People who multiclient like 5 characters for pure buffs , that's an issue in my eyes. This is a mmorpg which should invite and honestly encourage players to group and party for quests or dungeons. This is no longer a thing , what once was a mmorpg has turned into diablo 2 offline mode where you can honestly do everything solo.
I believe a limitation to 2 clients should be implemented again , when a player can solo EVERYTHING because they run 5+ accounts for self buffs , sell agro'ing and more there is a serious issue. Why would people play and stay if no one party's , if no one dungeons (unless they are selling plvling - which is another thing that needs to be combated , limit exp gain if you have a max lvl person in your party who is out of the dungeon lvl requirements)
yes I also went there , powerleveling needs to be exterminated from the server period , It has no benefits other to line peoples pockets with ingame currency and deflect a players need quest and grind the game period! which ultimately causes players to grow bored quickly.
Just wipe the servers , restrict multiclients to 2 per house hold (unless cleared by staff - must provide valid emails and photo identification for people who play in your house if more then 2) adjust exp gained in dungeons (if player is more then 15 lvls higher then you in your party running dungeons your exp gets cut - will increase exp boost sales , takes what 3 200% boosts and a few hours and you're 1-max)