also make them trade able so that people can farm and sell to others
Posts by TrefelgarDLaw
these dragon balls not so important its reward not that good but if you really need a solution maybe GMs can help you bring it back
you must be logged on for some minutes before you get them but if you keep logging in and out first token will be reset
True fighter always want to be stronger
man that skill spin is so OP with props it deals serious damage ignoring defense.
Yes pvp build. I am guessing that you could make a pve build but sm would be far superior at that because of burning attack, But I havent seen a good one tho.
final flash and big bang attack would be good cause of that buff with 25% energy attack as you stated that these attacks depend on gloves
when you open launcher and get "a new DBOGlauncher is available" press ok then wait a few minutes.
make sure to add DBOG.exe to your anti virus and firewall.
make sure to open dbog from launcher.
Alot of you curious about the difference between turtle book effect on male and female.
male gets energy attack,speed and it drains its LP so why especially LP ?
cause when male sees what in turtle book of nudity he gets erected
and gets nose bleed, but he becomes so wild that his attack and move speed gets boosted.
And about female turtle she gets full RP and defense so why especially RP ??
RP stands for rage points so when she sees what in the book (nudity) she gets so angry and jealous so the rage points becomes full. how wild is she ? careful don't be near her and use that book she gonna kick your ass
and her EP reduces so why EP ? cause when she gets angry she loses her energy and becomes exausted.
hope you enjoy that part of funny facts of DBO.
untill next time !
Hmm there are people who love only PVE, this would just force them to PVP and they do not like it.
Everyone needs to farm and do any PVE content to improve their PVP characters, if they have them.
Auto pots before sell and people could earn zeni thanks to that, it should be here too.
That is why I am saying that auto pots should be gained via PVE content soo be it simple farming mobs and get chest that would drop from mob by simple farm in world map or via dungeon or tmq as reward or mob drop there.
maybe can get by crafting, collect materials then craft autopots
Auto pots should be easy to obtain.
Without auto pots, squishy DPS classes have no chance vs tanker classes with tons of HP.
Auto pots from token shop are lame af.
i agree maybe it should be bought by mudosa points ?
i think it would make battle finish so fast, auto pots actually makes battle more fun not just 1 hit kill or 2 hit kill.
did you make sure that you typed this not the older one ?
i agree with you indeed grand chef needs buff .
it's unfair that ultimate majin that OP and not grand why did they nerf grand majin ?
that class needs the following:
- remove "spirit burn flash" and put "devour curse" insted.
- make "curing scent" effect same like "pleasant feeling" (make it able to remove from yourself the paralysis)
- switch "Defense up" passive to " Status Resistance" passive
- Increase duration of spirit drain same like SK's Life drain.
that will encourage people to main grand chef to join dungeons and stuff.
Can somebody tell me how that state damage % is calculated is it (physical / 2) + (energy / 2) ? or what.
i'm curious cause when i upgraded my weapon double bleed done higher damage.
please help.
i think dice depends on where you are in the party's list.
Each 33% will count for all skills but like I mentioned earlier, the gloves attack( the attack you see on your stats) only influence the 1st class’s skills dmg which are obviously the weaker skills. The subweapon attack will only influence the master class skills. If u have 33% on both wepon and gloves then you get 66% increase crit dmg for ALL skills because it works independently.
If you use 33% gloves ur dmg will be higher on needles even tho the skills dmg is calculated through ur stick the 33% from the gloves is additional dmg
i see thanks for information, but why does needle damage increases when use kaioken which increases base attack by 30% ?
Yes skills of the sub weapon only depend on the sub weapon upgrade. Skills from the basic class only depend on your attack, aka your gloves.
so if i use a 33% critical damage glove.sub weapon skills will take the base attack too or just the 33% ?
maybe the problem is from your processor, over heated or something.
i have already tested this, and make 0 difference whatsoever. Please don’t spread false info without testing it first. Anyone can confirm my point so...
i see, sorry my bad so skills sub based only takes sub weapon attack but glove based only takes base attack ?
He doesnt mean remove u70 stones in general just from the wagu machine, you can still farm them.
i see.
if that's the case then in my opinion removing u70 stones from wagu machine would make its price go higher cause it will be depending on farming with hard work.