Posts by AnnaKarina

    Ciego fue no darse cuenta que al votar wipe el juego iba a morir

    Es lo que esta pasando ahora

    Esa guild fue para informar a los jugadores, ya que hubo muy mala informacion por parte de los administradores, si hubieses estado en la guild te habras dado cuenta de la cantidad de personas que no sabian nada sobre resetear

    tu odio por el wipe te impide razonar amigo. mucha gente voto por el sí justamente como condición para volver a jugar el juego, no por nada hubieron más votos, muchos más votos que el no. ya todo estaba lamentable en ese entonces, así como ahora. qué culpa tiene el wipe cuando la culpa es del administrador que nunca ha sacado el lvl 70? más simple que esto no te lo puedo poner.

    y lo del wipe fue avisado aquí, en el foro oficial del servidor. tampoco es que se tuvo que haber avisado a cada jugador por whatsap...

    Hablo ahora sobre el wipe porque esto es lo que conllevo a esto, probablemente el servidor y el juego estaría funcionando bien, con nivel 70 y varias mejoras, ademas de intentar reparar el problema de quienes consiguieron +15 de manera no legitima, una cosa es aburrirse y otra es no querer trabajar, en el servidor actual no hacia falta mucho para ser felices, en el 2.0 falta mucho que hacer, entre ellas ni si quiera saber como avanzar

    el problema con vos fue siempre tu berrinche por el wipe, hasta te habías hecho una guild "nowipe" y personajes con igual nombre, es muy difícil tomarte en serio.

    MUCHOS ya sabían el destino de este servidor... muuuucho antes del wipe. tan ciegos pueden ser?

    y sin embargo la gente ingenua le creyó y voto por el wipe, lo raro es que toda esa gente que votó, la mayoría ya no esta ni se atreven a hablar en el foro, imagino por verguenza porque la persona en quien creían, mintió tantas veces, y de nuevo les da la espalda, sigo pensando que esa votación estaba arreglada desde principio a fin.

    cuál sería la diferencia de votar o no por un wipe cuando el juego ya estaba bastante muerto? el problema con este juego fue la falta de contenido. lo del wipe solo fue algo para darle el gusto a la mayoría.

    qué suerte que no cashie ni un centavo. igual es muy probable que alguien nos sorprenda con otro servidor.

    I think you need to find a girlfriend and get laid fast.

    i think you need to open your eyes fast...

    i came back and played for like 3 weeks this dead game, you know what the sad part is? there is people still cashing. wtf??

    if you are really that excited to play on this lame server where you have almost nothing to do, i think you are the one who needs a girlfriend and get laid.

    Stop complaining, I ain't selfish I have middle school, part-time job, social life and many other things + I'm a free 2 play player and I still want wipe as well as other people like me, so if u can't reach level cap then just don't play the game like this MMO is the one with the easiest level system.

    this is exactly what i think, still i dont get people thinking that deleting characters is neccessary, thats retarded. and i dont see the problem playing with a naked lvl 60, there are a lot of ways for you to get, at least, trash gears so you can start from that.

    just keep lvls and and CP.

    and for the people who dont want a wipe and claim that this game will be dead becase of it, well let me tell you there are A LOF OF PEOPLE WHO LEFT THIS GAME and would be more than happy return if a wipe comes.


    Still, after reading every comment on my post, i dont see any real point for the character deletion. It is just Unnecessary. It should be fine deleting everything else but characters and compensating them as i originally proposed. Or, Atleast, resetting them and getting a lvl up stone based on their level. Example: LV 52 character gets: LV UP 50. Lv 58 player gets: Lv up 55.

    Why im so damn obsessed with my argument? I'll explain it.

    The porcentage of people that enjoy the quest system/farming to level up is like 20% or less. It is just necessary to join to the pvp world. The system is so old and repetitive... that becomes a pain in the ass. I would say that only the new people that never played DBO before, would enjoy it (Personally, i, as a 2011 player, enjoy some missions, but honestly it could be better,). Im not saying Leveling is hard. I said its BORING. If there is not a plan to change the quest system, you can be sure that the drop of players will after the wipe will me MASSIVE.

    Killua, I dont think anyone agrees about deleting chars. I do see a lot of people who are ok with a wipe dont mind if characters are deleted, which is different. No one would like to start from lvl 1, youd have to be some sort of masochistic for that and, as you said, is unnecessary. But, again, If a a wipe comes and the moderator choose to also delete all chars I wouldnt mind.

    And I think 20% is a very high number.

    It's so funny how the people take this so seriusly, this looks like a job or some competive game that them will gain real money xd. Take It easy guys is only a game and a private server, If daneos do a wipe and refund the cp will lose donations for a lot of time and If he don't refund will lose the donators and all choices the game will lose a lot of people that don't want or can't lvl again. This is only a game, enjoy It.


    You sound very relaxed considering you have seven lvl60 characters xD

    Yes, "she" is like that. You are not the only one. Well, it just tells you how are the people running this game.

    So sad, I played this server for 4 moths (I started very late, now I see it was a good choice, considering how the thing ended up). I had big hopes for DBOG, now I am just waiting for the new client to solve something, but I really doubt it. I remember Daneos saying a wipe is not for debate, if they really change their mind it is start, I guess.


    This is the current situation, some people just won’t listen. Let them leave or stay for something better to come.

    Holy fck I did not know the english dub was that bad xD.

    How u want find party for TMQ 1 if everyone doing multi client because they want drop only for themself?

    thats was not my point. Nevertheless spamming tmqs opening 5, 4 or 3 clients is a pain in the ass and you need a lot of runs to get proper items.

    The other day we were looking for a poko for CC100 for almost 2 hours. And this is with me as buffer/turtle and my friend as karma/dende. Multiclient or not, the lack of players is very real.

    I wonder the impact multiclients death would have in the game, considering things as they are now. Im against multiclient too, but with the currently cute playerbase, where you cant even get party for tmq1 or find ppl in the game to lvl up together or go to dungeons... it looks like a hard deathblow to an already pretty harmed server.

    que mas da un reinicio, Este juego se esta muriendo, un reinicio acabaría con el, bueno eso pienso.. solos los que somos muy fans del juego seguiremos jugando...

    pues que muera o pase lo que deba pasar. igual ya dejaron en claro que no habrá wipe, veamos cuando llegue el lvl 7'0 cuánto dura este juego, sin gente, sin nada de contenido nuevo, igual de malo y aburrido llegado a cierto punto, lleno de bugs, bots e items +15.

    sean sinceros esto de ver harta gente por ahí +15 es un chiste, demuestra lo muy mal cuidado que anda el server y que a la gente encargada no le importa mucho.

    dijeron que iban a cambiar el sistema de upgrade y que iban a arreglar lo de los bugs y bots, si esto realmente ocurre un reinicio no es tan mala idea, pero bueno, hay demasiada gente en contra y los admins no quieren.

    yo hice 3 pjs +12/+13 sin gastar nada de dinero y estoy a favor del reinicio, si todos están de acuerdos claro. Yo no tengo problemas en empezar todo desde 0 si va lo mismo para todos los jugadores.

    You guys already know udgrade system cannot be changed..IT'D BE PATETIC!. then all items udgraded will have to come back to +0 or just will there to delete them. i totally agree notoriuos if you work hard you are able to get an op gear +13/15.. yea ''FARMING HARD'' and not trying to get +15 using 2 stones pls . The current system is fair for everyone because cashers and non cashers can get their stuff and udgrade it = using the easy way $$$ and you ya know the another one.. good ideas not bad tho.. but it's 60 cap

    if the upgrade system is gonna be changed a wipe is mandatory

    lots of bots on this server and thats why there are a lot of +15 gear, as some people already said in the previous posts

    i dont understand why a wipe is so hated for some people here, and even if our chars are going to be deleted, leveling is not a real problem... come on, leveling up a char in this game is very easy. in the next cap your items will be useless when you get better ones anyway. maybe your accesories will hurt you to lose, but im ok with that.

    i also wanted the upgrade system not to be touched, but I read some good ideas and honestly, if they can make a nice upgrade system working fine and fair for everybody without the RGN aspect, it would be awesome.

    lvl 70 cap will meet us all in a fresh start. is the best solution to this server problems, cant you see it?

    I know but we will need more sub classes for the Majins and Nameks if we get the engineering sub class for humans. :)

    it won't be right to have the humans have 6 sub classes while the others have 4 to.

    i was very excited for engineering class back in the day, but i guess it wont happen NEVER.

    Anyways, engineering is supossed to be based on technology armament, so it will make sense that majins and namkes being engineers too.

    Bro, no se puede hacer critico con los giros, por lo que usar % critico o chance critica es inutil. Utiliza mas hit rate en la trompeta para que puedas meter todos los golpes del giro y aumentar tu daño, ya que con fallar 1 solo giro, tu daño puede disminuir mucho.

    claro que los giros meten critico... a no ser que lo hayan cambiado hace poco pero los buffers siempre usaron critico fisico. hit rate es solo para pelear contra fighters y swordsman.

    edit: ya entré y mis giros hacen 3k a mobs lvl 60 en papaya, sale critico y hacen 5k por vuelta. Uso trompeta de craft +13.

    love this! making upgraded items non tradeable will make every player actually work for their items.

    current upgrade system is fine. whats with this thread? i dont see anyone complaining about it.

    I have 3 chars full +12 and already worked pretty hard for it. At least let us non cashers not very hard to make decent upgraded items.

    It's people like you who ruin the game with their toxicity. The man is entitled to an opinion, if he enjoys it he enjoys it,

    BilalStrike is right. There are a lot of toxic ppl in these forums, but he is not one of them. He is just speaking the truth. Someone who is starting this game cant argue about how good or bad it is. He just started and have a lot to do, so ofc the game will be enjoyble for him so far.

    im waiting for another server because here only spanish and chinese cucks played during my time of playing on this server i also hated this 2pr0 pay to win guy in pvp i hope he enjoys pvping now against himself in this ded game lol i never payed a cent here and some retarded people spent few hundret bucks and now its ded lol wp

    me too and yeah, I have some friends having second thoughts and regreting for spending cash on this server. The situation is not looking good right now, just see ethanvolcano21 above you, he donated, he got pretty mad at how bad the game became and started trashtalking until he got banned.

    Only thing to do is wait for lvl 70, hopefully more ppl will play and the game will be better.