ok lets clear this out..Dbog is certainly not a p2w game for the reasons echoson told before..except that,..giving money to this game means you have JUST ADVANTAGE IN TIMEEEEEE...YOU CAN OBTAIN EVERYTHING IF YOU PUT MORE EFFORT(time) to this game..SO PLEASE STOP CRY!!!!!You all people who blame the cashers you propably are under 18 years old..If you get a job and when you grow up you can spend your money as you wish..if you want to spent it in a game its ok..if you want to spent it in food its ok..if you want to spend it in clothes its fine...there is not right and false on the way you spent your money..i mean its really depends on your point of view and what your expectations are!Personally i havent cash a single cent in this game,i have other priorities in my life than pay a game..but i am not getting mad or being jealus to people who pay money on games and have advantages..
Posts by johnnysGr
SViper AHH again youuuuuu..annoying zumbattttt!!
After searching of hours >.<..i see its complicated as fk for amd ryzen users to install windows 7..you need to do ton of things..i quit
SViper certainly a psyduck
Hello guys, as I said I'm gonna post some source where you can learn how to dual boot your system. That said the following videos is in spanish but I will comment a bit what he is doing at each stage:
First of all I assume the majority of you who have problems with dbog are running win10 on your computer. So first of all it's important that we download a win7 .iso which you can download from the following link:
Before installing windows7, you have to create a partition out of your disk (I recommend at least 70gb), you can learn how to do it here:
Once you've done that, you have to burn the iso. To do so, if you have win10, it's as simple as double clicking the .iso file (as you can see on the video from above) and you will automatically "load" the iso. Well, once you doubleclick the win7.iso you will see the setup option which will guide you along the instalation. At the point where you have to select a disk in order to install win7, you will be displayed with all disks you have on your computer, so you will see your partition with the name you've named it (EVERYTHING IS ON THE FIRST VIDEO IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBT, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND SPANISH, YOU CAN GET THROUGH IT JUST BY WATCHING).
Now once you have both SO installed it's likely that you don't have any drivers installed (ON THE WINDOWS7) so I recommend to use a program called "Speccy" to see which Motherboard you have on your computer, download your motherboard drivers from win10 (where you will have internet connection) and put the files into a USB. Now we're ready to go; switch back to win7 and connect the usb, install the motherboard drivers on your win7 so partition (IT'S IMPORTANT THAT YOU INSTALL YOUR LAN (ETHERNET) DRIVERS AS WELL) and just go download DBOG and enjoy it!
NOTE: Since you have an "unactivated" win7 SO, just download a "cracker" from here:
It's pretty simple, just extract the folders to your WIN7 desktop, open the .exe and click install. Your windows now will be activated.
after so many hours i tried to partition my hard drive and install windows 7...First i had problem with mouse and keyboard..my mouse and my keyboard couldnt be recognized..so i found an old keyboard PS2/port so i can install the operating system windows 7..when i installed it..others problems come..my gpu couldnt be recognize and my netword adapter neither..By the way i have only one slot for PS2/port so i cant put a mouse too.. Zeusky your keyboard and your mouse are connected to your pc through usb?(PS3/port) or with PS2/port?
And again, server lag has nothing to do with this issue. It also happens when you start your own server with DBO emulator.
I agree that all we can do at the moment is to adapt, in my opinion it's not a big problem when it comes to regular playing, but I think it can be irritating when it comes to PvP, when every second is important.
Well, I think there's nothing else to say about this, we all should try to find some fix on our own, maybe someone will be lucky enough to solve this mysterMan THIS IS NOT LAG FOR SURE..i play this game with 30-40 fps and sometimes it drops to 1..its fps problem not lag problem
Yes, as Retro Edge has stated it's a Win10 problem, not servers' one. One I installed DBOG on my win7 partition everything went smooth. To whoever said it's worth instally a VRMachine, it's just not... It's hard to get the needed performance for gaming on a vrmachine set. That said I've done quite a few things that made my Win10 game run quite smoother and only getting like 0,5ish seconds of lagg every 1 minute or so (Which doesn't bother that much since you don't feel anything that keeps you away from playing well). You can try:
1. Put DBOG folder's path into your antivirus white list.
2. Move your DBOG folder to your desktop (I mean to take it out from programfiles).
3. Install an old version of DirectX: https://www.microsoft.com/es-e…onfirmation.aspx?id=34429.
If nothing of this works you can try to install a Virtual machine (WITH VMWARE PLAYER) and try to set PCI Passthrough the virtual machine by looking for internet tutorials. PCI Passthrough it's a way to "virtualise" your GPU.
with these specs can i run the game in virtual machine?
cpu amd ryzen 5 1400 3.20 ghz
ram:8 gb
gpu:1050 ti 4gb
what stats must have my subweapon
They Cash Shop
You can try with energy attacks, aoe.
yes thats what i thought too...unfortunately i dont have the effort to cash much money in this game..so i reject this option
Hi i have a question...can anyone tell me a good build and gear for farming?My main now is fighter...but i think i wont be able to farm and upgrade my character if i cant farm stones..by killing 1by1 mobs its really painfull..I wonder how all these guys who play pure pvp build fighter..how they manage to get their items +15..If you cant farm with AOE skills you cant find stones..
That said I just installed a dual partition with only 80gb with windows7 (you can use winloader to activate it) and I haven't had any lagg/freeze.
can you please show me a video how to do it..
all windows 10 users(almost 80%) are having problem..i agree downgrade your windows is maybe one solution..but its not worth because all the new games are playing better at windows 10
hi,i am searching a good pvp fighter build and i cant find...anyone can help me?
daneos is working on cp guys..so you can take all of you back your cp..he said in discord in few hours we have open beta released..so patience until then
Cancer but you are dito you can transform into anything
Cancer you are shinny Dito!!!!!
daneos tho post something before 3 hours..."
We are having issues with sending mails.
We are already working on it and it should be fixed".
I dont know what is this problem what messages he mean?
dboglobal.to seems to be working right now
i have just to say there is a terrible communication in this community..not a single moderator have speak to us for this happening right know....
@ Astin a wild onyx has apperead!! D: