Unfortunately you can't play this natively on MacOS however you can install BootCamp and run Windows on your Mac to play it this way.
Hope these help.
Unfortunately you can't play this natively on MacOS however you can install BootCamp and run Windows on your Mac to play it this way.
Hope these help.
Hi pischtoph, edit your DBOG\user\SystemEnv.txt with your screen resolution and switch it to windowed mode in there
I prefer playing windowed for best results, however you can try setting your screens native resolution via editing DBOG\user\SystemEnv.txt
If I can compare them to anything, they're like Pokemon types. Fire beats Grass, Grass beats Water, Water beats Fire.
In DBOG R, the different types are:
Nothing - No bonus when using the Atk/Def Properties stat
Strange - Strong against Elegant
Wild - Strong against Funny
Elegant - Strong against Honest
Funny - Strong against Strange
Honest - Strong against Wild
You set attributes at the Upgrade Merchant NPC by selecting "Change Attribute" you can put an attribute on your Jacket and on your Weapon and Sub-Weapon.
You can select an attribute of choice by sacrificing into the attribute slot a piece of equipment the same rarity and level as the item you're setting in the center.
Atk/Def Properties is arguably the best stat in the game, and you can get this stat on Earrings and as a bonus stat on Rings.
To give you an example of this stat bonus: In game hover your mouse over the two tiny bubbles next to your character face bubble on the top left of the screen
For example this is what my Weapon Properties looks like with no properties equipped:
As you can see my weapons are no good against anything with a Honest or Strange attribute.
Now if I equip my Properties, check out the difference:
Equipping Prop gives me the edge offensively and defensively - hence Atk/Def Properties.
It's the little details that make happy moments : )
How about making brown boxes farmable too?
You can get brown boxes from the BOSS event.
Jaxill like I scared of Delphox!
SViper is a Serperior
DrawBoy did you play on TW server?
Beta lol