speaking guild to become part of. Casual guild preferred since I cannot play much due to work.
I am level 28 currently and will be choosing swordsman second class. Hit me up in game, player name Oncom1ngStorm.
Thank you so much for all your help. After resetting my password for the 10th time, it finally worked.
My issue is now solved and you can lock this thread.
Yes, I am trying to log in through the launcher.
I have tried the username and password used on the main website, and I have now tried my information to log into the forums.
Level 44. almost 45 Turtle Hermit would like to join. IGN is SakataGintoki.
I've went to all locations where the box supposedly spawns on a regular basis, waited 10 minutes at each location, and no spawn.
And yes, my character is level 30.
Yup. Still talk to him on Skype occasionally.
I was. Was a fighter with the name SakataGintoki. Dunno if you remember.
Hello possible guild recruiters. I'm a vet from the TW DBO server who played a fighter named SakataGintoki.
Currently, I'm playing a martial artist named OncomingStorm and a warrior named Choujin. The martial artist is my main. I'm looking for a guild with other DBO vets who are interested in dungeoning, questing, and end-game pvp/gearing, preferably with a majority of members speaking English, since I do not know any other language well enough to talk to others or understand what is being said.
Please, let me know if your guild matches this!
I have the same issues, except I am missing my gi and boots.
I logged out of the game with my full Dragon Ball set of armor, but logged back in to find my gi and boots missing. They are not in my inventory nor on my character. I still have the pants.