I am hope that the new client will be fix this problem.
Until that i will try to enjoy game with this "feature."
I am hope that the new client will be fix this problem.
Until that i will try to enjoy game with this "feature."
I bought an Asus ROG G703GI high-end notebook, and install the game client on the new machine.
I am experienced a continous faltering when I am playing.
I have a GTX1080 in my machine and I have nothing problem with other games.
I tried every display settings.
The client doesn't support this graphic card or the game is too old and not compatible with it?
My previous ROG notebook with GTX860M working perfectly with the game.
What can I do to solve this problem?
Thx for the answers.
Sziasztok! Valaki tudna segiteni? Hanyas szinttol lesz felnott a karakter es hanyas szinttol lehet repulni? Tudom nem nagy kerdesek csak erdekelne!
30-as szinttől lehet mindkettőt megcsinálni. Előbb a felnőtté válást és a master classt kell kipipálni, majd a repülést.
Azonban a repülés több questline-ból áll. Már korábban elkezdődik, csak a 30-as szintnél ér véget.
Link a felnőtt quest leírásához:
Link a teljes flight questchain leírásához:
Remélem ez segít.
Üdv mindenkinek.
Magyar klánok után érdeklődnék a szerveren.
Szívesen csatlakoznék valamelyikhez, de csak olyanokat veszek komolyan, ahol érett felfogású emberek játszanak.
Én egy régi motoros vagyok (a koromat értve ), játszottam a régi Tajvani szerveren is és itt is elég régóta fent vagyok, de eddig csak egyedül toltam.
Most értem el oda, hogy a releváns content-hez csapatra lenne szükségem.
20 éve imádom a DB világát, és jó lenne egy normális társaság tagjaként tolni ezt a csodálatos játékot olyan emberekkel, akik segítenek megérteni olyan aspektusát is a game-nek, amit esetleg nem értek (szigorúan non-payer player vagyok).
Vettem fel pár magyar nevű játékost friend listre in-game, de én lepődtem meg, hogy milyen bunkó módon viselkednek a játékban. Az ilyen embereket kerülöm. Csakis értelmes, érett emberek társaságát keresem.
Üdv a szerver magyar közösségének.
I think this is a feature, not a bug.
When I attacking a mob, he only recover a small amount of his hp when I use skills and too much time elapse between 2 attacks.
The mobs can heal himself.
If you loose aggro the mob heal himself during the fight.
March 8th update:
- Monsters LP/EP recover greatly increased when losing all aggro.
I can't understand those ppl who are crying because they don't get things immediately in game.
This is a MMO, not a 60 hours play-time game. To earn things need time.
Also the game is based on Dragon Ball world. In the anime how long it took when lastly Son Goku had the 7 balls?
It needs time to get the 7 balls. They are a gift not an allowance.
The open beta started 1st of March and I had only 1 wish. And it is good.
I will playing with the game months and months (maybe years ), and I need challenge for a while.
If everyone can earn everything in the some first weeks, the game would become boring.
So, I say everyone keep calm and just enjoy this magical world.
During last event:
Tried the stay and kill mobs in a little area method. After 30 min no DB mobs was appeared.
Tried the fly-find-kill method. I killed more than 100 DB mobs, no DB was dropped.
After 4 event i haven't collect a simple set of DB.
The conclusion is that the DB hunt event is very frustrating with so much players, and lot of players will burn out, if nothing will change.
So, as I see.
Don't hurry with leveling. Stay lower level than others.
And hope that less peoples at your level, and make easier the hunt (+/- 5 level criteria).
We have 3 more weeks with lvl 45 cap. I have time to make it at last few days.
That can work if most of the players want to hit the cap as soon as possible.
Right I guess?
What is the droprate of Dragonballs during the DB hunt event in the open beta?
I have participated in both of today's DB hunt event and only 1 DB dropped for me.
I had counted the number of try to get one.
It was above 40.
I saw more than one people who was summon Shen Long 30 minutes after the evening event started.
How can it be?
The drop rate not similar for everyone?
How many try necessary to get one DB?
Thx for the answers.