A wipe tbh is imminent: tomorrow, a month from now, a year? It doesn't matter. When this game hits the 20 players in-game playercount after a few month since the new content is released everyone is going to change their minds. That's why it should be better to do something now (even tho i already know nothing is going to happen sadly), when the state of the game can be still reversed, while people still have hope for it. Now, is the game gonna lose player in the process? Hell yeah it will, but from my point of view it will be for the better. I can actually see that this game would gain more player than that they actually would lose.
EDIT: For the guy above me: no one is saying that it is in fact your fault.
EDIT2: Actually it is just joking. To be honest this kind of shit should not happen but when it happens i blame the people that spend money into these kind of games... I get it, the shack (like we Italians like to say) doesn't go forward without donations but when you come down to these situations man... When staff members stop listening to what the community is saying or stop communicating with them or whatever other thing every thread in the "Feedback & Discussion" is talking about, then it is your TURN to say stop and ask to start providing facts. (i am not talking about doing chargeback, that's just being an assh*le and asking to be banned). We all know that a new client for example is going to be released, but honestly: have you seen anything relevant about it since the announcement?