Posts by shadthehunter

    Drop rates are working fine for me, I just made 2 wishes yesterday AND I already have 5 balls again, so almost three wishes in one day. Hunting them while grinding some levels is very easy apparently.

    What the fawk is your point dude? "You cant rely on debuffs with high cooldown"......Turtles dont have long CD?"Just because you don't play SK means they shouldn't be as strong as in TW server?".................idk wtf thats supposed to mean.
    And there is a point in my comments but there is NO point in trying to educate you, please go back to minecraft or skyrim, Thanks.

    Of course, of course. Does that make you feel superior? Great. I've played a lot of mmo's, including dbo TW for like 3 years straight. You wanna talk about education? With your insults and pointless criticism? Sure. But don't expect me to take you seriously because i know what kind of player you are. You are the first one who's going to cry when they fix defense and skill bugs ingame. How pitiful. Thanks.

    1-Si, anda. Por eso es que los fighters pueden hacen grandes pulls, por su buff de Dogde.
    2-Dex es el valor pasivo que incrementa dodge y crítico físico.
    3-Si, sólo afecta el ataque automático, las skills tienen un CAST time, que es reducido or skills pasivas etc.
    Según lo que yo tengo entendido. ^^

    Do they have a graphic designer? For the textures of the new maps. xD I heard that Daneos didn't want new staff because he's scared that they would steal his progress.
    but yeah, that would be awesome. Builds wouldn't be as restricted. Maybe they could use and combine old maps and slightly tweak their palette colors + new npcs/mobs in adition of a few more changes in their enviroment and voila, a "new" map.
    I wonder if they have the files from the "Engineer and mechanic" classes. :huh:

    Daneos and the staff work with the resourses they have. I personally don't think they would incorporate "new" content into the game, like more TMQ's, or maps, but i do believe that they can re-use old stuff and modify them as new features. Like, adding more mobs/dogis/npcs/items/etc.
    Maybe i'm wrong, idk.

    You must be new to DBO kid, Curse does steal does dmg....dafuq you talking about? lol.

    Yeah, but they are not "Attack skills", they're just debuffs. You can't rely on debuffs with high cooldown with a server full of turtles throwing super kames at you and fighters stunning.
    Just because you don't play SK means they shouldn't be as strong as in TW server?
    There's no point on your comments. o.O

    ... Uy, tenemos a un programador por aquí. Tranquilo viejo.
    Que risa con esta gente que quiere saber más que los demás a la mala, sin fundamentos.
    Aquí dice claramente que se les devolverá el cash. Antes de andar pendejeando informece. :v

    Lol without their bleed they are just an easy target with lots of LP. What about Turtles, and their super kame dealing 25k+ crit?
    Out of all the skills you mentioned, only one of them deals damage (hellzone) and not many Sk's use it. Some may rather use Sharp Slice... And guess what? It's bugged too. ^^
    What i mean is, it's not really fair that most of our skills are bug, but humans and majin have all of them just fine. If they are going to balance them, at least make them work properly.

    I don't think you need a big glittery answer for bold strike. What seemed to happen is that the % is basically the damage dealt. Although you can have the bleed go up so much more. I know it is bugged, but if you might have noticed, almost all bugs with % on them are bugged (in a way)
    Hope That helps you for now!

    Yeah, i've been dealing 164 (raw damage) instead of 164% of my energy attack (which should be almost 50% less than the main primary attack), i hope they fix this because that's honestly the only reason i went with SK ;-;

    So... I know, i know there is a bunch of threads about this already, but i still can't find an explanation to this from Daneos or any developer. What happened to Bold strike? Is it bugged? Is it nerfed? They better fix it because Shadow knight doesn't stand up against other op classes without the bleed damage D: That's like, the best skill they have (for pvp wise along with some other debuffs)
    So please, fix it. :c Or at least give us an answer.

    A mi me toco, pero solo es el Alpha, los personajes que crees acá serán borrados de la base de datos. Yo me pondré a subir lo mas rápido que pueda haciendo todas las quest posibles para asegurarme de que no hay bugs en ninguna quest. De esa forma sabre como subir rápido cuando salga el open live (ya que hace muucho que no juego dbo xD y no recuerdo mucho) Y contribuiré con el closed alpha a la vez. :thumbsup:

    PDT: Daran acceso a 100 cuentas mas, suerte con eso. Y del 22 al 24 todos podrán entrar.