's pretty bad...the drop rate needs to change or add more days for the event...
Posts by unfading
Ok, fair enough, i went with ultimate majin, and i'm going for level 40ish for now.
Thank you all for the insightful answers!!
You're doing an awesome job man! Daneos should add these ingame as separate super rare dogis!!
Hey again!
Woah, this is getting pretty discussed...But i'm just looking for a buffer, alt, just for my turtle (or squishy human class later on)
1) I am not going to pvp
2) I am not going to Uds, TMQs, Bids, etc.
Thanks xD
Hey guys, thanks for taking your time to answer my post.
I am just looking for a support alt character for my main character. I'm not really aiming for 70, 60 or even a 50 alt.
My goal is to create a "buffish" char to buff my Turtle ((or a fighter in the future, or any other squishy class) xD...
That is why i was asking whether grand chef or ultimate would suit this particular spot!
Hello all,
So for an alt on a separate account i made a Mighty Majin (damn they miss a lot when attacking), anyways, Since this is going to be a buffer (not aiming for a high level, just level 35 - 45ich because i really don't have time to play, besides, in tmq and ud parties there will always be majins and tanks. I am just looking for a little boost in leveling and since turtle are very weak on the defense...yeh) for my main character, which is a Turtle.
But i still cannot decide if it's better to be an Ultimate or a Grand Chef...
Any suggestions?
thank you for answering!
Great Work brooo!!
I think that all of those are possible. The mod team is very talented!
Thanks for the answers both of you, i will be on my own for now, should i apply the remaining 8 points to the other hitting abilities?
Yes, that is exactly what i am thinking about, hitting level 45 as soon as possible.
So, should i go with this build?
Hey all,
So my Mighty Majin build so far is this one:…0000000000000000000000000
But i kinda need to know where to put the other 8 points though...
A little help would be awesome!
There should be a new contest for the open beta launcher...
So...i've been playing a majin and a namekian, haven't used auto pot a single time.
But... with my turtle at 45 i've used so many of them that i lost the count.
...this thread is kinda useful...
i'll post when i get to play a little bit later!!
I have to agree with this.
Well, i don't know if i said it before, since my post has been merged. I got 1 db after 2 hours hunting a turtle with super kame i killed a lot of db mobs.
So yeah...
Not if you add CD on wishes... if you have 7 db's(no matter if banked or not) you shouldn't be able to drop anymore. After your wish you get 1 week CD before you can drop again(can't make it a year like in manga
This!!!!! +999999
I really think it should be saturdays and sundays, two times, each for 2 hours.
Or it could be a weekend thingy like fridays, saturdays and sundays...
People who work 6 days a week is just...impossible.