Posts by Seonel

    Buenas, como les va. Otra vez yo molestando con alguna duda o inquietud. He vuelto a jugar y quise probar al buffer, la verdad que hasta ahora me parece bastante divertido, pero me encuentro frente a la duda de qué subclase elegir, y los mitos que manejan dentro del juego.

    Me han dicho que es mejor el Ultimate pero no me han dicho el porqué con argumentos sólidos, solo me dicen "porque da props y buffea críticos. Tambien da abs lp"

    Bien, veamos. Pongamos como ejemplo a personajes de nivel 70 con equipo de Craft. El buff del Ultimate de 20% abs lp equivale a tener una sola pieza de equipo con esa opcion, y los buff se constitucion como mucho otorgan un máximo de 24 (Casi una pieza de craft).

    Si todos usaran una pieza con 20% de abs LP, ya tendrian ese buff tan bueno y excelente del Ultimate. El Cheff por otro lado, con un solo Buff otorga 35 de Con (Mas de una pieza de craft de nivel 70) y ademas tiene otro, que da un 23% extra, mas que un dragon buff de con. Puedo decir que los buff de con del cheff te entregan lo equivalente a 3 piezas de craft de Con, y solo deberias sacrificar una para tener la abs.

    Con ultimate: Van full Con con 20 abs lp

    Con cheff: Una pieza 20 abs lp, dos de con y lo equivalente a casi 3 piezas mas de con. En resumen, mas vida y la misma abs lp.

    Luego te dicen que el Ultimate tiene los crit hit rate... Si, el Cheff tambien los tiene. Ahora, el Ulti da 4 de props mas... y aqui esta mi duda. Esos 4 de props realmente lo ubican en el puesto de mejor buffer?

    El Ulti te cura los estados, si. Pero en un party tenemos al dende, que saca la mayoria de maldiciones, y el Chef cura poison, bleed y paralisis, ademas que te da rp.

    Que es mejor entonces?

    I have a lot of doubts about what kind of buffer to do. I notice that in the game there is a lot of discrimination and the Ultimate is taken as the best and most complete, however his repertoire of Skills is boring. I always like PvE over PvP, consequently I want a character that not only allows me a good farm and independence, but also the constant dungeon. They have told me that Ultimate, but they do not clearly explain why it is better. It has a benefit that gives abs%, I understand it, but it does not matter that it gives a piece of crafts at level 70 21%. Many for the PvE use constitution in each piece and end up selected and believing it to be the best buff in the game, but from what I see, the Cheff buffs it in something compared to two or more pieces of a 70 team, not to mention that its two buffs give you the same as the three parts of 28. Just by using one of LP% you already have the missing abs buff from Ultimate, two more pieces of Con and you have abs and triple life than if you were with ulti. Is the difference that the extra 4 props and the 11 crit hit make so crucial to say that he is a better buffer than the chef? What do you recommend to start the game?

    Ya hace rato no me paso por aca. Aun esta vivo el juego? Hay gente? Que se sabe del cliente 2.0? Hay actividad por lo menos para bajarlo y jugar un tiempo?

    Dos preguntas.

    1) Ya han reestablecido las cuentas?

    2) Se puede jugar en una pc con las siguientes caracteristicas.

    Procesador: AMD e-350 de 1.6Ghz.

    Ram: 3GB

    Creo que lo dije en el primer post. Jugué la POB, ahora jugaba con DW y no me gustó, por ende voy a retomar la tortuga. No sé si la han nerfeado, no estoy al pendiente de las noticias ni de las actualizaciones. (Me tienen sin cuidado realmente xD muchas cosas no me han gustado, como que se te vayan los buffs al entrar a dungeons o como el rework a un buff del swordman)

    Es verdad, olvidaba que los ultimate tienen la regen. Pero por lo que sé sufren bastante en lo que se refiere a cd, ¿No? De todas formas no son de mi gusto, su focus es muy malo y se debe estar pendiente de equiparle ese atributo en armas constantemente. Probé el Cheff hace un tiempo y herraba de 5 ataques, 3. Era un poco estresante también jaja. Pero no entraré en tema porque veo que tu sabes más de ello y eres main buffer.

    Con respecto a lo otro... Es que a mi no me parece que un buen PvE como alardean del DW necesite tener terrible equipo. Estamos hablando de un farmer, que se debe considerar así por la capacidad de matar de inmediato, rápido y sin parar. 8 de prop en cada aro... ¿Tú sabes para uno que recién comienza lo que cuesta conseguir un solo aro de prop? xD y más para los que juegan f2p, sin pagar nada, ni tener la ayuda del cash para ganar dinero... No es una opción creo yo.

    Con respecto a lo que me dijiste en la tortuga... Pues la verdad es que sin buffs iba con unos 10.000 de vida aproximadamente, por lo que considere que mitigar un poco del daño recibido al momento de juntar los mobs era algo bueno. Si vamos al caso con 42% de regeneración de lp, estoy absorbiendo casi la mitad del dmg que me brindan los mobs con sus básicos. Me parece mucho mejor equipo que ir totalmente full constitución, donde si bien tienes más vida, también te pegan más. Pero si, la velocidad de movimiento me resultó mejor. :D

    No sé como seguirá la tortuga o si le han cambiado algo desde la POB, pero... nunca necesite llevar un equipo focus para el PvE... Paralisis, un kame, 45 - 50k de daño crítico... Solo llevando regen, con y critical damage. (Ah y el aro de focus de cc). Y ni hablar de upgrade, +4 con armadura de craft. Si tengo la capacidad de pegar ese dmg en un solo segundo con un personaje, no veo posibilidad alguna de que otro le quite el puesto de mejor farmer o mejor PvE. Da casi igual cuanto aguantes con el Dw... si tienes que tardar 2 - 3 minutos en matar la oleada de mobs. (Yo con el mio 55 no me puedo pasar dark namek y no me jodas, voy +8 +9... con una tortuga con ese upgrade es que me mato los super de dos kames y cuento con un arsenal ENORME de cc para que no me peguen un básico)

    Mmm... Sinceramente creo que no es un buen consejo o camino. Es cierto que los buffer son muy buenos para jugar en solitario y pasarse el juego, pero en ocasiones necesitan más dedicación que otro personaje.

    Yo con el tortuga me he muerto cuando el juego me va lag, cuando juego en condiciones buenas no me muero. Para mi es uno de los mejores personajes para farmear y para estar en solitario, sin la necesidad de tantos buffs. Es más, en la versión de Tw pude pasarme el juego solamente con las armaduras que te entregan en las misiones, sin mucho más. (Ya que no entendía nada, estaba en chino).

    Con el Majin puedes llegar a frustrarte, necesita tener un equipo realmente decente o incluso un upgrade óptimo. Cuando estas usando los giros no te puedes curar, por lo que si no soportas la oleada de mobs te moriras de todas formas.

    A la tortuga en nivel 70 llegué a darle dos buenos equipos. El primero era usar chaqueta y pantalones con 21% de LP regeneración, botas de constitución y ambas armas con Critico energético %. Eso, más los dragon buff de con y focus y el ssj... lograba que farmeara sin muchos problemas. Debiendo descansar a veces para regenerar lp.

    Pero también vi que usar pechera y pantalon de con, más unas buenas botas de velocidad de movimiento, sumado a la velocidad de movimiento del ssj... Hace que la ronda de farmeo sea más placentera, sin sufrir muchos daños con los mobs. No son equipos caros... Y no tienes que frustrarte en que fallas los ataques o algo. No sé... Pienso que es buen pj, deberías darle otra oportunidad :D (No hagas como yo que me hice un dw porque decían que era mejor que el tortuga y resulto ser una mierda que tarda bastante en matar)

    ¿Cómo les va gente? Espero que bien.

    Ando jugando con un Dark Warrior y estoy en nivel 56, haciendo las misiones de Dark Namek y me he dado cuenta de algo... Es muuuuuuuuuuy inferior a la tortuga en esos niveles en cuestión a farmeo y también a matar mobs en cantidad. Contra nameks que tienen 12k de vida, aproximadamente y una defensa decente, necesitas un aproximado de 3 siege para matarlos, si vas sin buffs. Con buffs seguramente dos, salvo que se tenga un upgrade muy alto. Comparando el daño energético de mi dark warrior con mi tortuga nivel 33 me di cuenta de algo... Tienen el mismo. Un DW nivel 55 +8 tienen el mismo daño que una tortuga 33 +8. Entonces, ¿Cuál es el mejor farmer?

    Todos dicen que el Dark Warrior es el mejor farmer del juego... Pero no me parece correcto. La tortuga sin buffs, con una buena armadura de regeneración de lp y dragon buffs de con y focus, farmea en hotel sin morirse y de una sola skill. (2 porque paralizas, si). ¿Realmente necesito depender de un buffer para farmear con un dw de una sola skill? eso me parece que no es ser un buen PvE...

    Escucho opiniones, sobre todo para saber si retomo mi personaje main, la tortuga. O sigo con este intento de farmero que tarda 3 minutos en matar mobs.

    Hola buenas, ¿Qué tal? Tenía una duda con respecto a las armaduras para el Dark Warrior. Quería saber si era mejor ahorrar dinero para comprarse una armadura de nivel 58, legendaria, de tmq7 o si es mejor craftear y hacer un equipo nivel 60... ¿Cuales son mejores para los Namek? ¿Las de tmq7 como es el caso de los majin o las de craft? Gracias de antemano.

    Buenas, ¿Cómo les va?

    Ando buscando una guía que vi hace tiempo de las estadísticas máximas por nivel que otorgan las armaduras de Craft y no logro encontrarla. ¿Alguien la tiene o podría brindarme la información?

    Me decanté por el DW al final. Creo que va a ser bastante divertido jugar con él... Ya que en la build que hice mantengo casi todos los ataques y no solamente uno. A ver que tal se da el PvP… Jajaja.

    And why? Even the items they give you in missions, useful for people who do not have money at the beginning of the game, there are effects. On several occasions I had to reach level 70 only with armor of the game and without being able to rely on the upgrade tickets either. It seems to me something totally unnecessary to restrict, being that it is something that everyone receives and quite useful.

    I was noticing that Upgrade Tickets +12 work on level 16 and level 21 craft armors. But mysteriously they do not work on level 30 and above armor. Why? I've been reading subjects where they say it's unfair ... But I do not see injustice. They are 2 days long, a totally blind and intradegradable object and it is also a ticket that all users receive in their respective gifts.

    It helps me a lot, if I do not have the luck to get stones, to do missions with relative ease for two days and try to get the stones to upgrade the armor later, or at least raise the levels to get closer to the next level. craft, the 40. Or do the Dungeons with a little help in the upgrade of the armors. Why remove them?

    With your way of thinking you are only going to make the game die faster. That two little fools play 12 hours, you and the one that suggested that, and that all the others go away and therefore the game dies. You're not the one who keeps it alive, it's the Cashers (like it or not) and the players who still play it. If the majority is satisfied, then bad luck brother, you will have to play the game that there is now. And if the majority considers that it is better to have a simple game to have the same as before, then bad luck.

    As I said, the DBO does not need to be the game again, it needs new players who want and enjoy playing it. The way for that is by attracting them. Because it does not matter to you, who made the suggestion and a couple more like tw ... 50 users is not the same as 300 online. And 300 online is not the same as 500, of which many will contribute money.

    And if not ... I opened a server of DBO that is as in TW ... Let's see how many people play a game where after getting an object with a lot of effort, you could break it and lose it. Good luck.

    DreameR68 I played tw. About 15 years old and the possibility of being all day in front of the pc playing. 12 hours, sometimes I did not even sleep. Sometimes you have to do a class to play the event of the spheres and get the wishes. Yes, great game. But it was very tedious to upgrade objects. It was a haircut sitting 12 hours and you did not get good armors or stones. It was a hair activity to play a spheres event and have to study probability and statistics to be able to devise a strategy and try to get more than one or two per event.

    There are things that I liked that are as before, but just the ones you mention, I do not prefer the current ones. I prefer to play about five hours a day and that is enough to get 4 or 5 spheres per event. That is enough also to get and a normal equipment upgraded to +8. And that I do not have to be afraid that I might break up. I prefer to have a quiet time, to have to play a heavy and absurd game, taken from the good MU

    Here you are wrong. Worse than DBO tw? TW had events, yes, because it had a company and could afford to make events every so often for users. It was official, therefore it had and we received the things of an official game (Not of a private servant). But ... TW Better? JAJAJAJAJAJAJA. You could not even load Cash, only the Chinese enjoyed that benefit. And when that market expanded illegally, the game died. That's your favorite game, apparently.

    Now we can not access the Cash, we can also have a slight facility in getting things that in the previous game was simply impossible for many. The upgrade system was absurd, it was taken out of the MU, because even today there is some mmorpg that maintains that upgrade system. Those who bill millions and have the largest community of MMO gamers, have a relatively easy upgrade system. (Let's see Elsword, let's see Aura Kingdom, Blade and Soul ... Tell me which of those make you suffer by upgrading items).

    Now, all those who once played Tw and who are now here, are great people. People with obligations, people with a life. I do not care what it costs me to get a good team, if it's a long time or if it's a little bit. I do not have time to play and I do not intend to neglect life to achieve anything. (And many of this community think the same thing) So I prefer it to be a simple game, to continue playing without having to abandon anything. Because otherwise (and I speak for many, especially in Spanish) I would have two options:

    -Charge in cash that is a crazy price.
    -Stop playing.

    To add and finish. If you want to have a game that does not die and that attracts new players, you must adapt to the current time of the MMO and the type of players that there are. DBZ is an attractive subject for children and adolescents between 18 - 20 years. In these ages nobody is interested in playing MMO genres where getting things is difficult. They have better games of this theme where it is not and there are better DBZ games where you can waste your time. When this game adapts to that community, perhaps and not die ... For the desire to keep only old people, old school, who played for hours and loved the difficulty.

    There are two things that can be done to improve the game. More events for the community, that new users feel accompanied by old players. Because we are sincere, you do not help anyone who has just started, they only seek their own benefit. And keep the game with a difficulty, but that does not stop being attractive for children and adolescents. More publicity, more welcome gifts to the new ones. Catch them and that the game forces them to stay, not that they end up scare and there are only old TW players ... That many already do not even play.

    And how to do it? Well, there are many private servers of many games that to gain popularity and attract the attention of new public, even use pages where you vote to go up in the ranking. Each vote gives you a certain amount (Small) of Cash Point, that people who can not acquire because they are minors or do not have enough income, can use.

    Incorporate appearances and aesthetics of the super saga, incorporate aesthetics of other very popular sagas. Make this a family game, where everyone is included and have fun. Complicated, not difficult. Neither that easy as a MU now with drop of x999999 exp. But it can be attractive for new players.

    Stop thinking about TW, stop living in the past in a game that has already died and will not return. And think that there is only this BOD and that you need new players, not old school players.

    DBO tw already died. I do not want tw back, I want a better game. Tw for me it was crap. The horrible upgrade, the horrible dungeons to wear, the horrible party to compose and equip yourself with a crazy task. No thanks, I do not want Tw. For my being still dead, it looks so nice. Now that the server offers a little more ease, I'm happy to play it.

    By the way, you mentioned that you did not like the competitive one, so I do not know why you are so annoying that the +15 is easy to achieve. It's enough to have a +12 to play the PvE, so I do not see the problem that many others upgrade to the maximum with relative ease. (People who focus more on PvP).

    And you mention that you want it to be like in Tw (What madness), but you want to take out the craft and put new things that were not in Tw. As I told you above, Tw died and it was for something. The game was innovative at the time, that's why people played it, but put in these times the same game as before? You are going to play it alone, mate. LOL.

    I am unsure to choose subclass of Namek Warrior. I am a player who likes to spend a good time in PvE but also play PvP occasionally and have fun. They told me to choose the Dark Warrior, but I find it boring to play with just one skill the whole game. The Shadow Knight ... How is your performance in PvE?

    I agree with several things that ethan says. But I differ in others. I personally like this game very much. I have not found the open world that is in BOD in another MMO that is not as big as Wild Wars or WoW. The PvP with all its flaws is more balanced than Elsword (Game that bill millions for its theme). And even though the BOD is a broken and incomplete game, I like to waste time on it. Farming or simply walking the maps, it's nice.

    But it can be improved. Not removing what you already have, not increasing the difficulty. All of us who play BOD have a life behind ... And it would not be good for this to turn into a Dark Souls. (The boxes look like this, try 150 times to kill a boss)

    How to improve it? More events by the moderators or the staff, more rewards for the players. And if the rumors are true that you have the codes of the old game, implement level 80 that was planned with the new map.