I have some reworks planned that are going to completely change how those work. Probably not going to change a lot about them until then.
im excited to eventually see it
I have some reworks planned that are going to completely change how those work. Probably not going to change a lot about them until then.
im excited to eventually see it
ssj 2 and ssj 3 need and maby ape transformation on another servers is very much transformation this game need it to
eeeeuuuuuggghhh no thanks
currently humans (idk what lvl other races transform) get ssj 5 levels after kaioken is availiable so theres no reason to get kaioken in the first place.
i personaly think this is a progression error as it simply doesnt feel right, i believe transformations should come after mastering kaioken.
And/or kaioken could be changed to be upgradable every 5 levels instead of 10 because who (besides me cos im weird) is going to use kaioken up to lvl 55 then switch to ssj
You don't need someone to be at your level to make a party or duel, anyone can do that and often someone will help out if you ask.
i mean sparsity of players can make it hard to track someone down to help
Hey EnbyBus,
My experience with the playerbase hasn't been that these quests are difficult to complete, but we'll look at them eventually. These kinds of small QoL things will likely have to wait until we get all the major technical hurdles out of the way, though.
the difficulty largely depends on current player numbers and most people being capped and at relevant areas so trying to find someone also doing the same quests or even in the starting areas can be hard
Personally, I'm fine with things being as they are. Some aggro ranges could stand to be tweaked some mobs could stand to gain (or lose) their aggro status, but not all mobs should be aggressive, in my opinion. Not all wildlife is violent to a fault and not all beings who are technically your enemies are willing to take the fight to a superpowered martial-artist unless attacked first.
If you do implement universal aggro mechanics, one thing I would suggest is to make enemies consider your level vs. theirs; if you're high enough level for them to be trivial, they won't bother you (after all, you're terrifying, and they know they'd get reduced to chunky salsa on contact.)
the issue that i stated in my post is that mobs that are supposed to be aggressive arent like red pants mobs and wildlife mobs that quests deem aggressive. i agree that some mobs should be passive, not everything needs to aggro.
the level identification you mentioned sounds cool but i think it should be mob dependant like rats and pigs wont bother but bulls, cheetahs and named mobs will still try throw hands
Hey EnbyBus,
We're cleaning up the text every patch, I just don't put it in the patch notes. We're over 2/3 of the way through getting the text cleaned up now. Most of what we have left is quests and items, intentionally because those are some of the most context heavy ones, and I need to build some new tools so that the translators can see the context for what they're rewriting without having to spend a lot of time in game to find it.
oh wow that sounds very intensive, thanks for your hard work
Hey EnbyBus,
The way that mobs aggro (or don't) right now wasn't a design choice of ours, but eventually all mobs will aggro.
hey i just re-read this (week old) post and realised is sounds aggressive and insulting, im very sorry about that.
good to hear mob aggro will be fixed. currently you pretty much have to get in most mobs faces to pull aggro
the early game is drearily dull due to lack of danger. nothing poses enough of a threat to play any way other than ability spam and move on to the next mob. i believe this is because enemies that should auto aggro dont, i have run through red ribbon camps and all the mobs stand by not caring as well as doing quests to cull apparently 'violent' wildlife that dont care for your presence until you attack them. this is boring. because of this there is no incentive to try and bait mobs in to 1v1 fights or even think about what you're doing because you can kill one and sit down and take a break right in the middle of the group.
the only reason i have died so far is because of the stupidly over level beach balls that spawn on fetch quest objectives. please reinstate aggro for appropriate mobs so that we're not breezing through the game the way that is currently possible. makes it hard to recommend this game to friends
edit: removed aggressive language
early game quests like sparring and forming a party need to be optional or outright removed as the current climate of the player base makes completing these quests very difficult. this is an issue because these quests soft-lock progression by stopping new quests from being available until they are completed.
edit: removed quests translation talk as i have another thread about it
something thats grated on me in every version of DBO that i play is all the text reads like it was thrown through google translate and dumped into the game. will there ever be someone to clean up the text so its tolerable to read? im someone loves to read through everything so this is important to me