what i see is that lvl 60 cap is here for a year and no 70 cap yet and the new start will gonna have caps , why ? cuz daneos won't have time to fixe all the bugs to launch a lvl 70 game directly è_è
Posts by TheProdige
make dungeons rewards better so farming tmq's , would bee worth it by the way add hard mode for tmq 5 . 6 . 7 with better stats equipement harder bosse's as well pleas !
to be honest i can't understand why a naruto / dragon ball 3D open world mmorpg doesn't exsist yet i mean , even if the mmorpg era is dead but this two licence's are like a beasts you can easly done a great game ,
by the way if it's not a open world game then it will gonna be big garbage
I've already decided to block multi-accounts with the new client update.
PVE wise is going to change a lot too. Might make more stuff untrade-able and harder to get.
A new party-search function is going to come.
mee as a karma in POB i used to have crafted +15 golves 27% crit damage + 11 prop + 9 prop +13 prop ( earing + ring ) i used to farm wiith crafted +5 21 and 20 % lp recover and without a buffer it was way to long / almost iimpossible to farm papaya sharks , that have 9k lp each so if you wanna stop multi client how the fighter / sword will gonna farm ? how mee as karma mee i will gonna farm mobs , how the hell +15 crafted golves does a great damage and it was really hard to get .. so can't imagine with regular +10-+11 golves how i'am supposed to farm and play as a 100 % f2p player how am i supposed to get zenie expect purple and green stones you won't have any monney i used to bee in top 20 at least of the farmers servers , biids in general are usless , cuz you can't sell anything and to find a max stat drop is 95% impossible ( over 200 kraken run for 1 10 prop earing ) and it was a team mate who got the dice not even mee same for cellx and bacterian , so before plan some serious changes pleas ask players of the server , and stop acting / planing new things and ask gm's cuz to bee honnest and no offence they don't know how the hell this game is supposed to play obviously
The answer is yes, work is under progress it's just there isn't much to show since it's a repeated progress with some tiny changes and it will take time and too much effort until we get a fully working new client.
and who are you a new member of the staff ?
some stats need rework for example soul and strenght who use soul and strenght waepon and sub waepon and i wonder why we don't have strenght / soul sub waepon instead of e.attack and p.attack ? in addtion to a complete rework of the RNG in this game
This is my suggestions.
I think that the actual system is unfair because many people farm for hours and hours and at time to upgrade all the work is a lost time. So I think that the new upgrade can be a goal system.
- What is needed to upgrade
In the system the upgrade stones are the sames maybe the black are don't necessary in this idea.
- Where you obtain the items you need to upgrade
In this system the ways to obtain stones are the same that now, farm, cashop, token...
- The information regarding the upgrades E.G Blue/Red = +1 Green/Purple = +1-3
Here is the new, for example I want to upgrade my weapon lvl 26. In this system the npc requiered 1 u26+ red to +1 and the same to upgrade +6, but when I upgrade my weapon to +6 I will need a red, 1 purple and 1 whitefor upgrade to +7. Is only an example really can be more stones for example to +14-+15 can be 800 reds 100 purples and 200 whites.
I know that It looks easy to upgrade but is not, you will need farm for hours or pay a lot of zenny/cash for buy the stones but this system is fair because If I farm 4 hours for a week I go to upgrade my armor according to my farm results without a fear to the armor downgrade and I lost my time.
Thanks for read
with this sytem we won't see random peopole at the plat
daneos logic was always a mystery !!! same for some aliens in this forum
just look for a new game , i don't know , playing this game as the "main" game is loosing you'r time .
for 12 yo kids this isn't a new client it's Black desert online i think .
haahahahahaahahahah !!! new client buggy af
is tROLL ur last name
half a year for a lvl 60 cap for what ? at lvl 70 we probably won't gonna have all the quests working maybe it won't bee exactly the same as the POB but it won't bee that much different waiting all this and i'am 100 % that cc150 won't come with the lvl 70 cap , drops will gonna bee buggy asf , we probably won't gonna have the BIDS as well waiting all this time to come up with a new client ( i thought it was supposed to come out for december .. ) a new client for what ? what kind of improuvment it will give us ? a new cc floor in 2022 a new bid for 2024 a new cap for 2050 -_- ... the biggest problem with this server is the communication Daneos give only like flash infos and this since the biggining of the project and of corse he still get support for that so he will obviously will gonna keep it up..
That's an insult?
Seems more like advice to me... 60 cap has become stale and im not surprised. Who wants to play a cap that's not end game for half a year.. I can be improving the game how exactly? do i look like daneos? All you do is prove to me your a child. Keep it up kido.
honestly i am sure there wont be any new content in the game and as IronSamman98 said this game is 100% farm..you have to farm over 10 hours in order t get some stones and maybe you get something good with these upgrades and use all these upgraded gear you've made with so many hours to pvp which is really bad atm..i mean the pvp is bad
yeah exactly for lvl 70 peopole there is no need to farm instance's , even the CCBD the only thing that is great and worth to get in the cc is that rare dogi ball so , farming at papaya island is x10 more benefic than anything else , UD5 / UD6 are usless ud's expect exp there is nothing special you can get there .. pve need a look on this game
are you guys testing this with the cc150 aura ?
can't wait till december !
nerf crit then say : OMG speed party is so annoying .. it's way too op ..
Where you get all this knowledge? Give me your incredible source please i beg
why we need a new client ? why ? we will gonna have something new , a DBOG exclusive update ? new cap? , new instance ? new graphic engine ? this client is great enough to realse what leftt , 70 quests , and ccbd
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je suis un humain fighter male au niveau 52 avec 215heure de jeux215h de jeu genre , joué ou étre afk ? contact Reg , Moguh , Dunwich pour la guilde
the new client is a big lie we won't have a cc150 till 1 year after 70 cap ..