agree with you except that we need a system where items will be destroyed to decrease the amoint of items in the game. Same for dogis. As it is right now only few people are doing pvp because nearly everyone has their items. We could bring back boken or we could make upgrading so that you need specific items for it like crafting. People only have that many +15 because their item can't break. Furthermore in dbo it's really easy to get end gear which makes farming for other gear useless. Normally One would expect that you need to farm alot to get a somehow decent gear to be able farm better gear. Here we just ignore all tmqs and uds and get craft armor because it's much cheaper, easier to get and nearly as good as tmq/ud.
Here is one example where we can see how much the decisions makers care about this game:
People winning budokais thanks to crashes.
Aura gets removed but they can keep the musoa (not sure about the coin but probably they can keep it)
You get alot mudosa from one budokai (around a few 100k, for 5vs5 it's over 300k)
They probably think that this mudosa won't matter much but it matters alot. You get your accessoirs from mudosa and it's probably one of the easiest way to earn zeni.
Now what happens if someone crashes the channel on purpose to get first place? Sometimes the budokai will be remade and that person can earn much more mudosa. Somestimes the matches will be remade in ranked.
Why not just removed the mudosa earned from that budokai? All numbers are fixed except in prelims you get +1 mudosa for each kill but who cares about 1-50 mudosa?