Posts by gojonoku

    If there is a server wipe, will we have rewards?

    Yes, if the wipe takes place, all of you will have the following rewards.

    If your character is level 30+ (at this stage), you will get a Level UP 30.
    If your character is level 30+ (at this stage), you will get your class passives (Guard, dash, RP charge & Flight).
    People who reach the maximum level (Lv 70) in less than 1 month will get some (unknown) rewards.


    All the cash points you purchased will be refunded.

    In fact, DBOG staff is giving you a very good offer. Get cash points now, buy lvl 30 up on new chars with cash points, get cash points back and a free lvl 30 up after the server reset. You can see it as a small reward for donating now if you do not have any chars at lvl 30 or above.

    My guess would be that most likely the reset will be excecuted when the new client (2.0™) will be in a playable and secure state. Right now the bugs are stacking but at least a pattern can be seen in most of them.

    Hi Gojonoku,

    i post the image in windows mode but how i say this happend in fullscreen too, this happends with the new client only because when i play in the normal client i dont have the problem who mentioned.

    maybe happend only with me ... :$

    Perhaps this might help:

    info: go to desktop and go to display settings and set it to 100% (if it’s at 150%). Then, go back and change it back to 150 and it should be good.

    info: Two options:

    1) Set NVidia Control Panel->Adjust desktop... to:
    a) Aspect ratio, and
    b) Scale by GPU

    2) Set monitor settings (on monitor) to:
    a) scale by aspect

    I can see the border lines of the game, meaning you are playing in windowed mode. Perhaps this might help:

    1. Change the resolution to a lower setting where everything looks fine.
    2. Change the windowed mode to full screen (uncheck the windowed mode button).
    3. Change the resolution to the desired mode.

    Might be that in windowed mode the resolution doesn't get adjusted to your own monitor.

    Hum then I believe its an item that causes the crash and not the looting system itself.

    I will check your character tomorrow

    Thank you very much in advance, I appreciate the extra effort that you do despite that you most likely do not have the time to be able to do anything that needs to be done.

    Perhaps an idea for the attk/def properties (majin buff and accesory).

    Att property increases your Physical/energy attack by 0.5%

    Def property increase your phys/energy defence by 0.5%

    Could be that it'll need to be nerfed down to 0.3%-0.25% per property as it might be too overpowered at lvl cap.

    Then you can still keep the idea of honest/wild/strange/funny/nature to be the way you had planned (penetration, LP, crit defence,...)


    I just tested it and I do not get any issues at all.

    When both players have full inventory, then I get one error message that no party member can receive an item.

    Greetings Daneos,

    Could be that an item is bugged from TMQ especially, I just can not log in to that character anymore. It's the same procedure as when some items were the cause of not being able to log back in in pre-open beta stage.

    Sadly I do not know any items that could be the reason for it, as the crash happened so randomly. Could also be that I was out of screen from the loot and that causes to bug you out.

    If you have the time and the will to see what could be the reason to my character being bugged then i'll not log in till it's fixed,


    wild increases armour penetration, armour penetration means that you ignore physical defence, meaning that you will deal more physical damage. So fighters/swordmen do need wild.

    If I understand correctly, then when we take Honest, we get 5 to anti crit, so if today it is possible to achieve 70 points to Honesty and set up armor 30% anti crit, then we will achieve 100% anti crit.

    That's why a cap for those attributes have to be in order, or we misunderstand and you only get +5% in total and the % attributes will be removed.

    so now there's actually a way to improve your class in general (martial artists need wild, spirutalist elegance,...) rather than just being lucky with the attribute on the weapon/gear depending on who you fight.

    Thing is though, +5% max lp on nameks at lvl 70 will be quite rediculous if there still is a % rating increase with majin buu buffs and accesory. Or a certain cap must be provided.

    that's what you get for using third party client, better get your soap ready for jail waris.

    On the other hand though, does that happen often now that you got the vehicle? could be the vehicle itself.

    La única forma de regalar Dragon Balls es dejar que alguien recoja el DB desde el suelo. Así que haz una granja y deja que tu amigo recoja el DB cuando veas uno en el suelo para ti. Es mejor estar en una fiesta para que solo usted o él / ella puedan recogerla.

    escort quests on papaya do not work in general for some reason (you'll also have to escort an old lady close at bacterian and it will fail automatcily).

    Best to report all those escort quests together in 1 big thread.