I hella vibe with this bro
Posts by Adaptation
somebody should mod it for the Krillin dogi, it'd probably look better
In the new client it should be possible.
You should work on wiping out all of the bots and making sure they can't come back. Like Daimster was saying about the mini game, if you have a white you should be able to go again. But there should also be a cd on that so people don't just spam it. After the new upgrading system we need to wipe out the bots and make sure they don't come back.
I replaced w_stk_12a.dff with w_stk_14a.dff and w_stk_12b.dff with w_stk_14b.dff but yet it still doesn't work. Do I have to rename the power pole files to the yellow red diamond stick?
Yellow Black diamond stick: w_stk_07
Yellow Red diamond stick: w_stk_12
Yellow Blue diamond stick: w_stk_20
Red Grey diamond stick: w_stk_39
These are all the Diamond Sticks.
So I tried replacing the yellow red diamond stick with the power pole instead of the lvl 30 stick and it didn't work. Does it have to be the lvl 30 stick?
Do you know the model for the diamond stick?
So, I have made Goku Jr. within the Dragon Ball Online world. I have a Goku Jr dogi mod installed with the bandanna, everything. I I think it is only right that he is topped off with his great great grandfathers power pole. I would wish for it with the tier 3 dragon balls but, that is a lot of effort (please buff power pole). I would love it if any of you could possibly mod a power pole for me. Thank you.
Nerf hypnosis, it gives spiritualist way too much prep time.
I feel as if they're should be a much easier way to pay for cash points instead of going through a difficult process just to purchase a few things from the cash shop. You should be able to pay with Paypal it would make the process so much easier and cleaner.
Pretty sure he wanted to make ssj green and not ssj blue. He wanted to make ssj green happen so bad he also made version 1.3.0.
Jokes aside ;), the ssj model (that no one can change atm) gives a yellow touch/blinking so the closest one can get is a blinking of 1second blue 1s green 1s blue 1s green...and that only if you find the right blue. Most blue colors will turn greenish.
Oh okay thx
we should add power pole wish xD
SUPER SAIYAN BLUE 1.3.0 (Download Link Available Below)
SSJ Blue:
SUPER SAIYAN BLUE 1.3.0 - Download here!
Why is the aura green instead of blue? Could you by chance change that please?
After you reset your skills there seems too be a problem with the HTB skills, they just become unusable like they block themselves out as if you have to use a skill point to unlock it.
Blue rose is only for male hairstyle 1 though. And naked is for females. If you still want it send a reply and i'll post it right away.
Mind if you post it? Like the other guy said it's for research